August 2, 2004, 8:24 am
this is alot like one idea suggested where you press a bottun and your parachute is realeased, but it isnt
I think itd be cooler if you could shoot it and you started falling fast, but it was still connected, also this would happen when other people shoot it
plus you wouldnt need to worry about a differnt button
August 2, 2004, 8:52 am
nice idea. would be funneh i think
August 2, 2004, 9:10 am
there could be like certain inf maps where soldiers came in on parachutes only, and the other team had abunch of stat guns to act like anti aircraft guns, only certain bullets could break teh chutes. itd be best to play it on real mode, the map would have no jet fuel. itd be so fun to have an enemy soldier to shoot your chute, and you fall helplessesly to the ground far below and die :D
August 2, 2004, 9:34 am
but it's unfear cuz over the net some stupid players will always shoot youre parachute and die but for the rest it's a good idea
August 2, 2004, 9:34 am
if u use it and u will be shot u will have jet left even in real mode oO so u arent forced to die
August 2, 2004, 9:44 am
quote:Originally posted by AerialAssault
itd be best to play it on real mode, the map would have no jet fuel.
that's what i mean
August 2, 2004, 2:18 pm
Cool idea! in clanmatches you could do some tactical stuff with it.
The Geologist
August 2, 2004, 6:11 pm
You still have jet pack, even in realistic what's the difference? Shoot it or detatch it, the shute needs some kind of controls.
August 2, 2004, 6:32 pm
I like the idea of shooting it, and it coming off. Nicely solves the problem, and there won't have to be a new button for parachute release. Good job.
August 2, 2004, 6:32 pm
Some maps are made so that you have no jets (but no current inf or ctf maps).
I think this is an interesting idea that would add another element to the game. I can't say I'd be opposed to its addition.
edit:... and like Duke says, by shooting your own parachute you can release yourself without having a separate button.
August 3, 2004, 1:05 am
i really dont see the point in this.
If its supposed to be good for realistic mode.... well, i dont see anything realistic about a soldier shooting his own parachute..
if i was on blue team, y would i want to shoot out their parachutes (unless on a no jet map) id rather just blow them outta the sky.
not to mention retards online who would shoot out your 'chute, either intentionally or accidentily.
start flaming me now
August 3, 2004, 1:08 am
one bullet wouldnt be enough to bring it down, maybe give it health equal to about one good shotgun blast
or you could make it so it get little holes every time you shoot it and it slows you down less and less it would completly die after about 3-7 shots
August 3, 2004, 5:30 am
quote:Originally posted by Yin_Starrunner
If its supposed to be good for realistic mode.... well, i dont see anything realistic about a soldier shooting his own parachute..
Nor do soldiers have jet boots, nor are soldiers 1 cm tall. Nor do soldiers, for that matter, find paticular enjoyment in capturing flags.
Yeah kilroy, around a shotgun blast. What's that - half of a players health?
August 3, 2004, 6:07 am
I'd say that it may be kinda annoying...
your weapons are either: m79, barret, LAW, etc.
shooting the para with an m79? LOL
And in real mode, u have a para so u dont fall and die... lol
At the moment, being on a para can already be a bit of a bad situation (in real mode mainly), but imagine if not only hitting your soldat was bad, but hitting ur chute too?
It's a novel idea, yes, but on the whole I'd say we can come up with something better.
Even this:
Instead of dedicating an entire button to the para drop, it should just be something like the drop weapon button.
How often do you want to drop ur gun while parachuting?
but thats just an example :P
Unlucky 13
August 3, 2004, 8:01 am
not bad, and a knife throw would stuff it completly! but the prob is that the para wouldnt be shot at, or look at it this way on real-->enemy shoots para-->u fall far............-->die (included as suicide, not enemy point) or in DM not real--->enemy shoots para-->other enemy comes up--> kills you (other enemy owns point, not parachute-shooting enemy... bad for DM, PM, RM etc. but fine for TM, CTF and INF. see were i am?
Le Ti Jian
August 3, 2004, 6:22 pm
Duke: Usually, a little too close and it's ALL of the target's health.
You could just make it so you have "Minimum" jet fuel, so you have a very very very slim chance of making it. I'd hate to be killed by some idiot with a stationary gun over and over before I could hit the ground.
Deleted User
August 4, 2004, 5:19 am
why would you aim for their chute (dropping to their death) when you could just kill them yourself and get a frag? sure you could kill the chute with one hit from the knife, but you could also kill the soldat. i like the idea of being able to lose the chute, but you may as well shoot the enemy.
August 4, 2004, 8:11 pm
Gerbil sort of has a point. If you shot someones chute out, they would fall to their deaths in most circumstances. Sometimes though, someone could just shoot the falling soldat and they could steal your kill. or, that player could just hit /kill and you would have missed out on a frag. Kill the person and they won't have that opportunity.
Shooting your own parachute = waste of ammo.
Shooting other's parachute = waste of ammo. (although an interesting idea that could be implemented)
Using [down] button to release parachute quickly (you can't crouch in mid-air anyways)=
no waste of ammo = no blowing yourself up with a m79 or law = 1337
August 5, 2004, 12:30 am
It would also be kinda cool if the chute would detach if you "fired" you knife/chainsaw upwords.
August 5, 2004, 12:54 am
I think it would be a great idea because I cannot imagine how many times I've been stuck in a parachute in the map inf_fortress and the flag carrier needs help fast but I can't reach him because I'm floating down too damn slow.
August 5, 2004, 2:49 am
Harr kill those damn parachuters and there parachutes. Make them all like oh no theres a hole in my parachute...Good Idea (Mr Obvious)
August 5, 2004, 2:57 am
well, since you guys seem to want to ge tto the ground so quickly, how aobut we make the fall speed the same wiht a parachute, but u dont recieve damage when you land (in real mode). I always considered the parachute more like eye candy anyway....
August 6, 2004, 7:19 am
Oh come on that is a dumb solution because then why would we even have parachutes if we fall at the same rate? Eye candy is crap and will just take up valuable memory to create it so either make the parachutes be shootable or not shootable but dont just make them there for no reason.
August 6, 2004, 10:43 am
how bout we take parachutes outta the game? k then we can fall and die happily
August 6, 2004, 11:56 am
the paras are good as they are (maybe a bit to buggy but ok)
Deleted User
August 6, 2004, 5:34 pm
quote:Originally posted by papasurf31
Using [down] button to release parachute quickly (you can't crouch in mid-air anyways)=
no waste of ammo = no blowing yourself up with a m79 or law = 1337
this seems like the most logical solution to the chute problem.
August 6, 2004, 5:56 pm
A button or action to release the parachute has been discussed before, but the issue here was more whether shooting someone's parachute should cause damage to it. I remember Soldat before there were parachutes and it was fine, but the parachutes just added another interesting element to the game. I think that this is along those same lines and I don't see what harm it would do... it would just add another element to the game.
Deleted User
August 6, 2004, 9:44 pm
i think adding this 'being able to shoot down chutes' would only serve in satisfying those "but in REAl life...." players, and not much else.
August 7, 2004, 12:40 am
How about we make it part of Friendly Fire too? That way no idiot on your own team could [:-censored] up your chute for you, but you could still take it out yourself. I like the idea of being able to get rid of it, either by shooting it or releasing it (down button, good). I think the main idea from the start of this post was being able to do just that. The "getting shot down by enemy fire" part was just icing on the cake.
August 7, 2004, 1:42 am
if your gonna have parachutes, why not go the hole nine yards
maybe you wouldnt get a point for killing thier parachute, but its just as satisfying watching them helplessly fall to thier death
besides, its not like thier not gonna use thier jets to save thier life, so whats the point of even considering giving someone a point for shooting thier parachute