August 6, 2004, 11:41 pm
Ok guys listen up. I am one of many people out there that believe vehicles in Soldat would be f*ing awesome. So... I want to add that element to the game. I dont think Mike is going to add this so I think it's up to us to make something of a add-on to Soldat. There are Infiltrations,Capture The Flags, etc... I think we could make a new style of match where vehicles are involved. We'll think of a name later, but for now we'll call that kind of match a "Vehicle War". Now we'll need people that can do that kind of programming(because I can't). Basically all we need to do is add the vehicles and make it so they move(of course)and so that the players can interact with them. I will be more than happy to make maps suited for vehicles. I know just about everything there is to know about the map maker and i'm sure many others are familiar with it too and can help. Anyways thanks for reading all of this and I hope to see all of you helping out. Also people looking through the lobby won't be able to join a Vehicle War if they dont have the VW add-on.(P.S. VW=Vehicle Wars)
August 6, 2004, 11:51 pm
By the way, i'm not very creative so if any of you have ideas for a map just tell me via this topic. Also please tell us your ideas on how the vehicles should be made.(i.e. What kind of vehicles,What they should look like,How fast should they be,How strong should they be,How many people can fit in them,etc...)
1 more thought I just had... How about a map with a D-Day feel to it(I know there are some maps like that),but I thought that maybe you could arrive on the beach in a sciff?
August 7, 2004, 12:02 am
How do u plan on programming vehicles into soldat when u dont have the source code?
And vehicles dont fit in soldat because its 2d.
August 7, 2004, 12:17 am
Here's some ideas for helicopters... I think we should helicopters for sure. They have so many uses, and they add an aerial element to the game. I also think they should be able to be shot down because a crash would be awesome. I think there should be an in finite supply of helicopters too(like each base can have it's own helipad and when their helicopter is destroyed, a certain amount of time would have to pass to have a new 1 respawn). Also you should be able to take the other teams helicopter(don't worry, it will be difficult to steal another teams helicopter because there will be a lift-off time, at least that's my idea). The front of the helicopter should have a windshield, which would allow players to snipe a pilot without harming the helicopter, that way you could stop someone from stealing your helicopter without having to blow it up.
August 7, 2004, 12:33 am
Like I said, I don't know anything about programming so don't ask me, but as for the 2D part, thats not a problem, just make a 2D vehicle, duh.
August 7, 2004, 12:38 am
We could ask Mike for the source code(I don't know if he would help us or not).
August 7, 2004, 1:40 am
What a dumbass.
"11. Can you give me the source code of Soldat?
Eeee, no?"
And nice double and triple posts.
August 7, 2004, 1:44 am
this is where it just gets too coplicated and messy,
and how exactly do you plan to do this?
I bet mike wouldnt put it in even if you did make it
Social Poison
August 7, 2004, 1:49 am
August 7, 2004, 5:02 am
you tell 'em SP. and BBB, you are an utter dumbass/n00b. We are obviously not gonna help you, and we dont wanna see double and triple posts about your plans for it. good luck programming it all by yourself, n00b.
Besides, i believe i read somewhere that michal ain't gonna realease the source any time soon.
Unlucky 13
August 7, 2004, 5:14 am
*whispers to YS* dont let DNA see that, he'll warn you
Anyway, viechles hav been discussed for a loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnng time. Viechles= Bugs, Unfair Play, Stupidity, and Utter Friging more Time to wait!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
PS: no offence to anyone in this post
August 7, 2004, 7:30 am
Oh god, how many times has this idea came up?
How many times has it been rejected?
Vehicles are never going to be in soldat, face it.
And next time use the bloody search function.
Unlucky 13
August 7, 2004, 8:01 am
or now... click Social Poisons "enlightment button" here it is free, too!
The Geologist
August 7, 2004, 8:35 am
The only thing I agree with in this topic is that the search option should have been used way before this idea ever saw the light of day. On the idea of vehicles, well...definately not something I'd care to see in Soldat anytime soon. Stupid topic, learn to search.
Social Poison
August 7, 2004, 10:14 am
By the way.
So stop suggesting it. You arn't being original.
Unlucky 13
August 7, 2004, 10:30 am
August 7, 2004, 12:49 pm
Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles. Screw vehicles.