This was at the 1911 server or something like that, and it was a Deathmatch on Arena up to 30.
I was Barretwhoring as usual, kicking ass and knifing dead bodies. Anyway, a guy named Popsi comes in. He's pretty good and starts kicking ass with the MP5. He was ahead of me most of the match (it was my last one before I left, by the way) and he was at 29, with me at 28 kills.
So I see him out of the corner of my screen, injured and bloodied, Mp5'n the hell out of this one guy on the right side of Arena. I was like "Well damn, I lost" so I decided to fly up as fast as I can and chuck a nade at him for the hell of it. The nade hit him and exploded, killing both of them and giving me the win.
It may not sound like much, but I honestly think that the guy was one MP5 shot away from winning the match. It was so hurried too, because my mom was calling me and I was like "Well shiet guys, I am le tired." in my head and like omg omgomgomgomgosmosdmfdsjsfnsd double-yew-tee eff.
I mean, yeah that was cool.
I was Barretwhoring as usual, kicking ass and knifing dead bodies. Anyway, a guy named Popsi comes in. He's pretty good and starts kicking ass with the MP5. He was ahead of me most of the match (it was my last one before I left, by the way) and he was at 29, with me at 28 kills.
So I see him out of the corner of my screen, injured and bloodied, Mp5'n the hell out of this one guy on the right side of Arena. I was like "Well damn, I lost" so I decided to fly up as fast as I can and chuck a nade at him for the hell of it. The nade hit him and exploded, killing both of them and giving me the win.
It may not sound like much, but I honestly think that the guy was one MP5 shot away from winning the match. It was so hurried too, because my mom was calling me and I was like "Well shiet guys, I am le tired." in my head and like omg omgomgomgomgosmosdmfdsjsfnsd double-yew-tee eff.
I mean, yeah that was cool.