August 23, 2004, 1:42 am
Been wanting to see an idea that you think would make a cool comic or movie that hasn't been done yet, but don't know how to make a movie/comic? Post it and and maybe even some other nifty movie makers around here, will put it into action =)
--Speaking of Suggestions---
I've just about got this Soldat movie done, finally. But what would put the icing on the cake is some suggestions from you guys. I'd like to put some hefty battle music in there, but I'm at a loss. If you guys know of any that you think would go good with Soldat (maybe music you listen to while playing? =) ) I'll gladly try it out and see how it works. Same goes for anything funny you think would be nifty to see in a Soldat movie. It would really help and anyone's ideas I use will be put in the credits =)
August 23, 2004, 1:57 am
I think the Mortal Combat theme would do good as some battle music. Also, there are some anime songs, none that I know, that would go good as battle music.
One thing that I think would be really cool is if you sped up the battle and inserted Blur - Whoohoo as background music. If possible, the song should be at a low volume, so that you can still jam to it, but you can also hear the Soldat sounds, if there are any. :) I can't really suggest anything without knowing what the movie is about, but I don't want you telling me, I'd rather wait and see.
August 23, 2004, 2:39 am
Matrix music is good fight music...
Burly Brawl, Mona Lisa, Teahouse. They're all good.
Theres also that Star Trek song that I sent you, Kazuki ;P
August 23, 2004, 2:42 am
August 23, 2004, 2:53 am
the old western classic song thing would be funny in it... waaaaaa womp womp womp
August 23, 2004, 2:55 am
LazehBoi, yeah, but we're using that in our movie. :P
August 24, 2004, 2:04 am
The Crystal Method- Name of the Game
Use It ^_^
August 25, 2004, 5:55 pm
I'dd recommend if u put in some spinned up action, Korn- wake up hate.
And yes, that western melody is teh fits in everything xD
August 25, 2004, 8:07 pm
OOO The song from The good the bad and the ugly?!
DO that song! ^_^