August 14, 2004, 8:43 am
Soldats a great game but it could use a few simple aditions like...
More ctf maps that have good replay and are fun.
A random shuffle for maps so it doesnt always play in the same order.
A way to enable the point match flag in all game modes so you can make extra points for kills/caps.
Maybe an in game rating system? More complex then just point/kill. Like having rating points instead of just a ratio ie: Capping = +5 rating point, Killing the flag carrier +3 rating point, kills +1, Staying alive bonus points and other types of ways to just have a simple fun rating system. Just an idea could live without...
Perhaps add an extra type of jet boost that you can only do once every time you respawn. Like you can press the boost key and your soldat gets a quick boost of energy.
More powerups / usefull powerups... The ones right now are okay but in general they dont really change the gameplay much it just creates more spam... Maybe have a powerup that can be used for a long term result like mines or a portable health stim that replaces your nades or even a portable baricade that only is destroyed by explosion type weapons.
A way to enable the realistic fog of war on a non realistic mode game.
A move that lets you throw your flag, if you can throw your gun away itd be nice if you could toss the flag that way you can hand it off to teammates and what not.
(lots of suggestions about a backpack) It would be kinda nice to have a secondary backpack, but instead of having items in it make it so if you switch to the backpack you can pick up 2-3 powerups and drop them in front of you by using your shoot button. Would make things a little more interesting because it could serve as a medic and reinforcements, but could also be abused so maybe have long loadtime imbetween drops or just allow 1 powerup to be carried.
More improved netcode, still isnt perfect but better than it used to be.
so yeh just some stuff on my mind i dunno just reply what you think could all be crap but its nice to see what others think.
ps sorry if some of this stuff has been suggested in the past most of this is just what i would like to see implemented...
August 14, 2004, 8:56 am
lotta good ideas. you might replace me in that field some day ;)
Svirin Kerath
August 14, 2004, 12:07 pm
ummm... you're the second person to have a backpack idea after me, and yours is almost exactly like mine. O.o
August 14, 2004, 2:36 pm
My favorite idea there is to be able to toss the flag to teammates. That would be great.
August 14, 2004, 4:44 pm
my post wasnt claiming ALL of my ideas being my ideas, it was just what I would like to see... although most of my ideas I previously posted on these forums way back.
August 14, 2004, 9:09 pm
1.) There are tons of these already made by soldat fans and others. Also the DNA mappack has some really good ones.
2.)This idea is perfect. I love it and should be definitely put in.
3.)Just download the map editor and edit the maps. Put in the yellow flag spawner anywhere and thats it.
4.)Do the math yourself cause I think it's pretty fukin useless. Unless you play online and you want another way to see who's the better player.
6.)I HATE THE FLAME GOD POWER-UP! Replace it now!
7.)To continue your idea, falling damage and recoil should also be enabled in other modes of play.
8.)Sort of an idea from UT. I think that the flag carrier shouldn't be able to shoot at all. Instead, His teamamtes should protect him more and take shots for him. Also, the flag carriers health should regenerate at a fast rate. Add that to throwing and you have bombing run, an i dea thats already been suggested.
9 and 10.) Both suggested before. Check their respective topics.
that fuking sniper
August 15, 2004, 12:36 am
Good stuff, especially the point match thingy...
August 15, 2004, 2:37 am
id really like to see some of those ideas in the game
Unlucky 13
August 15, 2004, 2:58 am
all of these ideas are fantastic, except that weird boost thing, that is for racing games (although it would be good for race mode)
August 15, 2004, 5:37 pm
to papasmurf:
#1 Yes there are alot of good maps out there but its a pain to add them, and I dont really want them on my map list half the time. Also not everyone has them installed, I play online and would like a new set of official maps added that everyone can play.
#2 Thanks
#3 Id want a check box kind of like how you can check survival mode on, but for the point match flag. That way there would be another element in the game, also alot of poeple dont play pointmatch and it kind of goes to waste. Also it could make points a little more fun because you would get 2 for kills and maybe an extra 10 for capping if you cap with the point match flag on you?
#4 This isnt so much to see whos better but it would be a system that would reward every kind of player. Currently poeple who play more defensive dont get rewarded point wise in the game and the mvp system would be another way to determine whos doing well in the game. Also maybe at the end of the round it could announce the mvp?
#5 I can see why poeple would not want this, but it would make things a little more interesting seeing that basicly whoever shoots first and can keep a lock on there oponent wins. The boost wouldnt be like launching you across the screen itd be like a little boost like in a football game or something.(small burst of speed) That way you can be more unpredictable and create a more exciting game.
#6 I agree the flamegod powerup is pretty useless, Perhaps they should add a burning effect to it that sets your guy on fire so it deals a little damage over time? And pump it up a bit.
#7 Yeah that would be nice, but I want to see a fog of war check box the most.
#8 I disagree, I just want a button that will allow your soldat to toss the flag a few feet, not to significant but enough so you could maybe toss it to a teammate as you explode? You should be able to shoot still, and definately no regeneration. Perhaps a longer reload time though like it takes 20% longer to reload if you have the flag. That way it would stress your team assistance idea somewhat.
Powerup suggestion: Also for some powerups it would be nice if you could decide when you want to activate it. IE: Flame god, predater, berserker.
p.s: To others, thanks for comments/criticism.
August 16, 2004, 5:07 pm
1 - More official maps, hard to say no to that...i keep on wondering why we keep on taking out maps...such as fest, fall, etc etc...
2 - shuffle...would definitely be a nice addition...
3 - yeah...point match should be elimiated entirely and should be just randomly placed in the current game modes...(check box on/off type of deal)
4 - MVP rating system...reminds me of infantry...haha...at any rate...i wouldn't mind even though it is kind of easy to tell by the scores...also sounds like the NBA effiency rating...but yeah...i think it should be something like this...
or something of that nature...meh...
Speaking of infantry...i think the infantry type CTF mode would be cool...for those who don't know what its like...(speaking in terms of how it is in infantry)
there are 4ish or 7ish flags placed on a map...2 are static and 2 are randomly placed, and for 7flags, 5 are static and 2 are randomly placed at the start of the game...basically you can pick up the flags and move them, once you pick them up a timer starts, and at the end of the timer the flags drop where you are. once you pick up a flag, its yours. the team that wins is the team that can hold the flags for a certain amount of time after getting all the flags.
in soldat, it'd probably be 4 flags...2 static, 2 roaming...even though it doesnt really matter since the maps are fairly small...i think it'd be a nice variation to our current CTF mode...
ehh sorry bout the tangent...
5 - jump would be kind of interesting...weird...haha...not my cup of tea...i wouldn't mind either way, i'd use it if it was implimented, but i wouldnt really mind if it wasnt...
6 - options whether or not to turn on/off certain things is always good...
7 - i would love to throw my flag, i hate typing /kill to give the flag to someone, and have them die while i'm waiting to respawn...i mean really...wtf?
8 - backpack...woo!
9 - hard to hate a better net code...
wow...spike oh the forums...thats just weird...
OT - random tangent for another game mode...
a TDM mode which requires your team to hold flags to win...but like point match flags...
unfortunately, this doesnt work too well because a team with 1 person wouldn't be able to win...unless they can pick up more flags...so meh...i dunno...random idea...dont really care whether or not it gets put in...but it'd be interesting...
August 16, 2004, 7:45 pm
Yeah syz I agree an infantry style mode of ctf would be interesting, but it would be good for like tdm style so you could have up to 4 teams, on big maps with defendable like territory. Like little holes that are hard to get into. There could be 4 maps like you said and when a team captures a flag it becomes theres, then they can use the flag throwing command to set it down or /kill. Once all the flags are captured you would have to hold for a small amount of time it would be really hectic and fun.
August 17, 2004, 12:59 pm
This is cool.
I like them really much x)
August 17, 2004, 3:29 pm
No "M' in papasurf31. And who here plays infantry zone? That 2-d game released by SOE thats sort of like Soldat but more complex and really big, and has a top-down view sort of. It's shareware but can also be registered.
August 17, 2004, 5:47 pm
I used to play before it cost money monthly, my nick was OneTake.
August 17, 2004, 6:30 pm
yeah me too...my name was...iamtoosexy...err nvm...meh...i was just some newb that owned spike ;-) ...actually i still am...bwahaha!
August 17, 2004, 6:39 pm
I used to play it too, forgot my name since I didnt play for so long after it turned p2p -.-
August 17, 2004, 10:17 pm
pfft nver did you own me ^.^ i was good at that game. people still pay for me to play for them sometimes :)
August 17, 2004, 11:28 pm
at any rate...if the net code was like 100x better...we could actually do leagues and not really have to worry about splitting it up into divisions because lag would be nonexistant...unfortunately...theres the whole time zone thing...which means all the euros must move over to the states...bwahaha... =X
more game modes will help the life of the game...people will seldom get bored if there are a ton of game modes and a nice community...
i'm thinking more game modes that stress team work to emphasize league play...with better net code more people will be able to play in servers, emphasizing more team work...instead of solo rushes to cap the flag...
eh...net code has been discussed so many times...must keep on stressing it...so it will keep on getting better >.<
i hope a beta for a new version comes out soon...
August 17, 2004, 11:38 pm
Why cant americans move to euro? =P
and nice community..hahaa..makes me giggle
anyway, netcode is important, but isnt it one of the hardest thing in soldat to improve, I mean coding-wise. Michal already improved the netcode a bit compare to earlier versions. So i think there is really not much more space for improvement, but I aint a programmer, so I dont know =X
and I also look forward to the new version =P
August 17, 2004, 11:57 pm
I was guest#"random" the whole time.
Back on topic - How do you become a beta-tester? Does Michal like ask you or something? I really wanna play something before everyone else does. Tell me HOW! PLEASE!!
August 18, 2004, 2:40 am
I think he just random pmed poeple I wasnt a tester and ive been playin a long while maybe someone recomends you but im really not all that sure
August 18, 2004, 3:07 am
I remember all the admins, moderators, and retired moderators and what not get it first. Then Michal tells to them to spread it out to 3 or 4 (not sure the number, but is around there) trustworthy people. And they get the password to this special forum, and do the beta testing.
August 18, 2004, 5:36 am
spike is not trustworthy...keep that in mind for the next beta ppls ;-)
August 18, 2004, 6:56 am
lol, Spikeh. Great suggestions. Really, they're great. I just don't like the backpack one. It has been pointed out to me that nothing of great change will be happening to Soldat, and that is very clear. Adding a new weapon and so on won't happen. However, you have some great suggestions there.
Since we're on the subject of what we would like to see in Soldat, here is my simple suggestion.
When the chainsaw is thrown, it should still be running, until it runs out of... whatever it's chargred with. For example, let's say you have a full clip of 30, and you're standing in your base in ctf_Run, right beside the hole that leads into the tunnel. If you were to throw the chainsaw off the ledge, it would go straight down into the tunnel. Now, lets say that you pressed and held the fire button right before you dropped the chainsaw. You would lose some of the energy of the chainsaw, and it would still be working until it runs out of energy. Now, weapons don't reload themselves, so afterwards, the chainsaw would just be laying there, empty. When someone picks it up, they reload it automatically, just like every other gun. It'd be fun throwing a chainsaw down a hole and getting that oh-so-lucky Double Kill.
August 18, 2004, 8:20 am
Yeah I agree that would be pretty sweet, although on maps like voland I would cry. But I suppose the ammo would run out quick enough for it to not make much of a difference. Itd be funny to throw the saw and have it slice through like 4 poeple haha.
Another thing that would be somewhat cool is enabling 2-3 things to chat/creating your soldats name. One being able to control your font color using html or some easy color selection that could maybe be implimented? I dunno mebe that would be anoying.
Also having another possible name slot for clan tags. And the clan tag would apear under the stats to the far right of your name? After all there is quite a bit of extra space in the f1 stats menu. It would look more organized for one and also some players have difficulty having a tag and keeping the name they like because of length.
Another idea is perhaps enabling the alt+numpad options like they have in gunbound, for example you can make ramen noodles with alt+0126 0532 or something similar to that I may be wrong and its late cant think ^.^. But I duno itd give poeple a better variety in names and taunts. Just a thought :)
August 18, 2004, 11:26 am
Yes, the chainsaw idea is a really good idea. I want to see it implented.
August 18, 2004, 2:06 pm
Spike - Yeah, the chainsaw doesn't last very long in the first place, so it wouldn't be any big advantage. It might encourage people to use it more often.
I don't know about the whole HTML and colors idea. I guess that it'd be easier to tell people apart, but it would be a problem when it comes to color contraction with the background of the map. I would also suggest automatic name tinting, just like in an AIM chat room, but we'd have the same problem.
The clan tags thing is a good idea. I have a small question. Would people still wear their clan tags in their names, or would my name just say Kazuki, but in the F1 table, I have a clan tag? Just a curious question. :)
And with the Alt + Numpad thing, you mean small pictures above your head? I think that'd be pretty cool, but only if they don't appear in the chatlog, because that would be serious spam. I think it'd be funny if the forum smileys were included. :P
August 18, 2004, 6:03 pm
For the clan tags, I think it would be seperate from the name...it would be an entirely new column in the F1 table next to the name column. You could probably fit a text box thing under where it says player name or whatever and it could say "Clan Name". Kind of like how it is on infantry. I would support that just because it is cleaner...the benefit of this is...no need for clan tags. Not that I have anything against them...but yeah...
While we're on the topic of the F1 table, I think it would be cool to make it sortable too...so you click on the top bar and it sorts them alphabetically or numerically...not important what so ever...but it'd be nice.
The chainsaw could double as a mine too...you leave it running...and drop it next to you...then pick it back up and repeat...haha...it would be interesting no doubt.
August 18, 2004, 7:15 pm
yee psylent got meh idea itd be like another column and then your name would be sepret. Ive noticed that alot of new players will call you by your clan name and that can get anoying, plus if the clan tag was in another column itd just look more organized.
Also I know this has been suggested before but it would be nice to see this... An improved background scheme for maps in general (the ones we have now and future ones) It looks kinda plain just seeing the background color. Also if there was maybe a way to blend colors more easily with the map maker, maybe just allow some freehand paintbrush/spraycan/bucket? Everything would look alot cleaner.