July 18, 2004, 10:16 pm
I dont know is this a good idea but, here I go:
Ok, there is camper who keeps sitting in the same place hole game shooting enemies. I'd suggest that if the camper hasnt moved from his regular hide-out for about 40 seconds and moved atleast 4 meters, the one who then kills him gets 2 frags. The camper whould be automatically warned about this after 40 seconds in his own console. Im only suggesting that killing a camper whould be rewarded with 2 frags only if he hasnt moved in 40 seconds somewhere else. I dunno if this is a good idea or not, Im just trying to get a solution to the camping problem. And I'm not denying camping, we can still camp how long we want but only killing us whould give 2 points to the shooter.
The Geologist
July 18, 2004, 10:19 pm
Wow, we get two points for killing campers? I like it..but does this appoly to any gun, or just someone who hasn't moved in 4o seconds? Camping is a part of the game, and my bias for killing barret campers may be part of my enthusiasm for the two points...but on the whole I don't like the distinction, or feel the need to include this.
Deleted User
July 18, 2004, 10:25 pm
So you basically get even more easy points for killing game idlers who haven't moved in 10 minutes or so. Great idea. ¬_¬
July 18, 2004, 10:44 pm
Stalky, take a look at my first sentence and reply then.
July 18, 2004, 10:45 pm
I am totally unaware of this "camping problem" you speak of. Now, the whining problem....
In other words, NO. If you can't kill the camper you need more practice, not more points.
July 18, 2004, 10:49 pm
kevith, i've experienced situations like 2 vs 1 with both guys camping with barrets in own positions, it's almost impossible to pass alone 2 barrets. Like first the barreter shoots at yu, he misses, then the second one who fires wont miss yu. i often run into servers were the enemy has a barret wall. im only trying to encourage the players to kill those campers and when yuve killed them you'll be rewarded for that.
July 19, 2004, 12:17 am
You obviously need more practice, if you can't avoid getting shot then, there have been plenty of games where the whole server is filled with *the gun that shall not be mentioned*tards and I've come out with very few deaths... it's all about **HOW** you move, not where. camping is a necessary part of this game just as guns are, it's an obvious choice for defence, or re-planning tactical situations you are about to face. if your idea of this game is "run and shoot" then by all means, whine when you get killed, call them noob, or barretttard, or whatever makes you feel justified. The answer to this apparent "problem" you speak of isn't in points, it's in skill, and skill alone. Why give somone an extra reward somone for killing a person who is fullfilling a necessary function as part of a team? or who is avoiding that stray bullet that will cause death?
July 19, 2004, 12:48 am
If ya hate campers, that's your own damn fault, use M79 or something to discourage them before you whine
July 19, 2004, 12:51 am
If its that bad, make your own server with no barrets or whatever else they're camping you with. Also, I can only assume you're talking about either dm, pm, or tm (I assume these are common acronyms), because in ctf or inf camping IS defence.
July 19, 2004, 1:40 am
Jack2: I know that it might be annoying to be "sniped" several times in a row by a camper, and I think you have come up with an interesting possible solution by increasing the incentive/reward in killing a camper... however, I don't feel like that an extra point as compensation is really necessary. Let the satisfaction of using teamwork and unrivaled SOLDAT skills to defeat them be your reward. ;)
July 19, 2004, 7:21 am
I dont hate campers, I just want to make a feeling to the camper-killers like: ''Aaaahh!! Finally I have gotten that camper and I've being rewarded with 2 frags.'' And I DO have the skill of killing campers but sometimes it gets REAL annoying when yur killed by barre***** all the time when he's staying in the same place all the time. If yu dont like this suggestion, then too bad.
July 19, 2004, 7:22 am
why would u an extra point for killing someone who isnt even moving
The Geologist
July 19, 2004, 7:26 am
I don't know about the rest of you, but I get that feeling of satisfaction every time I kill a camper, regardless of an extra point. So go forth and kill (or practice) and leave your points and idle arguements for another day.
July 19, 2004, 7:29 am
Campers can be annoying sure but people who bitch about it should be worth 5 kills when you kill them. Then you get the satisfaction of killing a whiny little bitch and some extra points.
July 19, 2004, 7:31 am
aerialassault,,look at my first sentence! I dont meen idlers!
The Geologist
July 19, 2004, 7:33 am
Just give it up, Jack...your first sentance couldn't be any clearer.
July 19, 2004, 3:21 pm
Ahem. . . a suggestion to make your idea better: since this is supposed to be about discouraging extended camping, make it so that they LOSE a point if killed while camping, instead of you gaining two points. Thats a more direct method, it doesn't provide incentive to kill afk players, and it doesn't sound nearly as stupid. Of course, this is disabled in ctf and inf
July 19, 2004, 3:42 pm
but CTF and INF is where most of the campers do their stuff. Why not this, deal with the fact that sometimes people like to stay in one spot ( mabye they like the scenery, or havnt gotten their tent out). Nothing you can do will stop them, ever. the game isn't about "points" it's about out-witting your opponent, it's about facing 2-D problems, and dealing with them, if you wanna get really specific, it's about 1's and 0's, but regardless, you can't stop a person from camping, doubtedly people will stop even with "point" incentives. it's just a fact of war. sometimes, instead of rushing into a battlefield, it's smarter for you, and your team, for people to stay back, and defend, regardless of where they are. if closer to the battle field, it's called "point defence" if closer to flag, it's called "area defence" it's part of the game, and nobody should get "extra points" for killing somone who's doing their job, and nobody should lose points for employing defensive tactics. that's just retarted in my opnion. deal with them, move on. it's not like their running from you anyway...sheesh
July 19, 2004, 5:58 pm
The thing is, in ctf and inf you have a solid, good reason to camp: protect the flag. Thats what defence is. But thats not spawn camping, which is what he's worried about, and there's no alternative (well there is, but its stupid and inneffective if you just keep running around). He's worried about spawn camping, which is a problem in games where you win for kill count, which does not include ctf and inf either. In these games, chances are that if you're not moving you're spawn camping because if the guy you just killed knows where you are gonna be when he respawns then you're in trouble. Plus healthkits would run out. So chances are, if you are camping but not spawn camping you're already giving yourself a disadvantage.
[story]I know this is how it happens, because once I tried to spend an entire rambomatch in one spot which happened to be both easy to defend and an armor spawn point. After the first 15 kills or so, they realised what I was doing and they overwhelmed me. I found much better results by running the level in a circle.[story]
The point is, there's no good excuse for camping in nonflag games. So this makes perfect sense in pointmatch, dm, and teammatch. There's obviously no point of spawn camping in rambomatch, so that would be left alone.
Deleted User
July 19, 2004, 6:12 pm
How do you make the game know if someone is camping rather than idling?
I repeat: ¬_¬
July 19, 2004, 6:12 pm
point noted.... but, In dm/rm/pm/ and sometimes tm, spawn points are all over, so just running in a circle, could be considered spawncamping. if he keeps getting fragged by the same guy, in the same places... mabye he should "learn a few moves" as it's said. I agree, spawncamping is an annoyance, but killing spawncampers gives me great joy, I mean, usually they'll use barrets/chainsaws the barrett bullet is pretty easy to dodge, especially if you know how it moves, the chainsaw, is easily defeated by a nade or two. and eventually they'll get overwhelmed, as your story went, and normally, when a person gets overwhelmed in a server, they won't repeat the same mistake, because human beings are supposed to learn, and apply knowledge, we are the only anmial that does it, and I know here comes the arguement about dogs, and such, and that is called "conditioned response", it's not learning, and applying, you say sit (condition) and they get a treat(response) just to get that outa the way. extra "points" should not be awarded for killing a person who hasn't moved in a couple of minutes, or taken away. that just ruins the game, and all you have is a bunch of people running around frantic, because they either want, or dont want to lose, a couple of points. and that would just suck. ( sorry to get off topic there, I was trying to prove a point)
July 19, 2004, 9:14 pm
Lets leave it then like it is now. I've already seen enough points of not developing this. Sorry if I wasted your time,,
July 19, 2004, 11:51 pm
i dont have anything against campers(im 1 myself[:D])but i hate when sum1 respawn kills u camping!
July 20, 2004, 12:17 am
ppl hates campers bcuz they cant kill em!
July 20, 2004, 1:29 am
For clarity:
I don't see them getting "overwhelmed" in most modes as much as "you spawn in another spot, sneak up behind him, and unload all of your grenades on his back". I said I was overwhelmed in rambo because, frankly, everyone wants just your head, and they are forced to find a way to get it (and mabey even cooperate, if thats possible). So they will all head there, wait till someone is stupid enough to rush in (typically a bot) and come in while rambo is "distracted" (allow 3 seconds max to hit the bot), then he has a player entering from each of three enterances and he's in deep [:-censored].
Deleted User
July 21, 2004, 9:31 am
isnt the barret made for camping? otherwise, whats the extra-long sight in prone for?