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Default Maps
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
August 22, 2004, 11:08 am
I think Michal should implement more default maps, it would give CTF matches something new, and possibly add some unique and/or more in depth stratigetic elements to Clan Wars. We should get together a small group of veteran mappers to wip up some awesome maps for the next version. All in favor say I.
(Note that i did use the Search)

August 22, 2004, 5:34 pm
agreed 100%.

August 22, 2004, 5:59 pm
Maybe some of the SML SP maps, and other nice ones like Soap's "Swamp". Not to mention the RCE maps.

August 22, 2004, 7:24 pm
Add race mode.
Add ctf swamp DEFINETLY.
And some other kick ass map's.

August 22, 2004, 7:52 pm
I wasn't thinking so much as race maps, i meant more of CTF maps and possibly bring back some of the old DM maps like fest. But i guess it would go better if he added new maps for every mode. Some new INF maps would be awesome.

The Geologist
August 22, 2004, 10:24 pm
I for one would love to see swamp made into a default map. Great idea!

August 22, 2004, 10:38 pm

August 22, 2004, 11:10 pm
I doubt this will ever happen (team of mappers). A quote from a polish interview with Michal (poor transation):
Sajan_BoK: Are you going to put maps from DNAGames mappack in the next version of Soldat?
Michal Marcinkowski: No. I'm going to add new maps in the next version, but rather I will make my own map layouts.

The Geologist
August 22, 2004, 11:44 pm
Hmmm...an interesting quote. Oh well...I'm sure that he could make some great maps to add. One of the only additions I'd particularly like see would be Swamp, but I can always toss that into the mix on a server or play it on my own.

August 22, 2004, 11:55 pm
Well I'm glad he's adding more maps, and if he does them himself I'm sure they'll have great gameplay. But i still think he should put CTF_Swamp in, and hopefully new INF maps.

August 23, 2004, 8:30 am
i think swamp isnt as good as you're telling. swamp is really good, but not for 3on3, its better for 2on2 cos of its only way.

my suggestions for new default maps:

- ctf_bridge
- ctf_gN
- ctf_Maya

August 23, 2004, 9:39 am
If another non-michal made map would be implemented besides ctf_Swamp, i think ctf_Aphganistan would be tight. If you haven't played, it download it. One of my favorite maps made by Chakapoko Maker i believe. (D/L: http://ultimate13.dynu.com:6080/host/sml/index.php?p=mapinfo&map_name=Afghanistan)

August 23, 2004, 8:53 pm
please not! I sadly never really played ctf_Afghanistan in a real war, maybe soon in our next esl war since it is in the mappool now. But what I've seen it's just like ctf_Death. Because of nearly only one way in the middle, I'm sure that it's an only massacre, just like ctf_Death. If someone survives he can move on. Then he needs to face all the enemies that respawned. And if he/they survive then again, he/they can capture the flag and score. I don't think this will ever be very tactical. That's why I love ctf_Run. 3 completely different ways, big map, and more. Because of that I'd love to see ctf_Glengarry in Soldat. Not just because partisan made it, but it's a really good map. It looks really good, and I'm sure the gameplay is even better. Try it out!