July 26, 2004, 4:35 am
I hate bumpy polygons.
I make a perfectly straight polygon and compile the game....I go in to play it and my man cant even run across it properly.
Their are no polies conected to it of anything its just a straight...perfectly horizontal polygon.
why is this?
July 26, 2004, 10:39 am
This is a common problem. Although I have seen it happen with all sorts of polys, it mostly occurs on perfectly horiozntal or vertical ones. I don't know what the cause is, but there isn't much you can do to fix it.
One thing you can try is to move all the polys to a new location, basically moving the whole map. This sometimes fixes some of the random bouncy bugs, although I don't think it fixes the perfectly straight edge bugs.
Also try just making them not perfectly straight, because Soldat seems to have a particular problem with them.
And yeah, I feel your pain. I've had whole maps ruined by bouncy polys. They suck...
July 26, 2004, 11:53 am
It often happens when the floor is to thin, and there is nothing below it, LOL, I mean it is the lowest floor on the map + it's thin.
solution: add polygons below the floor
July 26, 2004, 3:38 pm
It sometimes just happens randomly. A possible solution - besides Aquarius' one - is to delete the bouncy polys and redo them, but make those floor consist of more polys then and dont make em totally straight.
August 5, 2004, 12:51 pm
Thanx for the advice..I'll definitly try each one.
Leo Da Lunerfox
August 5, 2004, 9:53 pm
In my experience, the bouncy polygons tend to be on the longest side of the polygon, so you shouldn't have a problem if you have the shorter sides of the polygon as the surface.