September 4, 2004, 6:39 pm
This is something that really bugs me. When you play a ctf or inf, players from each team can do the same things. A spawn camper can grab the healthkits meant to heal defenders, flagrunners get a boost in health halfway through their run instead of giving a boost to the people who deserve it (defenders), people can push the battle into their opponent's base and continue winning it, your opponent's base is just the part of the map closet to the flag instead of your opponent's base. In inf, the offense and defense teams are equipped identically, can both use up the defenders' resources, both can utilise defensive turrets, and both are--well, basically the same soldiers wearing different uniforms.
Wouldn't it be cool if you could differentiate between teams as a server option? Like indicate whether both teams or just one are allowed to use an item, or put different restrictions on weapons (offense team lacks sniper rifles and law, while def team can't choose the minigun or minimi). Or start them with different numbers/types of grenades or armor (off team starts with 5 normal nades while def gets 3 clusters and a vest). Or set the ratio of attackers to defenders (notice almost all of these are meant for inf but would work in ctf). As I said, it would be a server option, and obviously there would be a filter to play only games with normal settings (or only specialized games). But wouldn't it be cool?
September 4, 2004, 7:48 pm
I think pretty much any time we are given more control over the game, it is a good idea. These kinds of things have been suggested before and I think it would be cool to be able to designate certain items, weapons, or team #s. I won't give an opinion on offensive players "stealing" your health kits (although I've been known to sit on a pile and use them all up while the defenders keep trying to shoot me... not so much to whore the health, but to take it so they don't have any :).
September 4, 2004, 7:55 pm
I like this, and I support it.If we waited this long for the next version, this might aswell be in it aswell.
September 4, 2004, 8:20 pm
I do not like this. Health packs are there for everyone, not just defenders because they think they 'deserve' it. Why do you deserve it? There is absolutly no reason why healthpacks should only be used by one team. Just because it's in there base. No chance.
Also most games would end in draw because without healthpacks flag runners would get killed so much more easily. Most games would end 0-0. Absolutly no f'ing chance. Demonic...any ideas you don't like?
September 4, 2004, 8:47 pm
OK I think you missed the actual suggestion. Just ignore the bs about his annoyances with the healthpacks and concentrate on the fact that the suggestion is really only the second paragraph.
September 4, 2004, 11:04 pm
The healthpacks should only be for the defenders because its THEIR base. Just like I won't walk into a national enemy's base expecting to be able to forrage for equipment in their (sorry, WWII shooters), you can't expect to find help in your opponent's base here. The items are intended for the team that spawns there.
And there would still be points, you would just need teamwork.
September 5, 2004, 12:02 am
Well if you're going to keep beating this to death about the health packs... If you don't want someone using "your" health packs, defend them. If you found a First Aid kit in an enemy base would you not be able to use it? I like the suggestion in general but you're not going to win many people over if you keep focusing on the medikits.
September 5, 2004, 9:12 pm
Of course if I found one in their base I would use it, but I wouldn't go in there EXPECTING to be able to live off their supplies.
And yeah, lets get back to the origional topic. If you took out the healthkits part, your opinion is. . .
September 5, 2004, 9:43 pm
I support the idea of having more control over the teams, and what each has. I would like being able to set different weapons for teams, what nades they start with, etc. Would be paticularily useful with bots, but in multiplayer too. Very good idea.
About medipacks...I don't think it's such a good idea. When I'm fighting in the enemy base, it's useful to be able to heal myself. And what would you do with medipacks falling in the centre?
September 6, 2004, 2:29 am
youve got some great ideas, i even thought of some of these today while playing in llamas inf server. but i totally diagree with you on the whole health pack thing.