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August 30, 2004, 8:39 pm
Well, I'm not sure this would even be practical, but I was just kind of wondering if anybody else felt this way.( at the risk of being mocked)

I wish I could have a knife APART from another secondary weapon(such as USSOCOM).I started out always going with the knife, but lately I'm really appreciating the pistol, especially coupled with the m79. Maybe it would be hard switching between three weapons or maybe it'd screw the game up in some other way, but one day I was just wishing for both the knife and the USSOCOM. What are your thoughts?

August 30, 2004, 8:44 pm
so you would have 3 weapons slots? That would be most annoying. I say no.

August 30, 2004, 8:49 pm
not exactly three weapon slots, two weapon slots and a knife that comes standard.

August 30, 2004, 9:10 pm
i think he means that you alwys carry youre knife and you can have a ak and socom aswel

August 30, 2004, 9:13 pm
So a special button to take out your knife? Meh soldat becomes more and more complicated.

The Geologist
August 30, 2004, 9:35 pm
If you're good with the knife, you don't need another secondary. Practice with your knife more.

August 30, 2004, 10:02 pm
this is asking for 3 weapon slots, as even if knife came standard, you could still throw it and get another slot, making 3, which is adding too much

August 30, 2004, 11:22 pm
I agree with geologist, practice makes perfect. You can kill very effectively with knife and not need a pistol. More weapon slots = more keys for your little fingers to press, considering your left hand already has at least 9 keys to worry about.

Social Poison
August 31, 2004, 12:01 am
Nope. Sorry not a good idea :p

August 31, 2004, 12:10 am
He's trying to see if he can carry a knife and a socom, no ak's or barrets. Like adding a knife into primary weapons [:-spin]

August 31, 2004, 1:46 am
its not carryng a new gun slot!!!!1111 knife is not a gun - u can carry a knife in ur pocket! and in real war u have more than one gun...just watch the matrix (1) when he infiltrates that big building with all his guns!

The Geologist
August 31, 2004, 2:00 am
quote:Originally posted by zyxstand
its not carryng a new gun slot!!!!1111 knife is not a gun - u can carry a knife in ur pocket! and in real war u have more than one gun...just watch the matrix (1) when he infiltrates that big building with all his guns!

F*cking please...leave the Matrix out of this, okay? The matrix isn't "real war". Jesus...

Listen to Spectral. The knife would have it's own slot, and no the knife is not a gun (genius), but with some practice you have the potential to kill with a knife more effectively than a soccom.

August 31, 2004, 10:20 am
Well, I for one thing this is good, but would like to add something:
I despise it when someone carries 2 barretts.
So maybe -like in CS :P- this should be the carriing system:


You could only take a primary if u drop your own primary, you can only take a secondary if you drop your secondary, etc.

August 31, 2004, 10:48 am
I want to be able to choose 2 secondaries, rather than have a primary and a secondary. ( However you should not be able to choose 2 primaries)

August 31, 2004, 11:45 am
This won't be implemented as it would just be too powerful. Although soccom is the most overpowered secondary IMO especially with its extremely quick reload time, knife too is its own weapon.

I started out using a knife then I found soccom was better coupled with an m79 so here was my solution.
Find out which primary weapons (which you like are good for which map) then couple the correct secondry weap with it.
B2b - deagles - knife
death - I dont like this map and hardly play it
kampf - steyr - knife
laos - m79 - soccom
run - deagles - knife
viet - depends on how i feel
volland - m79 - soccom

Obviously people like different weapons to those and youd have to make your own choice. Only thing I would say is if you use an auto or deagles couple it with a kinfe. If you use a slow reloader m79 or even barret i guess then couple with a soccom. Ruger or spas could be coupled with either. Give it a go it worked for me

August 31, 2004, 3:46 pm
Hes not talking about another slot hes talking about the knife always with you... even if you throw it and go up to a different weapon you won't be able to get it... only a knife

The Geologist
August 31, 2004, 6:19 pm
If it were a slot for knife, and only knife, then yes...I would agree it'd be nice to have a secondary and a knife. But as things stand currently, I really see no need for this if you're truely effective with your secondary. Just more clutter of the keys.

August 31, 2004, 6:52 pm
I was thinking more along the lines of what Demonic said, but yes, it would just add moe more key to worry about, so maybe I'll just get really good with one or the other, or do the whole map to weapons system like MJPZX2 suggested, anyway, thanks for your thoughts.

August 31, 2004, 8:43 pm
Hats off to this idea. It lacks so much thinking, you would almost have to try to be this stupid. All just because you can't decide what secondary you want to use. I don't think it should change.