August 26, 2004, 5:35 pm
We most add more hair types, hats, e.t.c!!!
Than we ll have more colorfull soldats.
I think that will be nice and dont add hard work 2 Michal. [^]
I want to hear or opinions, k?
August 26, 2004, 6:15 pm
/puts on flame suit
read the stickies please...
The Geologist
August 26, 2004, 8:02 pm
Want more color? Go download the skin changer...color away. My opinion: People need to use search more before they make topics. Also my opinion: This isn't a damn fashion show.
August 26, 2004, 8:42 pm
Although this has been posted thousands of times before, I still agree. You know the game Soldner? I don't like it. But there's one big point I really, really, really like in the game (although I don't play it cause it sucks, but this single point rocks) is that you can create you're completely unique character. There are dozens of different hats, boots, shirts, uniforms, faces, and so on. Dozens of completely different clothes. And to make it just more unique, you can also color all these clothes. You can also make you're own clanlogo that will appear somewhere at your body (I think) that other people will see. So every not-so-standard character is mostly unique. Soldat is still good, but it needs many more things to change the look of your soldier.
August 27, 2004, 1:55 am
Yesh, But I think the first step to take is being able to make more detailed stuff.
August 27, 2004, 3:15 am
More detailed stuff on a 10x20 (?) pixeled body.
Oh yeah, good idea, but I am not sure what else would be added.
August 27, 2004, 7:29 am
You all suck you only want improvements like Fix mp3 bug WTF? IT DOESNT MATTER