August 2, 2004, 11:33 am
This topic is for the older forumers.
Do you remember the days when you were a n00b? And if you do, what was it like?
Deleted User
August 2, 2004, 11:36 am
Yes i do. I camped on laos on enemy base with minigun or barret. ;P
August 2, 2004, 12:19 pm
Not just in the game, in the forums also...please talk about them...
August 2, 2004, 12:35 pm
I spammed, spam now, and spam I will prolly...
August 2, 2004, 12:45 pm
i played deathmatch in 'linux server' where was arena only, damn i love that barret race
Deleted User
August 2, 2004, 1:01 pm
quote:Originally posted by systemfeind
i never was a n00b ;P
Everyone has been a noob. And you know it.
August 2, 2004, 1:23 pm
i used to play in public servers
August 2, 2004, 1:34 pm
This is my first post (posted after 3 months of reading the Forum):
It was the first and the last time I used the "shy" emot [;)]
August 2, 2004, 1:45 pm
i will NOT post my first posts at the forums :P
Deleted User
August 2, 2004, 1:46 pm
I wouldn't show you my first posts. They are too embarassing. :P This is because i was a real attention whore, idiot and asshole.
August 2, 2004, 2:52 pm
why those noobs wont get it already????
newb = new player
noob = lame/retarded/stupid/dirty mother fuken player.
its not so hard to understand it
and whoever thinks noob = new. is a noob himself.
August 2, 2004, 3:02 pm
I was a noob so long ago i dont remmeber being a noob :o
August 2, 2004, 3:06 pm
When I was a new player, i used to barretcamp behind the bushes in the middle of ctf_B2b. I also kept camping in front of the bases on ctf_Laos, to spawnkill with the barret *ashamed*. Luckily, this extreme noobish behaviour lasted about a week when I started thinking about my behaviour and "learned" the rules many ppl on public servers dont know.
August 2, 2004, 3:13 pm
Meh, the archives don't go back to my first suggestion (vehicles :P)
August 2, 2004, 3:48 pm
quote:Originally posted by Outcast
I was a noob so long ago i dont remmeber being a noob :o
same :o
Tha Doggfather
August 2, 2004, 3:50 pm
quote:Originally posted by Ville Mk.2
I wouldn't show you my first posts. They are too embarassing. :P This is because i was a real attention whore, idiot and asshole.
ill go check the archives for them right now :p
August 2, 2004, 3:54 pm
hmm... I remember I was very keen on attention in the beginning of my forum visits...and provocating is an easy step to made...so i made a lot af alterego's on the forum (SpecialK, K, Joy Division, GestapO....)...to post a lot of useless threads...
yeah yeah..this some kind of an outing...
August 2, 2004, 5:43 pm
I hopped clan to clan lol and used a nice old barret
August 2, 2004, 6:07 pm
As far as the forums go... I joined the forums and probably made only 5 posts the first 3 months or so even though I read through the topics on a pretty regular basis. I didn't start posting until I felt I had a pretty good handle on the personality of this forum. I very rarely made a post without reading and thinking through it several times (a good suggestion for a number of forum members ;) I can't remember my first post... I'll have to look into it.
August 2, 2004, 8:03 pm
when i first started i was kinda good at it.. began at mp5 becuz of its high firing capabilties and short reload..
when i joined the forums a long while afther beginning with soldat i didnt post a lot.. didnt want to spam and post post useless topics.. my first topic was suggestion concerning Private chat.
August 2, 2004, 8:49 pm
I remember playing ctf_Death and Fall in the days of 1.05b. I just played normally I think, with Deagles and Steyr AUG, just like now again. But i remember this $oldier or something.. something with Soldat and the $. You know, this old clan.. Well, I just told this guy that I luv him when I saw him. Dunno why, I was too n00bish [:P]
August 2, 2004, 10:16 pm
I remember the first time I killed a guy named "Yourself"...I always wondered why I never died when it said 'You killed yourself!' :)
Tha Doggfather
August 2, 2004, 10:23 pm
yeah AND you thought caps were worth 27 points!
that wasnt that long ago either. maybe 3-4 months?
haha n00b :p
that fuking sniper
August 3, 2004, 12:40 am
I remember the game being much more fun and the people much less retarded... Now its the other way around... :\
August 3, 2004, 1:09 am
quote:Originally posted by Cookie.
I hopped clan to clan lol and used a nice old barret
lol, I remember that. You have differnet clan tag like every hour
August 3, 2004, 1:45 am
I don't remember much... I remeber i had a spongebob avatar that my brother put on for me... which sucked..
August 3, 2004, 1:46 am
I remember when I was a noob I was playing on a modem connection, usually to servers in the US
hehe, yay for 400-700ms ping =D
fav weaps were:
DE, AK, m79, barret, USSOCOM
The good old days :)
Hanging out with FS, tribal, etc. (and thats a BIIIIIIIG etc.)
I remember Bumpy's World, was awesome :)
And there did seem to be a lot less... new people around, I dunno. People would just jump in and start playing more.
Only real down side (other than the lag) was the cheating. But then it was most fun playing against the good players, and they didn't cheat anyway, so it was all good :)
ahhhhh... the good old days...
Tha Doggfather
August 3, 2004, 1:55 am
omfg its teh nightcabbage! welcome back man! where've you been?
August 3, 2004, 3:55 am
when i was a newbie, i used the barret, and i thought it looked cool when i shot them from a pixel away. i only used the barret for a few weeks, then i moved onto the M79 and got the name: AerialAssault.
August 3, 2004, 4:25 am
I played with mp5, and then I learned it was the worst gun in the game(now it's the easiest)...then I started playing with m79, only with bots, cuz I didn't know how to play online and stuff :D
August 3, 2004, 4:47 am
Well, I only started playing just over a year ago. I wouldn't consider myself much more than a newblet. I used to play with the MP5 and Soccom on my FIRST game! Yeah, that's right. I'm a special one, that didn't like the barret as soon as I saw what it could do. After about a month, I started using DE's and LAW. After a while I used a knife instead of a LAW. Recently I started using the LAW again, and in addition I've started using AK47, M79, and Soccom.
As for the forums. I'm still a big newblet in here. I like to post a lot, and it's not like I mean to spam, but last month, I had posted exactly 543 times, as told by Hitman. Some moderators told me it was O.K. since I didn't post useless things, and it wasn't really considered spam. Still, there are many people here that don't 'favor' me. ;) I remember when I posted my first ever Flash movie here, though. Afterwards, I had asked NightCabbage and his leet experiences with Flash for help. :P
August 3, 2004, 9:44 am
when i was a newb i used m79/law all the time... i was a newb for about a month....
but i still remember Kazuki shouting "god damn you Weed" everytime i killed him ^____^ and his lost forgotten "I hate m79 :("
August 3, 2004, 3:13 pm
ive been using m79 since i was a noob in 1.04b... it seemed to be alot more powerful back then. [:P]
August 3, 2004, 8:24 pm
Umm...I started in 1.05b, I played pretty regularly. Uhh first posts, you probably won't find them as they were on the old forum. I remember MrKhan and his flaming...haha...
I used to only play bots...I think I did 9v10. I got pretty good at CTF. I think I was a natural at the game being fresh off Infantry since it went p2p. Spike, an old friend from another game, Infantry, found me...not quite sure how...I don't really remember. After that I played a ton, an est 2-4 hours a day. But yeah, after Spike found me I started playing online more. At any rate those were my "noob" days. Not very "nooby" I suppose you could say.
I used the same weapons I use now, AK/M79. I never used secondaries back in the day. I just used my main weapon until I died. Now...I do. Respect the LAW. Haha...
August 3, 2004, 8:40 pm
When i was a n00b, i never used teh barret. In my first online game, there was this guy pwning my whole team, and i was kinda just experimenting with all the weaps. I played with minimi for a while, then i realized it sucked ass. SO i asked the guy who was pwning me what weap he was using, and he told me steyr AUG. So i tried it, and i pwned. I was a n00b for about 5 minutes, heh.
the forums were a different story. I posted a lot, but whenever i made a topic, it was locked. Wait, that still happens, nevermind. I am constantly pwned by the forumers. I guess im still a n00b. I bow to your superior intellects.
August 3, 2004, 8:50 pm
I started in 1.1.4 using barret *looks away*. I spawnkilled alot with chainsaw *ashamed*...then 1.1.5 came i used barret back then, later i was invited into a clan. So the days passed and i remember i hated m79 so much. Then in some point i tried out m79, and i started to like it. I was good. End of my new player time.
August 4, 2004, 2:06 am
LMAO, sorry I just had to post this!
Second one's the best, hehe :P
August 4, 2004, 2:43 am
quote:Originally posted by Melba
i will NOT post my first posts at the forums :P
peace out to aaaall yo niggers out there! :P
August 4, 2004, 3:58 am
quote:Originally posted by Weed
but i still remember Kazuki shouting "god damn you Weed" everytime i killed him ^____^ and his lost forgotten "I hate m79 :("
Ahahaha, yes, I remember that, too. Eventually, I stopped seeing you in any games. :(