September 7, 2004, 2:12 am
i think soldat should have EMOTES --like those things (for all you retared 12 yearolds that don't know what an emote is) like /me blah blah blah will come out as :"Dathker blah blah blah"
this would be teh pwnage
September 7, 2004, 2:24 am
YA now soldat can become an online sex chat room too!!!!
September 7, 2004, 3:02 am
YES DO IT!! but seriously, no, it's useless.
September 7, 2004, 3:36 am
I don't see why not. But Dath, stars are purdy. :(
September 7, 2004, 9:15 am
You sure love you leet speak Dathker don you?, *cough* nerd *cough*
Lol nar just kidding. Or am I....
September 7, 2004, 12:22 pm
/me shoots himself in the face with a large bannana
September 7, 2004, 1:59 pm
<karmazonpl> karmazonpl doesn't like the idea
<AerialAssault> AerialAssault agrees
<Dark Noddy> Dark Noddy shoots himself in the face with a large bannana
<Papasurf31> Papasurf31 thinks that this will cause every single retarded n00b out there to refer to himself in the 3rd person. Trust Papasurf31, it's just as anoying online as it is in real life.
Deleted User
September 7, 2004, 2:08 pm
Stalky spanks Dathker.
Meh, I wouldn't care if this was implemented.
September 7, 2004, 3:46 pm
I like it, but I think it's useless.But I might be lieing.
September 8, 2004, 2:59 am
quote:Originally posted by Element_101
You sure love you leet speak Dathker don you?, *cough* nerd *cough*
Lol nar just kidding. Or am I....
thats very offensive.. GEEK for your information (that would be me)
i suppose its not very useful.. but its nice to have when you just get owned by someone just to do a /me cries or something... and it is annoying but anything annoying if you keep doing it over and over...
!finger Stalky
September 8, 2004, 3:47 am
and must we add another to the list of things that can be done to annoy :P
Unlucky 13
September 8, 2004, 7:31 am
so you mean rather than [Dathker]/me pwnz0rz Unlucky 13 bad, it would be *Dathker pwnz0rz Unlucky 13 bad* (Stars are the purdy than line-line things)
September 8, 2004, 7:40 am
omg!!!1one j00 r 4ll t3h l4m3z0r! ph34r |\/|y L337 phr4g9in' sk1lz! & 3y3 willz t4w|< l337 n t3h 3rd p3r5on un7i1 j00 4ll b0w b4 m3. L1k3 7|-|is: |LC|SgtSolomon pwnz j00r s0rr33 4ss3z 2 d34t|-|!
Haha, ok seriously people...doens't really matter if it would be misused, in my opinion. It might be fun occasionally, and n00bz0rz are pathetically annoying anyway. Trust me, there's no way to prevent n00bz0rz from being annoying. t3h un-l337 m0f0z. hahaha...btw www.megatokyo.com for some funny L337 stuff.
September 8, 2004, 3:21 pm
SgtSolomon, stop it. Seriously. Megatokyo is funny, but you're just making yourself look ridiculous. MT uses it for fun, maybe laughing AT people using 1337 speak.
You're trying to use it for communication.. stop it.
I have nothing against "actions" as they're also called.. but I'm not really for it either.. just couldn't care less.
September 9, 2004, 3:25 am
don't talk in leet, the only cool leet words are ... uber, teh, and leet
September 10, 2004, 6:34 pm
Dude...chill...I'm not using it as communication. I think it's insanely lame, as well as insanely funny. That's why I use it. I'm not sure what makes you think I take it seriously.
quote:originally posted by SgtSolomon
omg!!!1one j00 r 4ll t3h l4m3z0r! ph34r |\/|y L337 phr4g9in' sk1lz! & 3y3 willz t4w|< l337 n t3h 3rd p3r5on un7i1 j00 4ll b0w b4 m3. L1k3 7|-|is: |LC|SgtSolomon pwnz j00r s0rr33 4ss3z 2 d34t|-|!
'Nuff said. Oh yeah, I was also tired as hell, just randomly posting stuff. [:D]
I was also making a sort of a comment on Element101's l337speak insult. I thought it was funny, therefore I was trying to build on that.
omg pp1 j00 r w4y 2 |_|pt1gh7!!1 [;)]
September 11, 2004, 2:28 pm
No Leet words are good, all are bad and should be destroyed.
September 12, 2004, 3:47 am
/me likes teh idea itz s0 1337 uber 1337!!!
September 13, 2004, 4:01 pm
go play starcraft... they have emotes