September 1, 2004, 3:03 am
im trying to get ahead of everyone here by being the first one to comment for game improvemtents/suggestiions for the version of soldat after the coming one:
the reason for this being here for the next version fater the coming one (call it "after version" so i don have to repeat too often) is because this will get a lot more efficient when internet is faster and most details r worked out in sodlat -
NEWAYS - its tat (not only) different parts of body have different overall health - either individaul health or (like right now) hurts the overall body
hands might get shot and fall off and now u lost an arm and either u loose tat heatlh from ur total heatlh or just lose an arm - desert eagles will become desert eagle and other things won't b as effient as b4
- foot might fall of and now only limping and/or proningly moving is possible
- sicne for proning u need hands u can't rly move whle poroing wihtout hands...o wtf am i talking about ur useless wihtout hands so u just die!
- and make the barret not kill when it hits arms or legs - just body and head
well...if ur rly pissed at me for posting something stupid just wait to see if (in the future) it will or will not b possible for wat i've said - hehe
The Geologist
September 1, 2004, 3:10 am
Look at how small your soldat is already. Do you really think it matters to see a tiny arm or leg, or even more, a tiny, tiny foot or hand fall off? It was hard enough to even read and understand your idea. And if memory serves, there has already been a similar topic (i.e. being forced to prone if you get your lets shot). Too complicated, and definately not needed.
September 1, 2004, 3:13 am
i realize ur concern but if u r rly pissed at tat "stpuid" idea just wait and maybe things will change by the time tat the after version of soldat will b taken in place - maybe (well, not rly maybe) comptuer will b faster and internet 2 and things will b more detailed and it'll all work out fine!
September 1, 2004, 4:36 am
Interesting idea, although I tend to think it's making things too complex. Also, your 'h' and shift keys only seem to work about half the time. Just in case you didn't know.... [:-banghead]
September 1, 2004, 5:27 am
i admit simple n fun is te way, yet for (as i said b4) FUTURE references, this could b a begginning of a new era of side scrolling real-time action games.......FUTURE
Major Pissant
September 1, 2004, 8:05 am
You, my friend, are a false prophet and shouldn´t spread your nonsens among ppl who love the game. As I have said before soldat is about fast action, and as far as i`m concerned I don´t have the time to watch myself falling to pieces just because you want to have super detail in the impossible future you`re predicting.
September 1, 2004, 11:18 am
The ideas you propose are interesting. Losing an appendage, or the ability to run altogether would add a sense of realism to the game, but isn't necessary. How many people would quit playing completely if the had to crawl/gimp everywhere? The game is about instant action, not limp over to the flag, bleed on everything possible, and pray your gimpy,bullet ridden figure, makes it back before somone who can run, just kinda waltzes up, and empties an AK clip in your backside....
Interesting idea, yes. However, I'm more pissed at your inability to post topics in the english language...( postin in teh languaje joo r using iz teh stoopid and hard to read good, I've readed it a few times b4, and it makes ppl sound dumb, and stuff.) is it really that difficult to type a few extra keys, at the sake of not sounding like a complete retard?
Deleted User
September 1, 2004, 11:57 am
i dont like the idea
becuz when someone is shooting at you with a mp5...you will lose very much bodyparts
and if you can kill that gun and you surive it...you only have a leg and your two arms left...
and if you pick up a medkit...voila!! the rest is back again!
i think thats a bit stupid...
September 1, 2004, 12:21 pm
quote:Originally posted by roeltjuuh
becuz when someone is shooting at you with a mp5...you will lose very much bodyparts
Anyway I don't think this should be implemented. When you die by barret your head goes flying far. Sometimes with a knife too. Also m79 causes your body to explode too.
September 1, 2004, 12:32 pm
An intereting idea but as people have said soldat is a simple, run-a-gun game with very little thinking involed. Best to keep it at that.
September 1, 2004, 1:45 pm
Interesting, but very difficult to implent.
And don't forget one little thing... LAG!
Unlucky 13
September 1, 2004, 2:05 pm
LOL! Funny if someone has just lost both legs, falls over on a Medkit, and has their legs respawn on them again! LoL! Bloody fantastic idea, although too complex/confusing/weird/WTF?
Deleted User
September 1, 2004, 3:55 pm
quote:Originally posted by Toumaz
Interesting, but very difficult to implent.
And don't forget one little thing... LAG!
Everything creates lag smartass.
As for the idea i think it would be cool as an option like the realistic mode. :D
September 1, 2004, 4:01 pm
It's a lol idea.. but as stated above it would not work because soldat is fast actioned and the soldiers are too small.
September 1, 2004, 4:15 pm
quote:Originally posted by Ville Mk.2
quote:Originally posted by Toumaz
Interesting, but very difficult to implent.
And don't forget one little thing... LAG!
Everything creates lag smartass.
As for the idea i think it would be cool as an option like the realistic mode. :D
pillows provide comfort
September 1, 2004, 9:10 pm
Keep it simple, I like soldat for that. You can use great tactics, have fun shooting, without having to think THAT much :D.
Oh and please, could you use "h" in "the" and all the other words? It's unbelievably annoying to read :(
September 1, 2004, 10:55 pm
I would sooner /kill than try to survive with missing bodyparts.
The Geologist
September 2, 2004, 12:04 am
BMan raises a very good point...it'd be much more convenient/effective to simply /kill instead of dealing with the burden of having your limbs blasted off. Did you make a similar reply to the other topic dealing with loss of limbs, BMan? If so, damn good call.
Major Pissant
September 2, 2004, 7:41 am
quote:Originally posted by zyxstand
i realize ur concern but if u r rly pissed at tat "stpuid" idea just wait and maybe things will change by the time tat the after version of soldat will b taken in place - maybe (well, not rly maybe) comptuer will b faster and internet 2 and things will b more detailed and it'll all work out fine!
"I realize you´re concerned, but if you´re really pissed at that "stupid" idea just wait and maybe things will change by the time that the after version of Soldat will be taken in place - maybe
(well, not really maybe) computers will be faster and Internet 2 could be more detailed and it would all work out fine!"
Now was that really that hard. It took me about one and a half minute, so stop whining and start spelling.
September 2, 2004, 10:53 pm
maybe he just can't type/speak english properly and finds it easier to type like that.
So I say, stop whining, just give opinion
September 2, 2004, 11:54 pm
He did give an opinion: Take an extra 30 seconds and make your post comprehensible. It almost takes more effort to type the way that he did than it does to type correctly and it takes a lot more effort to understand.