July 18, 2004, 8:31 pm
make the flag more touch sensitive, in a crowded server, you can need to stand on the flag for up to 3 seconds before grabbing due to lag or bugginess... plenty of times I'm sure you've run straight past the flag, and when you turn around to grab it, you are greeted by a hail of gunfire, this should be fixed, for sure
The Geologist
July 18, 2004, 9:49 pm
How is this an improvement? Lag is lag, bugs happen...but those are separate issues. Sorry you died going for that flag.
July 18, 2004, 9:58 pm
Usually in crowded servers the problem might sometimes be lag or screen resolution. Maeby lower resolution might fix it but I haven't tried it myself. And sometimes even when theres lots of action at that time when yur just grabbing tha flag, like multiple explosion etc. But this bug also often comes up in more 'peaceful' servers. I think the problem is that flag isn't made stationary,,yu know, yu could shoot it off its place. The flag should be a non-movable object, just like in QuakeIII and UT. And it could be only carried, not shoten away.
The Geologist
July 18, 2004, 10:17 pm
Hell no..shooting the flag can be a valuble strategy. It can make the difference between winning and losing to be able to set up the flag for someone to carry it back for a point.
July 19, 2004, 12:24 am
^^agrees. Many times I'll put a few into the flag, just to move it back, those couple of inches, making it a longer round trip alltogether, for the enemy, wich makes it a longer time they have to dodge,roll and eventually bump into somone who is hunting them. Or, I see friendly flagger get taken down, I'll blast it a ew times just to move it away ( or sometimes towards, that really messes them up, especially when airborne) from the enemy. giving me a few seconds before I am recognized as "enemy flag carrier"...
July 19, 2004, 2:13 am
is because you don't know how to get the flag, you have to touch the bottom part of the flag, which is the pole/stick part. But ya, sometimes lag make it seem you didnt touch it, so it looks like you just walk past it, but in like few seconds later, the flag 'teleports' to you [:p]