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Modding tutorial?
Soldat Forums - Soldat Interface Mods & Mod Making - Modding help
August 15, 2004, 4:03 am
The good: I'd like to make a mod. Mostly just for character appearances, unless I decide to get crazy.

The bad: I don't know jack about making mods.

The ugly: Oprah Winfrey.

Anyway, does anybody have anything resembling a modding tutorial? Something that explains the ropes of making a Soldat mod and goes into detail about the hard parts.

I appreciate your help.

Edit: Whoa, this is all kinds of in the wrong forum. I apologize. No need to flame me, just delete the post and we can all get over it, ok?[:-dunce]

Unlucky 13
August 15, 2004, 5:10 am
what type of stuff were you expecting to get? what proggies to use? which gostek part is which?

EDIT: I shall leave this as is to prove my stupidity? Nah, it is changed. I apologise for all inconvenience

Abortion posted this about the gostek-gfx...
quote:Origionally posted by Abortion
kap- hat
helm- helmet

dred - single dreadlock
hair1- base hair for dreadlocks
hair2- mohawk
hair3- Mr.T style (I pity the foo who wears this)
hair4- normal

morda- head

cygaro- cigarette/cigar
lancuch- dogtag?s chain
metal- dogtag
zlotylacuch- gold chain
zloto- gold chain frontal link piece thingy

ramie- bicep
reka- forearm
dlon- hand

klata- chest
biordro- waist

udo- thigh
noga- calf
stopa- foot
lecistopa- foot while using jet
badge- I was told this is headband for rambo mode

also, there is
kamizelka- bullet proof vest

the [name goes here]2 files are an upside down version, so make sure you flip it upside down in your proggy

EDIT: anything in the "ranny" folder is the dead counter-parts of their other. E.G: morda- head, morda(in ranny folder)- fallen off head

August 15, 2004, 5:13 am
You can read the followings, they should help you out a bit:

a) Soldat Interface Maker Tutorial

b) Modding guide

c) Soldat Mod'ing FAQs

You could also try downloading some mods made by other forum members in Show off your 1337 mods! section of the forum to get an idea how it looks like and what files is what.

If you still have questions/problems, just post it here again.

Hope this helps, good luck making it.

Deleted User
August 15, 2004, 7:44 am
quote:Originally posted by Unlucky 13
what type of stuff were you expecting to get? what proggies to use? which gostek part is which?

Menador posted this about the gostek-gfx...
quote:Origionally posted by Menador
kap- hat
helm- helmet

dred - single dreadlock
hair1- base hair for dreadlocks
hair2- mohawk
hair3- Mr.T style (I pity the foo who wears this)
hair4- normal

morda- head

cygaro- cigarette/cigar
lancuch- dogtag?s chain
metal- dogtag
zlotylacuch- gold chain
zloto- gold chain frontal link piece thingy

ramie- bicep
reka- forearm
dlon- hand

klata- chest
biordro- waist

udo- thigh
noga- calf
stopa- foot
lecistopa- foot while using jet
badge- I was told this is headband for rambo mode

also, there is
kamizelka- bullet proof vest

the [name goes here]2 files are an upside down version, so make sure you flip it upside down in your proggy

EDIT: anything in the "ranny" folder is the dead counter-parts of their other. E.G: morda- head, morda(in ranny folder)- fallen off head

It was abortion who made that gostek faq. And its meandor not menador.

August 15, 2004, 1:57 pm
hm lol no, Abortion was moderator of mods section before me

August 15, 2004, 3:13 pm
I've decided to be an ambiguously gay idiot so I'll write in the normal font everyone else uses.

August 15, 2004, 7:55 pm
Please excuse my searing newbishness... So modding is basically just replacing the existing image files with your own custom ones, huh?

August 15, 2004, 10:10 pm

August 15, 2004, 10:44 pm
Hmm... Do you think there's any way to alter coloring options? For instance, instead of just having one color for shirts and one color for pants, could one color be a "primary color" for an outfit and be on, say, his forearms and lower legs, instead of just his shirt, and a second color to fill in everything else?

Sorry if that description's too complicated.[:-boggled]

Edit: Also, how would you set about changing the names of weapons?

Unlucky 13
August 16, 2004, 12:01 pm
@All: *slaps himself again for getting it all wrong* i am a dumbarse!

@Zero: changing weapon names you can do in the Txt folder in Soldat. look for the 'weaponnames.txt'. edit the names. go to 'Languages' folder. edit 'english.txt'. Search for 'SOCOM' or another weapon name. change as you wish. Go to 'Soldat' Folder (the root folder). open 'config.exe'. Go to the 'More' Tab. in the "languages" section, click on english. Finally, click the 'change' button.

PS: Back up your english.txt before working on it, past experience has told me much about stuffing-up the game text!

August 16, 2004, 6:06 pm
Yow, that sounds complicated. Ah well, I'll get to it later on.

Still no word on the color-changing thing, eh? Doesn't surprise me... Well, I guess I can work something out.

I'm gonna study some other mods, then start working on mine.

By the way, thanks a lot for all your constructive input so far. I'm glad this place is newbie-friendly.[:-bonc01]

Unlucky 13
August 17, 2004, 8:53 am
That colour one isnt possible, from the way im reading it

August 17, 2004, 3:45 pm
Well, maybe we'll see you in the 'Show off your 1337 mods...' forum soon then.

August 17, 2004, 3:56 pm
It is possbile if you edit the gostek part. It was done before with the Spiderman mod.

August 18, 2004, 2:09 am
Ah, Ninja, I'm very glad to see you online right now. I've begun work on my mod, and while I've only done the hats (both helmets in my mod,) they look great so far, but I have a question that I'd like answered ASAP, if you know the answer to it. [:-bouncy]

It didn't take me long to figure out that, in the gostek parts, white = pure color chosen by the player, black = black and gray = everything in between. However, is it possible to make something permanently white? Suppose I need the top part of one of the helmets to be white no matter what the player chooses, but still allowing the rest of the helmet to change color.

I tried making a color that was so incredibly light that it looked white even though it wasn't, but Soldat still thinks it's white and colors it like the rest of the helmet. Is it possible to make it permanently white?

Deleted User
August 18, 2004, 6:23 am

Unlucky 13
August 18, 2004, 7:06 am
A Nice and simple 'no', eh, Ville. So anything else before you go modding away?

August 18, 2004, 11:22 pm
1. Damn.

2. Heck, you know, modding's a lot of work.[:-crazy]I've gotten the entire character and two of the weapons done since last night.

Speaking of the weapons, can anybody post a list of descriptions for the weapons-gfx folder? I know a lot of it is self-explanatory (Jee, I wonder what ak-72 clip is...) but there are a few obscure ones, like "bullet." What weapon(s) fires this "bullet"? And so on.

If anybody can post a list like the gostek one above, I'd really appreciate it.

August 18, 2004, 11:44 pm
bullet is not used I think, since Michal has changed it so that every weapons has it own bullet to make Soldat more moddable. 40mm is m79 bullet/grenade, but is also not used (I think) since it has its own 'bullet'.

Acutally, it would be much easier if you just post the ones you dont know...

August 19, 2004, 1:29 am
Let's see... "gauge" used to be the spas-12 bullet, colt1911 is the socom, m79shell acts like the "clips" for other guns, minigun-2 is not used (as opposed to minigun2), minigun-rotate is not used, n-bow, n-colt1911 and n-deserteadgle are used when the guns are dropped, bow-a and bow-s are the unshot arrow and pulled string. I think that covers most of it...

August 19, 2004, 3:28 am
I guess that should cover it. Thanks again, guys.

August 26, 2004, 5:12 am
Hey, I just thought I'd drop in for an update. I've been working like hell on the mod for the past week and a half, and it's coming along nicely. The two people to whom I've been sending "betas" have been impressed with it, and I'm rather happy with it myself.

If I had to give a percentage complete, I'd say 80 or 85%. I still have to mod the Desert Eagles, shotgun, M79, M72 and chainsaw, and I'm really not sure what I'm gonna mod a couple of them into yet... Ah well, I guess something will come to me.

The mod is a lot more extensive than I thought it would be, and includes modded explosions, every aspect of the weapons, pickups, lots of sound effects, and so-on. I want to make this pretty impressive.

I'd post a screenshot or two now, but I'm lazy.

August 26, 2004, 4:31 pm
Why the hell isn't minigun-rotate used. I've only been here since 1.2 so did the minigun actually used to spin before? Why would he take it out?

Deleted User
August 26, 2004, 7:17 pm
It has never been used.

August 26, 2004, 7:43 pm
quote:Originally posted by Zero72
I'm glad this place is newbie-friendly.[:-bonc01]


August 27, 2004, 12:57 am
quote:Originally posted by papasurf31
Why the hell isn't minigun-rotate used. I was wondering myself. My modded version doesn't really look as hot as I was hoping, not by a long shot.

Unlucky 13
August 27, 2004, 8:41 am
I was certain it was editable! i made it sommin once

August 27, 2004, 7:20 pm
and minigun-empty.wav isnt used also...

August 27, 2004, 11:01 pm
Thats so gay. It would look so cool because there's just so much more you cpuld do if the minigun was animated. Hell, it would be great if all the guns were animated. it would greatly increase the possibility of depth in many mods.

BTW - could I get a beta version?

August 29, 2004, 2:31 am
At this rate, you might as well wait a few more days for me to finish it, and get everything at once.[:-slaphappy]

September 10, 2004, 4:15 am
Me again. I know it's been more than a "few days," but there has been a little progress. The only things left to mod are the M72 and M79, and that's it. But, I'm still pressed for ideas.

With any luck, I'll finally be done next week. I hope it's worth it.

September 18, 2004, 12:10 am
You're not gonna like me for triple-posting for a reason like this, but for those of you who didn't notice, my mod is done.


Not hosted yet, though.