August 24, 2004, 2:59 am
well...it is quite obvious y everyone can hear u even when u teamchat and the enemy sees u...but wat about having a stealth mode tat is activated when u crouch or prone so tat u can team chat through a "walkie talkie" in the game so tat only ur teammates can read...this is quite useful when giving directions to others while hiding b.c of low health or reloading baret.
August 24, 2004, 3:52 am
That would make sense. The enemy can normally see the message above your head because when you team chat, it's only on a different channel, but you're still loud, so they can hear you. That's what it's based off of. But if you're crouching or proning, you would normally be much more quiet, so the enemy wouldn't be able to hear you. Seems good to me.
Social Poison
August 24, 2004, 4:12 am
I'm pretty sure the fact that you can see teamspeak over someone's head is considered a bug.
August 24, 2004, 4:15 am
ur right, it COULD b a bug but i don think so - and even if, im still suggesting to change tat so it'll get fixed or just my idea will b used...
August 24, 2004, 6:15 am
I happen to like that the chat appears over their head, it should stay.
August 24, 2004, 5:04 pm
Some of this discussion has already taken place in the thread
Team chat invisible above players head. I think that Michal purposefully made it so team chat could be seen by the other team if they were on-screen.
However, zyxstand's idea is different in that it suggests another variation of team chat. I kind of like the idea of the text not being seen above your head when you're prone.
August 24, 2004, 5:16 pm
quote:Originally posted by DeMonIc
I'm with HellRaider.
I knew there was someone else. ;_;
August 25, 2004, 2:05 am
well, sorta used to just typing so I would normallu do it the rugualar way. and it couldnt' work for crouch because I belive you must hold c.... which means a whole lotta cccs will come in the typing
ccccccccEnemyccccccflagcccccc up
please don't flame me if I'm stupid.
August 25, 2004, 2:33 am
well you are stupid for your example, but no, you couldn't type when you are crouched. and this idea sucks too, for 2 reasons.
1) i hate that you camp
2) it is very strategic in clan wars..warning about enemies incoming because you see an enemies taunts. yeah.
Unlucky 13
August 26, 2004, 9:35 am
I think real mode should have this, as well as no chat overhead if they are behind you
August 26, 2004, 10:45 am
Could idea but it could complicate the game, its obvious that soldat is not meant to be a complicated game.
August 26, 2004, 11:23 am
quote:Originally posted by Unlucky 13
I think real mode should have this, as well as no chat overhead if they are behind you
I disagree. Can you hear someone if they're talking behind you? Because, I can...
August 26, 2004, 5:01 pm
/sneaks up behind Frogboy
chat: FrogBoy's a n00b!!!!1