Well, played UT and started thinking if one of there play styles coud be working in Soldat,
Lets say that you have one team defendeing a "Specific" target and one team attacking it, for instanse a flag. The guarding team will have stationed weapons and have it easy for there defence like hills that the attacking team will need cross, however it shoud not be impossible to reach (doh) :) When/if the attacking team reach the flag they will need to return it to unother possition to win the game, one score will do and the map restarts but this time teams switched so the attackers are defenders.
-To make this possible there shoudent need to be any large changes only new maps and well maybe some more thought to it :)
Maybe it woud be possible to make it so theres multiple different locations to attack and this time not flags, maybe something else, a spot that needs to be held for a matter of time. The attacking team will need to reach em one at a time, when/if they do the defending and attacking teams spawn position will change, this is to indicate that the target is lost and the new one is ahead. Once more the teams switch when last target is taken.
-Im no programer or nothing of that kind, but its just a instinct that maybe this one require some changes to soldat, or is it possible when making a map to add the things above?
Well, I feel like this coud be fun playing, adding a larger objective to the game. Maybe its a bad idea but it woud requre more team work, and I say thats something Soldat coud need.
If there allready is a thread of the same matter im sorry, atleast I coudent find any.
Please add some comments, it might not be the best idea right now but it coud be :)
Lets say that you have one team defendeing a "Specific" target and one team attacking it, for instanse a flag. The guarding team will have stationed weapons and have it easy for there defence like hills that the attacking team will need cross, however it shoud not be impossible to reach (doh) :) When/if the attacking team reach the flag they will need to return it to unother possition to win the game, one score will do and the map restarts but this time teams switched so the attackers are defenders.
-To make this possible there shoudent need to be any large changes only new maps and well maybe some more thought to it :)
Maybe it woud be possible to make it so theres multiple different locations to attack and this time not flags, maybe something else, a spot that needs to be held for a matter of time. The attacking team will need to reach em one at a time, when/if they do the defending and attacking teams spawn position will change, this is to indicate that the target is lost and the new one is ahead. Once more the teams switch when last target is taken.
-Im no programer or nothing of that kind, but its just a instinct that maybe this one require some changes to soldat, or is it possible when making a map to add the things above?
Well, I feel like this coud be fun playing, adding a larger objective to the game. Maybe its a bad idea but it woud requre more team work, and I say thats something Soldat coud need.
If there allready is a thread of the same matter im sorry, atleast I coudent find any.
Please add some comments, it might not be the best idea right now but it coud be :)