August 11, 2004, 3:30 am
1. to fix the mp3 bugs
2. to be able to randomize the mp3s
3. to somehow put the date and time that you record a certain demo in the filename. like say your looking for a cool demo to make a movie...
and you have so many... if there was a date in the file name you could find them more easily. if you dont understand what i mean ill go into more details...
4. fastforward, rewind, pause, play, etc. while watching demos...
yes or no?
thats all for now
August 11, 2004, 3:48 am
hm i like that fastforward and stuff for the demo and if you just go into C:/Soldat/Demos and auto sort by time then you can save Mike some useless programming
August 11, 2004, 4:45 am
i dont listen to anything when playing soldat, but the randomization of mp3s would be fine. i definately like the fourth point you made.
August 11, 2004, 4:46 am
and vehicles, specialy vehicles.
August 11, 2004, 7:29 am
The music thing doesn't really affect me (since I don't listen to any during Soldat), but I suppose it would be nice. The upgraded controls while watching demos would be great though.
August 11, 2004, 12:23 pm
quote:Originally posted by Weed
and vehicles, specialy vehicles.
you're silly weed
Unlucky 13
August 12, 2004, 7:13 am
he is being stupid, and sucseeding ;D. Nice, especially the demo controls
August 27, 2004, 4:14 am
Not the greatest idea..
But I think that you should be able to save ip address.. =\
August 27, 2004, 7:01 pm
quote:Originally posted by Keato
Not the greatest idea..
But I think that you should be able to save ip address.. =What do you mean saving the ip address? you mean like favourite server?
anyway, this ideas are nice, but I don't know think #4 would work, cause I never seen any game with a demo control like that...
August 27, 2004, 8:40 pm
quote:What do you mean saving the ip address? you mean like favourite server?
Yea, I mean like have a favorite server list..Sorry to confuse you.
August 27, 2004, 10:23 pm
Hmm, how about randomizing the barret too? And the ruger? In fact, lets just have the crosshairs be located three and a half inches under where the guns are aimed and let luck determine whether or not pulling the trigger fires a gun?
August 28, 2004, 2:10 am
quote:Originally posted by brickman
Hmm, how about randomizing the barret too? And the ruger? In fact, lets just have the crosshairs be located three and a half inches under where the guns are aimed and let luck determine whether or not pulling the trigger fires a gun?
are you disagreeing to these ideas and trying to be funny at the same time? cause, both are not working.
quote:Originally posted by Keato
quote:What do you mean saving the ip address? you mean like favourite server?
Yea, I mean like have a favorite server list..Sorry to confuse you.
you can have favourite server list, you can add the ip of the server at ..\Soldat\fav_servers.txt
just open that file in notepad, and copy and paste the ip of the server in it. each ip on a single line like this:
the ips then will be appear where under the drop down menu beside Game Server IP: in the Join Game tab
hope that makes it clear...
August 28, 2004, 2:25 am
I've thought about the 4th point as well before, and I think it could work (assuming it was about the demo file itself, not the stupid mp3 craps).
Oh yes, I think so.
I vote for the 4th point.
The 3rd point sounds good too.
August 28, 2004, 2:31 am
..so non of you want the bug fixed then..
August 28, 2004, 3:07 am
Good ideas, I really need to register ;_;
August 28, 2004, 4:55 am
quote:you can have favourite server list, you can add the ip of the server at ..\Soldat\fav_servers.txt
just open that file in notepad, and copy and paste the ip of the server in it. each ip on a single line like this:
the ips then will be appear where under the drop down menu beside Game Server IP: in the Join Game tab
hope that makes it clear...
Lol, I didn't know that thanks Spyder..That make me sound like a noob.. [xx(]