August 30, 2004, 3:33 am
ok just to start off with some of my ideas:
tank - like a bonus, 1 per team (maybe for CTF only), it got its own health and primary\secondary weapon (machine gun/launcher). controls, same as human maybe? jump(like in metal slug), left and right, down (no idea lol) and prone could be "get off" the vehicule
helicopter - same as tank, but aerial. jump - go up, crouch - go down, left, right.. weapon uhmn.. gunner and hellfire missiles?
well u can make many type of tanks and vehicules to randomly appear.. like 5 mins respawn after death, and only once per team in map. (or maybe make them base only, like the gay machine gunners.. (maybe add a rocket machine launcher at base lol ))
also adding more funny things like sh!tt!ng, vomit, make ur char to explode (something worse than /brutalkill)...
-spy? like a shirt changing bonus.. makes the other team think u r from a friendly team or something
another idea is an "Action Button", like making maps with doors, Action button to open\close it. maybe crouch+action can make u cover with snow..pick ur hat/cap that fell to the floor and maybe this slide idea, which sounds useless. or when u kill someone, "action button" on their corpse do something lol not sure what, but maybe this cloth-changing bonus.
10 weapons and 4 secondaries.. sounds fun, why not add more? like laser beam or nasty weapons similar to other games, like golden eye or turok. (cerebral bore.. lol would be fun) or infection.. if it hits, it makes ur enemy to explode within x seconds..
and last idea, make uhm.. classic soldat more and futuristic soldat mode --> not just changing sprite/sounds.. thats kinda gay. anyways, just ignore this idea. soldat is soldiers.. (but i did like the movie "starship troopers")
any critics or something? ive been dreaming of the new days of soldat with these stuff.. sounds so much fun..
c ya all, MakroX.
August 30, 2004, 3:36 am
forgot to mention to add more game modes and musics.. i dont like adding mp3, i like the classic music from game.. they r so cool or at least tell me where i can get music similar to the 3 default ones :-)
August 30, 2004, 3:39 am
yay for another vehicle thread
NO !
August 30, 2004, 6:38 am
I think someone will along shortly to do some yelling. Including, most likely, references to a wonderful thing by the name of 'Search' and as well as the 'Rules'. See? Yeah. Try it next time. You're new, it's not your fault.
One thing you mention I would like is more character animations (though not sh|tting and vomiting).
The Geologist
August 30, 2004, 6:49 am
quote:Originally posted by Junot
yay! yer a huge fag karmazon
He's a lot cooler than you, buddy. We need more vehicle threads about as much as we need tards with ICP avatars using big words like "fag".
August 30, 2004, 6:55 am
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist
quote:Originally posted by Junot
yay! yer a huge fag karmazon
He's a lot cooler than you, buddy. We need more vehicle threads about as much as we need tards with ICP avatars using big words like "fag".
can we get a halalujia?
Leo Da Lunerfox
August 30, 2004, 6:56 am
wouldn't /raisetheroof be almost the same as /victory? Plus, no one is gonna have time to type that in.
August 30, 2004, 7:27 am
err.. there's a taunt.txt where u can change what alt+letter/number do.. like alt+4 is to type /victory. i do that with alt+5 to type /brutalkill cuz sometimes its better to suicide fast, why? dont ask me. does /raisetheroof works ? lol
and other thing, what the F. is wrong with vehicules? as i read in another thread, lots of people wants it. sorry i didnt real all forums before i made mine.. just imagine a jeep car with a driver soldier and like 2 soldiers behind in the back of the car shooting.. would be lots of fun. so whats wrong with it? and whats going on with this insults !
anyways, im not a n00b to be traited like that. im just new to this forum.
i wonder why michael wants to work all this game by himself, but still there are great ideas to implement like a third weapon (backpack slot?).. i liked the mines, health pack and stuff.. would add like specialist players in the game, not just choose ur best aiming weapon, rush, kill and get killed. jets can make the game very boring if u think the side of "Team work", like in starcraft.. u make mass of marines, and send them to war and thats bout it. similar to soldat game-type. and everyone else who doesnt rush and kill, is a n00b. hell NO there must be more gameplays, and jet ruins this team-work since u can fly, u must not go in ground protecting urself with barriers or something. those objects r ignored and useless, no1 uses it. not even n00bs. hope im being useful, and not tarded like barretards or rugertards. peace out. (im not black.)
Deleted User
August 30, 2004, 7:56 am
Vechiles: NO
The Geologist
August 30, 2004, 8:18 am
I'll tell you what's wrong with vehichles: The idea has been suggested and argued to death so many times that it has become a rule in this part of the forums not to post about vehicles. I'm not even going to get into people who suicide to escape getting killed...
August 30, 2004, 10:21 am
The vehicles..well skip it.
Spy...I think that's useless, cause the soldat is too fast for that sort of thing.Go play redalert.
More weapons..well, that has been covered up.
August 30, 2004, 12:54 pm
"cause the soldat is too fast for that sort of thing".. well, rush-type games gets boring fast. but if u say so.. i was just giving out ideas, sorry for being a tard. >=\ im out
August 30, 2004, 3:33 pm
I don't like everything except for the spy thing
August 30, 2004, 4:07 pm
well definitely no for the vehicles. Maybe a few more /actions btw if you want a better brutalkill type /mercy
I really liked the spy idea though. It would be a bit like pred although noone would actually know your an intruder until you killed someone or stole the flag. I think that could really work.
August 30, 2004, 11:11 pm
like /explode makes ur character to explode like a law or m79.. its like u run and jump, and in midair u type ur shorcut for it.. its lots of fun, i like to make myself go boom shooting at air and then dying. its funny.
what bout no weapon, makes u use combat style? like in worms.. prod, dragon punch, dragon ball and kamikaze.. bad idea or something?
August 30, 2004, 11:25 pm
I don't like any of the ideas. Reasons have already been stated...
H2H(hand to hand) combat special combos or whatever...too complex...just use guns...this isn't a streetfighter-esk game...
Spy one really uses bonuses anyways unless it's in a DM type mode. And in DM, you kill everyone basically you'd only be able to use it in TDM, even then it's somewhat useless because teams rarely work together in TDM. No one really plays pointmatch...and it wouldn't be much help in Rambo because everyone's trying to kill Rambo anyways...
So overall, a pretty useless addition if you ask me. Also if you like sneaking around so much, get the predator bonus, it's even better and basically is the same concept besides the fact that they can see your blood/jets/bullets...
September 1, 2004, 2:22 am
i was just wanting for effects for the game.. like a reason to do more things, not only aim-shot. ok tarded players, as u say so. u r just saying rush-kill-get killed is soldat-gametype-about. and that is gay, and soldat isnt gay. anyways, any of u played starcraft online? what happened when u didnt have the map? it just downloads it and then u can play.. it should be like this so we can play new maps instead of default ones cuz i get tired of playing the same maps all the time, and online.. there's no new maps. sounds like a good idea to me, except for maps with viruses spam and folder oversized.. oh well, as usual u wont like this idea. im out
September 1, 2004, 2:45 am
just a normal newbie trying to turn soldat into a mixture of his favourite games...
did you ever try and make a Massive game change suggestion for another game? you know what blizzard would say if you told them such things bout Starcraft? i can guess what they would say: "f*ck you retard" pretty simple.
i dont get what is on your mind...
soldat is indeed only "rush-kill/get killed-spawn-run"
it might make the game "gay" as you say... but i didnt know a game could be gay... or lesbian... or bisexual...
but people saying "gay" at every single thing sound so... well... gayish...
Off topic: i noticed the Geologist has the ugliest avatar in this forum, yet he always comments on the other's... kinda reminds me of lesbian's penis jealousy...
September 1, 2004, 1:29 pm
being insulted for giving out ideas, sucks. i was just giving an idea so we can play new maps.. cuz if it isnt single player, we never play the maps people make. meh.. its so useless to speak in here. ciao
September 2, 2004, 11:00 pm
ehm tanks... in b2b? how do they get out the base without getting stuck by falling into the tunnel?
ehm yeah...
Spy sounds pretty good though
i know how yoou feel makrox it's not nice to get flamed for putting in an idea. If every kid got flamed for doing something positive that didn't turn out right then they wouldn't try to improve because they think they'll just get yelled at agin and then the world would be a dull dull place full of slobs who do nothing =/
September 3, 2004, 12:07 pm
vehicles will not be added to soldat. Michal has already told us that a loooooong time.
then the spy? it isnt quite useful because there is already predator mode in soldat, and that is almost somewhat the same thing.
And another thing to everybody: think what you write. it isnt nice to insult people in forums if they only want to make a suggestion.
Have a very nice day.