Svirin Kerath
August 9, 2004, 10:34 am
yeah, yeah, i know. "use the damn search button, n00b!'
well, i did, knowing this must have come up somewhere. but gasp! i could find nary a thread listed. but i know i've seen it mentioned here before. oh well.
anyhoo, what's the max size for the weapons and gosteks and interface display thingies? pixel and kb-wise.
any help would be mighty fine.
August 9, 2004, 11:42 am
Gosteks, as far as i know, don't have limits. Weapons must be under 25*25 and 1kb. I have inserted that somewhere in the faq i think..
Svirin Kerath
August 9, 2004, 12:14 pm
crapcrapcrap... 25 by 25 pixels?! or is that just the in game weapons? what about the interface weapons? what are the limitations for those?
August 9, 2004, 8:44 pm
Just ingame, with the exception of the s-gun, interface stuff doesn't have limits.
- Tek -
October 31, 2004, 6:51 am
I searched the forum and found this topic, and its might fit my question. How do you change the placement of a gun pixel wise? For example, I couldn't give the deagles really long handles becuase the inverterd skin would end up being way off on the character. I noticed it in a Halo mod, the weapons are really big, with certain guns they would look OK when facing one direction, but when you turned your charcter, the weapon would end up in their face, are way underneath their arms. The only better way I could explain it is if I were to draw large diagrams.
I checked out the modding FAQ after more searching, it said:
*For example, if you enlarge a body part or a gun?s size, the modified image will be placed automatically to a specific point and if it?s larger than it?s original, it will pass it?s boundary, making the completed image distorted.
I want to know how to change that specific point by a few pixels, jsut so its doesn't screw my mod up visually.
October 31, 2004, 12:00 pm
Sadly you can't, unless you use this
It should still work, at least some things do. But be warned that it might screw up your soldat installation for mp, reinstalling will fix it anyway.