This would be a minor addition and could possibly be implimented as a console command.
/mark <alias1>; <alias2>; etc...
Basically what it does is highlights a player or several players.
So when they chat, maybe their text is a bit larger or it has a little symbol next to their name so you see it better, or when they say something theres a sound, perhaps like an IM or something of that nature but less annoying. This would probably help for clan wars because sometimes you're too busy playing to look at the chat console to see commands. If there was a sound then you'd look up and be like...ok...incomming top or w/e...
Also what marked could/would possibly do is but another player identifier over the soldat that is marked, but different than the one that is yours so you can tell it appart from your own...maybe a star, circle, anything really...
Sometimes I like to "hunt" certain people, ie hackers, or just certain people in general because they've been pissing me off in a server. I could mark them, and give them priority to my bullets because it'd be easier to tell them appart from the rest of their team...
As I said, this isn't really that important what so ever, but I think it'd be a nice little addition and nothing too drastic...
While thinking of the marked/hunting...I came up with a game mode...
One or a percentage of players are "marked" in a server, basically it is deathmatch, however you only get a point if you kill a marked player, or you get 2 instead of 1. nothing fancy...and not really needed as you can kind of do that now...meh...
/mark <alias1>; <alias2>; etc...
Basically what it does is highlights a player or several players.
So when they chat, maybe their text is a bit larger or it has a little symbol next to their name so you see it better, or when they say something theres a sound, perhaps like an IM or something of that nature but less annoying. This would probably help for clan wars because sometimes you're too busy playing to look at the chat console to see commands. If there was a sound then you'd look up and be like...ok...incomming top or w/e...
Also what marked could/would possibly do is but another player identifier over the soldat that is marked, but different than the one that is yours so you can tell it appart from your own...maybe a star, circle, anything really...
Sometimes I like to "hunt" certain people, ie hackers, or just certain people in general because they've been pissing me off in a server. I could mark them, and give them priority to my bullets because it'd be easier to tell them appart from the rest of their team...
As I said, this isn't really that important what so ever, but I think it'd be a nice little addition and nothing too drastic...
While thinking of the marked/hunting...I came up with a game mode...
One or a percentage of players are "marked" in a server, basically it is deathmatch, however you only get a point if you kill a marked player, or you get 2 instead of 1. nothing fancy...and not really needed as you can kind of do that now...meh...