August 11, 2004, 4:11 pm
Nobody probably remembers me seeing as i've been away for a few months, but i came back and 2Wai was in ruins ;_;
So if you see me around give me a "hi"
August 11, 2004, 4:13 pm
Welcome back :)
Moved to The Lounge.
August 11, 2004, 7:54 pm
b00 another hey im back topic -_-
August 11, 2004, 7:59 pm
welcome back.
Didnt you came back a while ago?
August 11, 2004, 8:45 pm
he came back a month ago and chakra called him a barretard so he left again. oh well.
August 11, 2004, 11:40 pm
welcome back Nebby ;D
glad to see ya around again.
August 14, 2004, 8:25 am
Hey there Nebby!
Sorry for not being able to be on the chan all that much, working too much seems to have that effect on me :Anyways, as u said, 2wai are generally memberless and inactive, and, since we cant be able to be on at the same time or be able to be active at the same time, i wish u luck in yer clan seeking. :)
ps. Ill be on more after ive moved to my new apartment (100 mbit cable ^_^) maybe we can have a few games. ds.
August 14, 2004, 12:22 pm
quote:Country: Sweden
/me chokes Mari..
swedes and their 100mbit cable :(
August 14, 2004, 12:48 pm
History of Sweden:
1820 - it's cold
1856 - it's cold and someone chopped down my pine tree
1890 - got 100mb line for 3 bucks a month
August 14, 2004, 12:52 pm
If u want to I can adopt u n00bface, im sure my girlfriend will be thrilled ;)
I can have u as a houseelf, u know, cooking, cleaning, washing, im confident u will be really really cute in a black and white maiden dress?
for further info, visit:
August 14, 2004, 1:24 pm
I am cute in just about anything. I'll talk to you about it on IRC later!
I will work for free as long as:
I get my own room (or just like 3 square feet of room) and a space for my laptop (with a connection to the interweb of course.)
August 14, 2004, 1:31 pm
hmm, one prerequisite is of course that u learn how to handle the metric system, square feet is not understood in countries that has moved past steamengines. Furthermore, to be able to be really swedish, u have to learn a few things.
The first thing to learn is that if u think that u are better that any1 else, everyone will loathe u, this is a very important characteristic of our mentality. Dont confuse it with modesty.
(Meandor, u forgot the time when sweden had half of europe during the 1600s was it? ;) still, its really cheap lines over here ;) )
August 14, 2004, 1:35 pm
quote:Originally posted by Meandor
History of Sweden:
1820 - it's cold
1856 - it's cold and someone chopped down my pine tree
1890 - got 100mb line for 3 bucks a month