September 7, 2004, 8:40 am
i dont think it is in the game but i would really love if it that we could have controls to watch the demos that we record. It would be easier to run fraps on it. I dont know about saome people, but on my cpu, the bmp saving is very big, and takes a long time. but im not winging about that.
hope u like the ideas ;)
September 7, 2004, 1:47 pm
Yep, it's a nice idea. Got mentioned somewhere, but I don't remember the topic.
..why exactly did you mention the Bitmap function?
September 7, 2004, 1:50 pm
Well, he might have meant AVI, while using Fraps, but either way I think he meant that extracting/recording the demos takes too long, and a fast forward function would really, really help in the situation. Also, I'd like to add that a rewind function would do wonders for those of us who record our demos, and miss one of the best shots, so we have to start recording again. :P
September 7, 2004, 1:51 pm
Slo-mo forward and slo-mo back.
Off-Topic, but is it possible to take screenshots from a demo? I've never tried, but if you can't, that should be implemented too.
September 8, 2004, 7:21 am
it is possible to take secreens from a demo. USing the bmp extract, it takes AGES for my comp, and is very big. Rewind and fast forward are the main things that i think should be put in. It would make life alot easier. especially with fraps ;)
September 8, 2004, 2:46 pm
yeah... FF and RW would be cool. I used to record every game to be able to look at the cool stuff but i stopped, because I did not want to wait for the cool scene to come :)