August 29, 2004, 10:03 pm
well the idea is just like a new tab on the soldat menu. open it and on it you have different modifactions to the game play you can activate for soldat.
for example:
instagib weapons: only barrets but it shoots fully straight and much faster "clocking"(not sure what the reloading thing is called =P)
vampire:damage your enemy and regain some health (kills wouldnt count that way it balanaces m79s and barrets)
game speed: speed up and slow down game speed.
gravity: change gravity.
double jump: at the peak of your jump you can do another.
1.5.0 weapon balance: obviously changes weapon balance to 1.5.0 balance.
no reloads: obvious.
always full jet fuel: obvious.
and whatever else you can think of.
only thing is I am not sure if this would require a major re-coding of soldat (I am thinking it would).
August 29, 2004, 10:37 pm
I like Soldat the way it is... It's bad enough that there is going to be a weapons editor... *sigh*
August 29, 2004, 10:43 pm
quote:Originally posted by LazehBoi
I like Soldat the way it is... It's bad enough that there is going to be a weapons editor... *sigh*
Seems everyone has a problem with reading peoples ideas before you post. These would be server side options.
Anything new to soldat would rock, but these ideas sound like alot of fun.
August 29, 2004, 10:55 pm
Weapon editor will be server side too. Both mutators and weapon editor are great ideas.
August 29, 2004, 10:55 pm
Uh... I read the ideas, they sound cool and all, but it would still make servers different.
Actually, the double jump doesn't sound too bad.
August 29, 2004, 10:57 pm
quote:Originally posted by LazehBoi
it would still make servers different.
Yes, some servers will be different. It's good, isn't it?
August 30, 2004, 1:22 am
release source code and we'll have mod community like in UT2004.. every noob does his own sh1t
August 30, 2004, 2:00 am
by the by, there has never been a 1.50 version
The Geologist
August 30, 2004, 2:32 am
quote:Originally posted by Shyo
release source code and we'll have mod community like in UT2004..
I'd sooner wait for my s*it to turn into diamonds. These suggestions would be fun if they were server side, with the possible exception of the vampire option.
Unlucky 13
August 30, 2004, 7:49 am
Wow! someone has been playing UT again! But i like this, although it would stall soldat for a little longer
Deleted User
August 30, 2004, 8:01 am
Mutators are not bad ideas... Like in UT [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]
August 31, 2004, 4:57 pm
Greate Ideas....But There Is no1 who can make it!
August 31, 2004, 5:18 pm
quote:Originally posted by CHE_guevara
Greate Ideas....But There Is no1 who can make it!
What do you mean no one who can make it, Michal himself probably can.
Deleted User
August 31, 2004, 6:51 pm
He meant the picture from the admin forum...
You can see more here:
...Don't cry [:-weepn]
August 31, 2004, 8:10 pm
HAHAH HOLYCRAP, did you think that the pictures were real? HAHA... BWHAHA
that is a classic... heh heh...
August 31, 2004, 8:40 pm
This actually dosen't sound like a bad idea. I'd like to try these out. :D
August 31, 2004, 8:46 pm
and people thought I was crazy about ut2004... anyways, guess this would be ok... don't like to say it as mutators though, we are not aliens except for that guy... let's just say no mutators in real mode. I hate vamp and the speed one...
i am ahab
September 1, 2004, 11:59 am
rofl i say the thread title and for a split second thought it'd be a thread about a weapon that turned players into a chicken or something!!!!! hahaha now THAT'D be a gun . . . . . . .
September 1, 2004, 12:22 pm
There are a couple of ideas there that have been suggested before like the double jump and game speed.
Unlucky 13
September 2, 2004, 7:48 am
"clocking"? I think you mean "fire rate"... but still. I'd like to add a few...
"Vest-Start" You start with a full bullet proof vest
"No Medkits" No medkits spawn
"Rambo Mania" All players start with the Rambo bow and have the Rambo powers
"Go Bezerk" All players start with an infinite Bezerker bonus
"Predetor Mode" All players are in an infinite predetor mode, if shoots/is hit, player becomes slightly visible
"Points for damage" Players are invulnerable, but you get points for hitting opponents (Whatever strength the weapon is on E.G. Ruger 77: 83 points at point blank)
Rename "Vampire" to "Noseferatu Mode"
September 2, 2004, 3:43 pm
The chicken gun is very powerfull.. cuz the eggs they lay explode
September 2, 2004, 5:51 pm
Ninja - I mean - That no1 _could_ and _Would_ probably MAKE thous Ideas Alive Except Michal certainly .....