September 7, 2004, 7:15 pm
i would like to advice a few feature
and i wish i can see them in coming version
ramdom team
e.g. the host/admin can use command to ramdom balance the team. Or the console can set ramdom, then the team will make change when everytime the map change.
why? because it can resolve some problem about the power of the team is not balance, and it can make more fun
made soldat to a linux service
e.g. not need to use ./soldatserver to start the server
type something like 'soldat service start'
and use log to log the action about the server.
why? it can solve the problem that a console will locked, and it is more easy to start or stop the service using remote/telnet/ssh.
use log to log the action is more effective and useful.
September 7, 2004, 11:07 pm
1.) THe first idea could be implemented. It's good, but people could just change teams anyways. And there already is and auto-balance teams feature.
2.) I really don't understand what you're saying cause I'm young and uneducated. But, it SOUNDS like a good idea?
Unlucky 13
September 8, 2004, 8:05 am
1) The host can already force players onto a team, but a random balance could be good.
2)I'm no linux expert but this is a greaat idea considering the abundance of linux servers out there!
September 8, 2004, 1:55 pm
I like the first idea, and could be implemented easily, the second idea i actually don't really know much about linux so i guess i really cant comment on it o.O
September 10, 2004, 6:29 pm
I agree with the first idea. A random team balance for every map would be nice as some servers begin to get boring when the teams are unbalanced and you're in a server full of retards. Perhaps it could be based on scores of the previous game.
September 10, 2004, 7:21 pm
I like the first idea it would be useful
teh second idea can't comment don't have linux.
September 10, 2004, 7:41 pm
I also like the 1st idea. Maybe you could set it so that in ctf it would randomly redo the teams everytime one of the teams is shutout or something.
September 11, 2004, 6:47 pm
let me explain my suggestion again
random team, why?
why dont use balance team?
use balance team, some clan cant group together
and user also can use bugs to change team.!
so, balance team is no good
and why use random team?
sometime i played the blue team, all ppl will join my team....
becuase i m quite good.
so that, the power of team is not balance
ramdom team is good to fix this problem
NOT all the time balance/random team
just make a command, let the host/admin do it
it is good
September 11, 2004, 6:51 pm
use a script to start soldatserver
well, i see the scipt u posted in other forum
but, i would like to suggest to do better
e.g. recored the server stats using a log
beucase all record will lost if we run in a script
just know......server running
September 11, 2004, 11:09 pm
no need to double post
but anyways your first suggestion is simple and I see no reason why it shouldn't implemented. great idea.