July 18, 2004, 12:58 pm
1.)Each weapon has a secondary fire mode, which can be used by either:
-pressing the right mouse button. The jets would have to be moved to the jump button or space-bar, which is plausible since most people use the WASD movement commands instaed of arrow keys.
-having the weapon switch button change the fire mode. This might make it slower to change from primary to secondary weapon, since there would be 4 things to scroll through instead of just 2.
-having another button on the keyboard switch firing modes.
The alternate firing modes:
Deagles - "Staggered Shots" (two shots fired 1 after another instead of at the same time)
MP5 - "Semi Automatic Firing" (shot power increases dramtically and shots have longer range, fires like a socom.)
Ak74 - "3 Round Burst" (Shots are more accurate, fires like a spas12)
Steyraug - "Impact Grenade" (low damage grenade that has a larger arc than an m79 shot and explodes upon impact with anything)
Spas12 - "Explosive Rounds" (shots have less range but will do more damage)
M79 - "RPG" (grenade has no arc but will not always shoot in the direction you are aiming for)
Ruger - "Sniper Scope" (infinite range and laser line that changes color if the line of fire is obstructed)
Barret - "Smart Bullet" (shots move much slower but ahve slight homing capabilites)
Minimi - "Magazine Feed" (200 round magazine with faster rate of fire, magazine can only be used once)
Minigun - "Barrel Lock" (rate of fire decreases dramtically but shots are more accurate and charge-up time is negated *note* cannot hover in this mode)
Socom - "Automatic Fire" (30 round magazine, slower reload)
Knife - "Lunge" (longer range than normal stab and is faster, but there is a reload time to jab again) or "Knife Throw".
Chainsaw - "Single Arm Swing" (player moves slower but the chainsaw range is extended considerably)
LAW - "Guided Missle" (player cannot switch weapons as long as missle is live. The missle will move much slower than a normal missle and will explode if it has not hit something for a long time. The missle will always move toward your mouse until it hits something, it explodes on its own, or you die.)
Leo Da Lunerfox
July 18, 2004, 1:13 pm
Somebodys been playing UT.....some of the ideas here could already be done, others are pretty useless, and the only one i would say yes to is probably the DEs
July 18, 2004, 1:48 pm
Wow...It wasn't totally rejected. There's hope yet for this thread...
And yes, i have been playing UT.
July 18, 2004, 1:51 pm
sounds kinda stupid you would see a flaming barret all the time....would make killing too easy......... of course someone can make a pyro mod....
July 18, 2004, 2:16 pm
Wow, I really like this idea. I don't know why, and most people probably won't like it, but I do. Good job. For one, you could use a button that isn't already in use, like Z, Ctrl, or even Space Bar, because the right mouse button is unchangable. It is essential to the airborne abilities in Soldat. Although, may I remind you that you can always customize the controls to your content. Some of your suggestions for the weapons can use some work, but they're well-thought out. Once again, good job.
I used the search to see if this had been suggested before, but I found a ton of topics under the words 'alternate' and 'secondary.' Couldn't find anything similar, so it's all good.
July 18, 2004, 4:48 pm
i have always liked the idea of secondarys, some of these are good but others suck.
July 18, 2004, 4:52 pm
i dont think all the guns should have a secondary fire modes, cause some of them just don't make sense at all. Barret with homing bullets?
July 18, 2004, 5:13 pm
Minimi - "Magazine Feed" (200 round magazine with faster rate of fire, magazine can only be used once)
July 18, 2004, 6:18 pm
yes, that's all we need -- homed barrets and LAWs.
July 18, 2004, 6:36 pm
PH33R the homing barrets!!!
I like some of the ideas, even though they are blatently taken from UT, other than the obvious homing shells, I dont particularly like the "rpg/m79" proposal. I personally do like the spas/explosive bit...
July 18, 2004, 7:53 pm
well barret got its scope aint that enough? (maybe a lil longer sight... a campin rifle... cuz thats what it is)
LAW need a longer sight... its a short range rocket launcher... how does that sound?
i like all ideas except the barret and LAW... barret is already overpowered according to most... and it doesnt need more ppl to the A.B.A and for the LAW... guided rockets? sounds mean but n00bs get a advantage... :D
as for the spass... what about a slug instead? u fire one shot but it goes further and hurts like hell...
the rest... mesa likes...
Deleted User
July 18, 2004, 8:10 pm
Deagles - "Staggered Shots" (two shots fired 1 after another instead of at the same time)
Perhaps secondary would be firing one bullet at a time instead, and you'd just get "half an ammo" so if you switch back and fire, your last bullet will be a single round.
MP5 - "Semi Automatic Firing" (shot power increases dramtically and shots have longer range, fires like a socom.)
No qualms here
Ak74 - "3 Round Burst" (Shots are more accurate, fires like a spas12)
AK74 doesn't have burst available, it has single and full auto, and 3rd burst would pwn the single shot on MP5 any day.
Steyraug - "Impact Grenade" (low damage grenade that has a larger arc than an m79 shot and explodes upon impact with anything)
I don't recall a grenade launcher on Steyr Aug, but I do recall single fire
Spas12 - "Explosive Rounds" (shots have less range but will do more damage)
Another version, maybe slug rounds, basically a really painful shot but no spread, basically like a sniper round but maybe hurts a bit less.
M79 - "RPG" (grenade has no arc but will not always shoot in the direction you are aiming for)
I really can't think of something for a secondary with M79, it doesn't have RPG capabilities with it's 40mm grenade, maybe a different grenade instead of the HE round, a fire round?
Ruger - "Sniper Scope" (infinite range and laser line that changes color if the line of fire is obstructed)
Not infinite range, but pretty high range, and the laser would be nice.
Barret - "Smart Bullet" (shots move much slower but ahve slight homing capabilites)
Nah, too powerful, maybe an "armor piercing fire" that goes through obstructions at a penalty of slower fire rate.
Minimi - "Magazine Feed" (200 round magazine with faster rate of fire, magazine can only be used once)
Overpowers the minigun too much, 100 round box would be more game capable.
Minigun - "Barrel Lock" (rate of fire decreases dramtically but shots are more accurate and charge-up time is negated *note* cannot hover in this mode)
Socom - "Automatic Fire" (30 round magazine, slower reload)
How about double tap instead, I'm afraid of a secondary weapon that's full auto. In double tap you just fire 2 bullets instead of one, higher accuracy, but possibly a slower fire rate.
Knife - "Lunge" (longer range than normal stab and is faster, but there is a reload time to jab again) or "Knife Throw".
Chainsaw - "Single Arm Swing" (player moves slower but the chainsaw range is extended considerably)
LAW - "Guided Missle" (player cannot switch weapons as long as missle is live. The missle will move much slower than a normal missle and will explode if it has not hit something for a long time. The missle will always move toward your mouse until it hits something, it explodes on its own, or you die.)
I'd personally think a laser-guided LAW would be better. Your teammate carries a law and you paint the target and when he fires the rocket homes in on the last painted area as a dummy rocket.
July 18, 2004, 8:33 pm
I like this idea as long as the secondary functions are realistic. Like the M79 would use an incindiery grenade, but not change its real life function. There could be single-shot gun mounted grenade launchers for secondary.
July 18, 2004, 10:51 pm
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh homing barret and auto soccom with 30 bullets. thats scary.
July 19, 2004, 2:57 am
I think it would be a great idea for realistic mode, but keep the weapon alt fires realistic. Most should just be a single shot/full auto option with a slight increase in range and accuracy at the penalty of slower ROF. This is done in the game FarCry with most of the assault rifles, you have single and full auto, single gives you greater accuracy but it limits how fast you can pull the trigger and get shots off. And also, not all the guns would have to have alt fires, if no realistic one could be thought up.
A great I idea.
July 19, 2004, 3:26 am
Compassghost: The steyr aug actually does have an optional underbarrel grenade launcher in real life.
July 19, 2004, 3:53 am
hey that reminds me, couldn't you just make the socom a glock and give it burst, that is sort of like auto. Also, if you run out of ideas you could always just give the guns a different type of ammo, like hollow point etc.
Deleted User
July 19, 2004, 4:25 am
quote:Originally posted by BManx2000
Compassghost: The steyr aug actually does have an optional underbarrel grenade launcher in real life.
But it's not modeled, if it were, maybe...
July 19, 2004, 6:36 am
like in video games, pretty cool, but kinda confusing
July 19, 2004, 7:05 am
a few thoughts: the minimi does acually have a 200 round belt in real life. it does NOT have a 50 round magazine? maybe do this but lower its accuracy while standing/moving. i like the deagles idea. how about for the barret, longer scope mode, it doesnt kill on legshots, but scope range is increased 50 percent. for the m79, how about a mortar mode, player cannot move, and has to be on the ground, but they are given the ability to zoom and fire 5 shells semi-automatically, they are given a minimum range so they cant fire on the same screen as they are on ( could be used to barrage a base with a flagger, or elimated campers ) reload time would be 1 minute. i like all the other ideas. as for the shotgun. someones been playing Unreal 2 ;)
July 19, 2004, 9:33 am
quote:Originally posted by papasurf31
infinite range and... homing capabilites... 200 round magazine with faster rate of fire
Why not this one?
Unlucky 13
July 19, 2004, 9:47 am
more progging, more time, more bugs. sorry, i'd be with it without all thoz problems. and also, i think im getting use to the keypad to much (i changed as i got confused [1.05b-->1.2 jump? confusing, really...]) this is a little one man army type thing, but if you thought hard, or are a gamemaker yourself, you'd see these coming...
July 19, 2004, 2:39 pm
Progging would take a life-time and more bugs and glitches are sure nto be expected. However, thanx to our friend the patch, many of these problems can be remedied. Me, a game maker, U have to be joking!
BTW - I made some changes to some secondary functions.
Barret - "Armor Piercing Round" (Bullet is instantaneous and will kill anything in its line of fire the second the trigger is pulled. However, reload time is doubled and there will be a large, bright muzzle flash that all players on screen will be able to see. Shooter will be temporarily unable to move. Scope cannot be used.)
M79 - "Napalm Round" (Fires a cluster of napalm nades that explode on cantact and leave flames in the impact zone for about 3-5 seconds) Flames damage is similar to flame thrower damage.)
Minimi - "Stationary Fire" (The player can not move but can aim in any direction. The gun now has a 200 round magazine that requres extreme reload times. Gun now shoots at a faster rate and is rather accurate. However, as shots are continuously fired automatically, accuracy decreases substantially.)
MP5 and AK74 switch secondaries.
Spas 12 - "Buck shot" (Shoots in an even wider fan of bullets. However, each pellet does only half damage as a regular shot. Reload time is slightly slower.)
"Teflon Slug" (Shoots a single shell in a straighter line that does high damage. Shot also ignores effects of Bulletproof vest. Magazine size is reduced to 2 but reload time is shortened. Rate of fire decreases.)
Chainsaw - "Loose Chain" (Chainsaw range is raised considerably but can also hurt yourself and teamates even with friendly fire turned off.)
Ruger - "Double Load" (Shoots two shots in rapid succesion for an instagib. However, rate of fire is 1/3 that of normal fire. Also, weapon might occasionally misfire thus resulting in no shots but reload is required.)
Socom - "3 Round Burst" (Shots leave barrel slightly faster but are less damaging. Reload time is slightly increased.)
July 20, 2004, 12:29 am
what about a sharpnel nade for the m79?
Deleted User
July 21, 2004, 4:13 am
The thought of an MP5 with stronger shots scares the [:-censored] outta me, so if anything i agree on the switch. Dun like the napalm m79 though. Seems too powerful, plus it'll give Nam vets flashbacks n wot not.
Deleted User
July 21, 2004, 4:31 am
I don't believe there are Napalm rounds for the M79.
Following site documents 203 rounds which work for M79 as well
The only thing that seems threatening is an airburst/buckshot round that makes it rain shrapnel, but then it'd just be a shotgun...
Or you could make tear gas blur the screen a lot and it slowly wears off. Or you could use some of the Non-lethal stuff to make people move slower so your teammates can knife them XD
Le Ti Jian
July 21, 2004, 4:57 am
You could make a really thick foggy graphic that faded really slowly, ala smoke 'nade, thereby totally confusing anyone caught in it.
Could work... y'never know.
July 21, 2004, 5:03 am
i liked my mortar mode idea for the m79 better than yours
Deleted User
July 21, 2004, 5:08 am
But the M79 doesn't fire mortars! Mortars are ground-based weapons that require you to be immobile when firing, since it's ground mounted and launched in an arc upwards.
Le Ti Jian
July 21, 2004, 5:17 am
Indeed. Though you can simulate the same effectby standing still and aiming up. Not much range though.
Deleted User
July 21, 2004, 9:15 am
the m79 should be able to launch a soldat-seeking nuke with slightly slower than usual reload (have to make it fair)
Unlucky 13
July 21, 2004, 9:48 am
wasnt it said that the LAW should have that? oh and i like these better, but the problems are still there. ill explain possible bugs:
degales: Simply put, there may have both shots shot, but half ammo still used
mp5: Normal fire is much like this already, but other than that, the bug being reload issues
AK.74: This is highly likely to shoot normal strength, but this is not too problematic
Steyr: No real issues, but maybe a reload one (what does it use to make the nade?)
Spas: Shooting normally, simply put
Ruger: Infinite range of the lazer = always red. Infinite range bullet = normal shot
m79: Timely, but i think a bug would be a normal explosion appearing
Barret: Normal shot, ATI issues, Reload issues, flash may slow the game up
Minimi: Reload issues
Minigun: Barrel sound still plays, gun has extreme reload issues
Socom: High speeds cause high damage, so more damage
Knife: Reload issues, and getting stuck in the stance (lol, that would be teh funneh)
Chainsaw: Killing yourself too easily accidentally, range issues
LAW: Direction issues, normal shot, accuraccy issues
PS: I only did this for fun really, but also to give you some stuff to think about
PPS: The whole thing is perfect without the bugs.
July 21, 2004, 10:13 pm
quote:Originally posted by papasurf31
[..]Steyraug - "Impact Grenade" (low damage grenade that has a larger arc than an m79 shot and explodes upon impact with anything)[...]
then you'd have to call it OICW or AG36...
and: it would be the most overpowered gun...
I don't like any of your suggestions...
Deleted User
July 22, 2004, 4:09 am
the original is the best, i think everything is FINE the way it is. lets not make soldat too complicated.
Deleted User
July 22, 2004, 6:24 pm
quote:Originally posted by DeepII
quote:Originally posted by papasurf31
[..]Steyraug - "Impact Grenade" (low damage grenade that has a larger arc than an m79 shot and explodes upon impact with anything)[...]
then you'd have to call it OICW or AG36...
and: it would be the most overpowered gun...
I don't like any of your suggestions...
Or it could be called an M16A4 or an M4A1 with an M203 mounted under it, like so...
Deleted User
July 23, 2004, 5:23 am
oooh! those look cool. why dont we just scrap ALL soldat weapons and have these four? [:P]
July 23, 2004, 3:31 pm
Wow! Did you really made thos pics by yourself?! They look cool!
July 23, 2004, 4:19 pm
why not give ruger also one bullet extra
Le Ti Jian
July 23, 2004, 5:01 pm
Ruger could do with slightly faster reload and a 6-shot clip maybe, otherwise it's like a Barret, just way crapper at the moment.
Deleted User
July 23, 2004, 8:33 pm
My pictures are huge though [xx(]
Here are some more of them...
July 24, 2004, 6:00 am
i like this idea, scence alot of the guns do have alternative fire modes, like the spas 12 can be set to auto
but itd be glinchy like they said and realistic modding harder, also the guns would be too powerfull
Deleted User
July 24, 2004, 6:06 am
The SPAS 12 can't be set to automatic, it's pump action only. The SPAS 15 can be set to semi-automatic or pump action, and loads via a 6 round magazine instead of by putting individual shells in.
July 24, 2004, 6:12 am
There doesn't have to be an alt fire for all the guns.
July 24, 2004, 6:26 am
yeah it can, the franchini spas-12 combat shotgun can
its in my desert storm 2:back to bagdahd game,
i looked on gun sites to verify and its true
"SPAS-12 can be switched between gas operated self-loading mode and manually operated pump mode by pressing and holding a button at the bottom of the forearm and pulling the forearm slightly forward for AUTOMATIC mode or backward for PUMP (or MANUAL) mode"
July 24, 2004, 7:34 am
who cares what one gun can and cant do... some of the guns in soldat cant even be carried by one person, it isnt realistic. anyway i think soldats good the way the weapons are already, adding all this alternative fire crap will just complicate things.
July 24, 2004, 5:10 pm
quote:Originally posted by Le Ti Jian
Ruger could do with slightly faster reload and a 6-shot clip[...]
Faster reaload+6-shot clip?!?!?! Wanna make an uber-gun outa the ruger?! c'mon you can already kill with 2 shots...
July 24, 2004, 7:32 pm
that semi AUTOMATIC not fully hold trigger auto
cos the many difrent shells out there makes it hard to get enough
gas presure and if you had the right shells you should be ingredible(sry my english sux)
strong to fire it
"can be used as a gas operated semi-automatic repeater or as a manually operated pump action repeater" from your site
July 25, 2004, 5:28 am
i like this idea it makes it more interesting, some of it is a little scary though. i like the low damage impact nade idea on da aug, cuz aug is my fav gun, and it seems cool.
Deleted User
July 25, 2004, 9:41 pm
Maybe the Aug should be made into an M4A1 instead?
July 26, 2004, 6:03 pm
wow. this is ridiculous. It's an idea, but it makes this game too complicated. I like the ruger idea and the minigun. And the Deagles, but, it just doesn't fit. I think, more weapons. MORE MORE MORE
maybe even the ability to drive a tank!!! (ch, yeah right)
July 26, 2004, 11:22 pm
loser is you, lemme give you a little word of advice: don't post a single word about vehicles, even sarcastic ones. You will get your ass flamed so fast it's all gonna look like a red blur to you. Actually, just don't create any vehicle related topics anywhere cause it will get locked in less than one day.
BTW - More weapons would be great wouldn't it. Problem is, number keys only go up to 1-0. Any more weapons wouldn't have a key to press unless you count [`],[-], and [=]. So now you have 13. thats it really.
July 27, 2004, 1:48 am
Loserisme is not my real Soldat name anyway. I go by Bond, James Bond when playing SOldat.
You could just press shift and then the number for additional weapons. maybe.
Thanks for the advice papasurf anyway...
August 29, 2004, 8:19 am
What about silencers?
Of all the complaints I've seen so far, mostly involving too fancy/abusive/hard to implement, a quick switch to silencer is pretty easy to do. Attach silencer with secondary fire mode, remove your sounds, at the cost of some initial velocity and damage.
Some of the other ideas I've seen sound a little crazy (homing bullets wtf), but I'd definitely go for staggered DEagles.
Unlucky 13
August 29, 2004, 8:47 am
SPONGE `NADE FOR THE M79! Makes victim drop gun, does less damage than fists, normal reload times
August 29, 2004, 10:58 am
why not wait for the weapons editor? than you can make your own weapons
August 29, 2004, 6:47 pm
i think its agood idea, butonly a few, as are below:
Steyr aug: single fire but increased accuracy
MP5: single fire but increased accuracy
Ruger: massive scope but only 1 shot before having to reload.
M79: wouldnt a choice between frag grenades and cluster grenades be most obvious?
January 19, 2005, 12:58 am
nice Sam
very nice
soccom = silencer
is that good
January 19, 2005, 2:45 am
Insane thread necromancing...
What point would silencer have? You don't really need to be sneaky in Soldat. Might be useful in realistic mode....maybe...if you're the sneaky type.
January 19, 2005, 1:35 pm
I had an idea like this, but it prolly won't ever work with soldat..
here's what i said:
Deagles - "individual shots" (instead of both deagles firing, only one does so you get a longer, but weaker clip)
MP5 - "Semi Automatic Firing" (shot power increases dramtically and shots have longer range, but aim is awful.)
Ak74 - "3 Round Burst" (Shots are more accurate, fires like a spas12)
Steyraug - "Impact Grenade" (low damage grenade that has a larger arc than an m79 shot and explodes upon impact with anything, and has a faster reload)
Spas12 - "buckshot" (fires 2 powerful bullets, inaccurate but deadly :) )
M79 - "ricocheter" (grenade ricochets off of any ground once, then explodes in midair.)
Ruger - "deagle shots" (shoots two bullets, like th deagles, only this means you get two shots then a reload.)
Barret - "scope mode" (proning gives you longer zoom but you can't fire. crouching lets you zoom slightly more. )
Minimi - "Fast Magazine Feed" (fires faster, but less accurate.)
Minigun - "Barrel Lock" (rate of fire decreases dramtically but shots are more accurate and charge-up time is negated *note* cannot hover in this mode)
Socom - "Silenced shots" (your shot sounds are weakened, so this makes a good stealth weapon.)
Knife - "Lunge" (longer range than normal stab and is faster, but there is a reload time to jab again).
Chainsaw - "Single Arm Swing" (player moves slower but the chainsaw range is extended)
LAW - "Guided Missle" (player cannot switch weapons as long as missle is live. The missle will move much slower than a normal missle and will explode if it has not hit something for a long time. The missle will always move toward your mouse until it hits something, it explodes on its own, or you die.)
I like these ideas but the chances are that they won't ever be used....
January 19, 2005, 1:53 pm
nah i dont really like this idea, srry.
January 19, 2005, 3:29 pm
Not exactly on the same subject, but weapons could have alternative clips. Reload time is increased/decreased accordingly to the normal bullets/reload time ratio. For istance: 30 bullets minimi (It's belt fed, so we can use whatever amount) = 2.5 seconds reload time (2.50:50=1.66:30). Not to increase the amound of the bullets though. Most weapon with a bigger ammo stock would be more powerful and overused.
February 20, 2005, 6:19 am
hmmm, lemme think about this
Homing barret bullets. That would make a barretard's job w whole lot easier
Missiles that u guide. Woah, that would be really helpful to take out all those pesky flag runners
Palloco: That would create a super weapon. And everyone would be pwning everyone else at the speed that bunnies multiply. But really, u should limit the homing capabilities.
Otherwise an enemy drops of a cliff. You fire and the bullets stop at the edge and plunge straight down. End of stroy.
February 20, 2005, 8:14 pm
Silencers would be pointless. Any smart person would edit thier silenced pistol shot audio to a giant massive SHA-BLAM!!! So it would take away the whole point of it.
February 21, 2005, 7:41 am
Is there a silenced pistol shot sound? Just wondering if we would have to create a whole new sound batch
February 21, 2005, 11:52 am
i love the explosive shotgun rounds. you must also play duke nukem 64. i dont care but exploding shotgun shells is fukidydo awesome!!!
February 22, 2005, 12:05 am
I thinks it's a very good idea!
But we must think all togheter to better second fire modes..
February 22, 2005, 12:39 am
Good idea
but some of these need to change a little
Spas-12:shot twice in a fast speed at once
USSOCOM:shot all bullets in a very very fast speed at once, longer reload time
February 23, 2005, 11:25 pm
Socom with 30 shots and auto -> Use Ak or tap firink key faster -.-
Spaps-12 with explosive rounds.. u know how deathly it is now, if you master it, u kill anyone in small places..
February 26, 2005, 1:24 pm
lala lalala. HAPPY TREE FRIENDS! We can always create explosive shotgun rounds, it would make it funner! And everyone could do with more ammo, specially bullet spammers! The point is, people like things to be more convenient and thus we create weapons for them. We could pull stunts like in National Security, when the guy loads his pistol with an auto clip and auto fires! Oh yeah, the ak fires slow. Want it fast, take the MP5!
Deleted User
March 15, 2005, 9:05 pm
homing law is the only good idea.....BAHA!!!
March 16, 2005, 4:24 am
Simple guide to fire modes: Single-Burst-Auto
March 27, 2005, 7:34 pm
ok starting from the top
i like the idea of being able to get 14 single shots of the deagle instead of 7 dual shots.
mp5 semi auto, i like that idea, but that doesn't mean the shots should go longer "/.
dont like the idea of the ak having 3 shot bursts, maybe the aug?
leave the spas12 as it is, its a good enough weapon.
i dont like the m79 full stop, so dont change it.
i love the idea for the ruger, but i mean its already better then the barret.
homing bullets, like it, but no, homing weapons are for noobs that cant aim.
minimy, "/ i like the concept, but 200 bullets, it takes around 5 head shots to kill somebody, you do the math.
minigun singleshot mode thingey, thats more for a gatling gun, nice try though.
full auto mode socom, thats more for a glock18 not a socom.
the knife already has the secondary mode, when you press the "drop weapon" button remember?
the chainsaw is good, leave it alone though.
same thing with the law, no homing gayness, its a fantastic weapon if you cant aim with it practise it so you can hit something.
March 28, 2005, 1:13 pm
Why people always have to bump old threads?
March 28, 2005, 1:41 pm
i only looked at the first post but i like this idea
however i think the barret should have the rugers 2ndary fire seeing as the ruger is a bufferlo shotgun..
March 28, 2005, 3:05 pm
quote:Originally posted by MercyMWhy people always have to bump old threads?
Why do you need to post such a stupid messages? To have much posts?
Since you seem to be finnish, just like i am, visit Nelikasi ( or Vesa( if you like flooding to forums..
March 28, 2005, 5:09 pm
quote:Originally posted by MercyMWhy people always have to bump old threads?
maybe because the rules tell us to do that instead of just posting new ones.......
March 28, 2005, 6:03 pm
look, stop arguing about thread necromancy.
deagles: staggered shot
mp5: burst that is faster than fullauto but not sustained
ak: switch to drum magazine that has 75 ammo, but will occasionally jam, and then the user will have to wait about the same time as it takes a barret to reload until he can resume firing.
steyr: underbarrel grenade launcher that takes its ammo from nades
spas: hellishly inaccurate 2 round burst spray
ruger: shoots 2 rounds in quick succession, takes a while to fire off another burst
m79: maybe incen grenade, or gas grenade
barret: we have the scope, don't we?
minimi: 3 round burst
minigun: shoots slightly more powerful rounds at a slower rate. no recoil or hover.
socom: shoots 3 bullets in a spray-burst fire
knife: the option to throw it with a different key other than drop weapon
chainsaw: swing chainsaw, slow but does not use ammo as the spin is not activated
law: hover over a target. the missile locks on. fire. missile will follow target but cannot perform sharp turns
March 28, 2005, 6:05 pm
Noobs are just what they are used to be... -. -
Not like me. ;]
And there's nothing interesting in Nelikasi and Vesa.