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Laggie movies :/
Soldat Forums - Misc - The Lounge
August 9, 2004, 5:22 pm
Please, I'm despererate..
I don't know why, if I try 2 watch a movie, it laggs like hell, or the sound is late, or the whole movie is slow..I have absolutely no idea why, my friend's got an even suckier comp than I do, and he has no problems with movies.
My specs:
AMD 400 mhz
Voodoo 2 AND trident blade 3D
64+128mb Ram (-12 shared)
4gbyte hdd

Please help..I can't even enjoy a soldat movie...

August 9, 2004, 5:39 pm
Install klite codec(the one with 5.0.5 divx codec) and then ffdshow. Run the movie from BSplayer.
What type of file is it? What is the OS in that comp? How are you running both cards?
Is it is .wmv make sure you have the latest wmv codec and wmplayer

August 9, 2004, 6:15 pm
Aye, I'll try those.
Im usin win 98, all movie types are laggy.The trident is integrated, and those things which do not have a video configure, use it.If I can, I change to voodoo.

Thx dude!!!!It works!THANK YOU![:D]

August 9, 2004, 6:25 pm
I have kinda the same problem.. but only on this fresh install of Windows 2000 / new hardware. Some movies play completely fine, usually DivX/XviD..
but WMV seems to be messed. I just installed the official MS WMV9 VCM codecs.. should work fine now.
DeMonIc, try "vlc" to play your movies: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/

palloco, codec packs are bad imho.
Just get XviD (google: xvid binaries), DivX (the free light version from www.divx.com) and WMV codecs from www.microsoft.com

EDIT Mind telling us what exactly made it work again? ,_,

August 9, 2004, 6:59 pm
well if the movie runs slow..

Run it on windows media player instead of Divx..

Or download some other players and find out which one works aswell..

August 9, 2004, 7:28 pm
Why do you think codecs are bad boosta?
I had not told him to download divx becuz I cant see properly movies with it and divx 5.1 simply does not work on my comp and since he has a voodoo like me he may share the same problems than me. klite codec+ffdshow installe din this order allows me to see anything properly

August 9, 2004, 7:49 pm
quote:Originally posted by palloco
Why do you think codecs are bad boosta?
I had not told him to download divx becuz I cant see properly movies with it and divx 5.1 simply does not work on my comp and since he has a voodoo like me he may share the same problems than me. klite codec+ffdshow installe din this order allows me to see anything properly

Codec packs, not codecs. I don't know specific stuff about the k-lite codec pack, but I just wouldn't like some bundle fill my system with codecs I'll never use or interferring with codecs I have already installed. I'd rather search, download and install every single codec I need.
I'm not saying they suck or something like that.. just what I prefer.

August 11, 2004, 5:50 pm
BS player plays everything quite well, but I installed all things listed, so it might be their combined power...it works =D