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Balance the Barret!
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
August 20, 2004, 7:18 pm
I have a few suggestions for barret nerfing. Some may have been suggested before but since the search engine here is teh crap, I'll post them anyways. These are all sperate ideas and should be implemented as such.

1.) Make the barret like a law: can only be fired from a prone/crouch postion.

2.) Have it so that the sniper-line can not be used at the same time as the barret. So, any other weapon, when equipped, can feature a sniper line. However, if at any time a barret is equipped as the active weapon, the sniper line will not be visble.

3.) Make it so that only headshots result in 1-hit kills. Since damage is 10% higher when the head is shot, just make the barret hav 92% damage or whatever.

4.) Player can not move while reloading. The reloading process can only be completed if the player is stationary in a crouch/prone position. If he moves in the middle of reload, the process must be restarted.

5.) A large muzzle flash will notify everyone on screen of the exact postion of the barret user. Flash has priority over everything else, meaning you will always see it no matter what, if you happen to be in the same screen as the barreter.

An alternate idea is that small plumes of smoke will rise after a normal muzzle flash, which would also mark the location of the sniper.

6.) If zoom is enabled, then the barretard will have tunnel vision, allowing him to only see a small area around the line of fire, making him more vulurable.

I'll apoligize beforehand if these ideas have been previously mentioned/accidentally plaigerized. Post opinions and CC.

/puts on flame suit

Tha Doggfather
August 20, 2004, 7:46 pm
heres a suggestion: read the sticky.

The Noid
August 20, 2004, 7:53 pm
No!, the only suggestion I like is the fact that the barret should only fire from the ground and or fire wildy in the air.

August 20, 2004, 7:57 pm
I think the cursor and sniper line should be disabled unless crouch/prone...this will deter assaulting snipers...

also...this is already present in many fps...at least a variation of it..

but uhhh yeah...way too many barret threads as it is =X

August 20, 2004, 8:55 pm
1.) Make the barret like a law: can only be fired from a prone/crouch postion.

why? if this happens i wanna see this on minigun, minimi, and steyr aswell.

2.) Have it so that the sniper-line can not be used at the same time as the barret. So, any other weapon, when equipped, can feature a sniper line. However, if at any time a barret is equipped as the active weapon, the sniper line will not be visble.

great, because of one idiotic whining thread, people now thing that someone actually uses sniper line.

3.) Make it so that only headshots result in 1-hit kills. Since damage is 10% higher when the head is shot, just make the barret hav 92% damage or whatever.

then i wanna see ruger and other guns like that aswell.

4.) Player can not move while reloading. The reloading process can only be completed if the player is stationary in a crouch/prone position. If he moves in the middle of reload, the process must be restarted.

wtf.. why ?

5.) A large muzzle flash will notify everyone on screen of the exact postion of the barret user. Flash has priority over everything else, meaning you will always see it no matter what, if you happen to be in the same screen as the barreter.


6.) If zoom is enabled, then the barretard will have tunnel vision, allowing him to only see a small area around the line of fire, making him more vulurable.

i thought we're talking about ballance, not making barret a totaly useless weapon.

err the only good idea is to make the reload slower.

August 20, 2004, 9:00 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
[quote]why? if this happens i wanna see this on minigun, minimi, and steyr aswell.

barret is a sniper gun, it was meant to be fired from distance, while proning/crouching. autos not

August 20, 2004, 9:12 pm
I find some of them to be quite good, actually. But some are too extreme (not being able to move while reloading)

August 20, 2004, 10:07 pm
BAH! Fuk this! Just make it so that the barrett explodes if NOT fired prone or crouched or while in the air! I think that would work better than all of the suggestions.

BTW: I use sniper line! And I use all weapons (YES! I use barrett too sometimes. Depending on the map and gameplay. But I always camp . YaY!). I kind of got used to it in 1.1.5

August 20, 2004, 10:32 pm
ROFL. Great idea droopy.

The whole point of these ideas was that they could be used SEPERATELY. If they were all implemented, I'd rather choose my fists over the barret. Oh, and heres a few ideas for you to ponder:

7.) After firing the barret, player requires a 1 second period in which they can not do ANYTHING.

8.) Barrets bullet leaves a long trail of whatever leading directly back to the shooter. Lightning Gun style.

9.) 5-10% chance that the barret will misfire, forcing the player to MANUALLY reload a new clip.

10.) Barret, unlike other weapons, has a 10 shot only clip that can not be reloaded. IOW - after 10 shots, thats it, no more...

/throws out old flame suit and runs away

August 20, 2004, 10:35 pm
Weapon editor
Do I need to say more.

August 20, 2004, 11:41 pm
quote:Originally posted by karmazonpl
barret is a sniper gun, it was meant to be fired from distance, while proning/crouching. autos not

minigun is not a weapon that you can fly\run with..
steyr is not an assault weapon..
minimi is not an assault weapon..

catch my drift ?
that's why i'm saying to stop with all the whining about "this is not real!" and "this wasnt ment to be this way!"

@droopy and papasmurf: yea haha why not adding nuclear charges to every other weapon that you dont like ? ... >_>

quote:Originally posted by papasurf31

7.) After firing the barret, player requires a 1 second period in which they can not do ANYTHING.

9.) 5-10% chance that the barret will misfire, forcing the player to MANUALLY reload a new clip.

10.) Barret, unlike other weapons, has a 10 shot only clip that can not be reloaded. IOW - after 10 shots, thats it, no more...

dont you think you got too f*cking carried away ?

August 20, 2004, 11:59 pm
Personally, I think the 1.1.6b System would work fine. For once, I agree with SuperKill... all this [:-censored] is unnecessary.

August 21, 2004, 12:09 am
Superkill , If aug is no assault weapon , WTF is it? A sniper? Most of Ur arguments are dumb , Heh You mostly Don't even have arguments

August 21, 2004, 12:15 am
aug is not a gun that you can run and attack with, that was my point.
ever tried lifting one ?

that fuking sniper
August 21, 2004, 12:25 am
Michal already said that he had enough of weapon balancing and that the next version will include a weapon editor. Thus, having this thread in the suggestions forum is futile. Just wait for the next update and everyone will have his own version of Soldat to play... Whoop-dee-f*cking-doo.

August 21, 2004, 12:30 am
As Soldat is not intent to be realistic (or does someone of you have boots to fly with?), i dont mind what weapon you can fly and shoot with or not.

The basic thing is that the barret and the ruger are too strong. The only 2 changes I can imagine aon the barret are:

* make it randomly imprecise when fired in the air
* increase reload time (but more than just slightly)

and to the ruger:

* either lower its damage, you need 4 hits or 3 (with 1-3 headshots) to kill
* or increase its reload time to a time about double as long as it is now

and to the weapon i use mostly (M79):
* increase reload time slightly

August 21, 2004, 3:09 am
WHY CANT U PPL JUST SHAAAADAAAAP !!!! Sigh... If U ask me, The only weapon that is even remotly overpowerd is teh Mps, But who cares ! If U get killed by a gun there is always another 1 that is better Vs fitst 1.. Change weapon and kill him/(her) ^^ ! It aint harder ! if 2 many ppl use Barret then change server if U cant deal with it !

August 21, 2004, 4:10 am
theres a fine line between realism, and fairness. sometimes you have to make something more realistic, even in an UNrealistic arcade style game, to make the experience fair for everyone. for once, i agree with superkill, and not even I think the barrett should be nerfed to this level of uselessness. i just think lower its accuracy while moving. lower its accuracy in the air, speed up the scope. keep bullet speed as is. and make leg shots halfway kills

that fuking sniper
August 21, 2004, 4:37 am
Then what? You'll have people who just walk, and barely jump/fly just to get around small holes, as soon as they see you, all they need to do is crouch and shoot. Oooh, how hard... Tell me, how is that going to help you? It will remain instagib, it will still have its normal reload times, and shoot as fast, and it will have a better general range quality since players would be spending alot of time on the ground. You will still die fast and people will still complain about it. This wont help.

August 21, 2004, 4:54 am
Learn how to use one, then talk

August 21, 2004, 4:59 am
quote:Originally posted by Droopy
But I always camp . YaY!

sigh.. and to think he's proud of it.
funny thing how all the others like stalky that say camping is alot better, whine about cs community in soldat.. how ironic.

quote:Originally posted by Snowden
Learn how to use one, then talk

so true.

that fuking sniper
August 21, 2004, 6:13 am
Then you have the ones who say the barret was always meant to be a sniper rifle and that camping is more challenging... Give me a f*cking break...

August 21, 2004, 8:12 am
camping = cs
taken from soldat.prv.pl - "and gives you fast action gameplay"

August 21, 2004, 8:33 am
i dont like idea

August 21, 2004, 2:55 pm

/me stabs the thread

August 21, 2004, 3:31 pm
/thread dies and locks itself

August 21, 2004, 3:35 pm
Got to admit, the smoke plume suggestion is a fanciable idea. Although it might make the barret look a bit too cool..

August 21, 2004, 8:33 pm
locked better -.-