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The Minimi is actually a hard weapon to use.
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - General Discussions
August 28, 2004, 6:03 am
Pfft, yeah right.

August 28, 2004, 6:05 am
*hugs his grenades* There, there. Let's hope discrimination won't get as far as nades.

August 28, 2004, 6:05 am
Hears the happy days music

Captain RibMan
August 28, 2004, 6:10 am
stupid nades

Hektik Sniper
August 28, 2004, 6:32 am

The Geologist
August 28, 2004, 7:05 am
/points a finger at Kazuki and his nades


Social Poison
August 28, 2004, 8:12 am
As an auto user and great opponent of the barret...

yea... you're right :p

Unlucky 13
August 28, 2004, 9:08 am
Hmm... the only problem is other auto's

Social Poison
August 28, 2004, 9:10 am
I'm sure there was a joke in there... but you sent it right over my head :P

August 28, 2004, 11:07 am
im good with all the autos, i dont see understand the complaints about the minimi, i think the autos are pretty balanced.

(nerf teh barrett)

August 28, 2004, 11:17 am
Well, people who are good with Barret don't understand the complaints about it, they think it's balanced.

August 28, 2004, 2:01 pm
How the hell didn't I notice this..

Yay for Lockage.