September 12, 2004, 8:59 pm
basicly each person who wants to be in this(up to 6 people) post up a picture of thier soldat character (drawn, not a soldat screen) then they take turns drawing comic pages for a dual, and if they win they progress in to the next stage of a tourney. Basicly members of the forum and this competion will chose who wins a duel by voting on who they think deservs to win. You cant vote on your own dual of course.
1. you can not kill your oppenents character, only they decide that. this is DM, survival.
2. you cant vote on your own dual.
3. It is only a comic based of soldat so you can include flips, oneboot jets, perspective,
storyline even if you want to, ect ect... but no extra weapons.
4. chacters need to look different, IE at most we should only have 3 characters with dreads
5. chacters can be different from the ones in soldat. IE you can have a coyboy hat if you want.
6. you dont have to be good at drawing just make sure your opponent understands what is happening in the fight.
7. If you dont post your part of the comic in 48 hours you forfit.
8. the winner will be decided after each person in the dual has had 4 turns (8 pages all up).
9. the first in the dual choose where the fight will be. IE forest, desert, snow... where ever but they must also include a picture to make it clear.
10. have fun. You pics dont have to be great and ofcourse can be drawn in paint (mine will be =).
if i cant get 6 more people i will just change it to how ever many people wish to be in this.
the fighters I have atm are:
1.bucky_brad (me)
3.LXS - winner.
4.roland - forfits.
6.elephant hunter
my character
and remeber you can draw charcters how ever you want just make sure it is easy to tell whos charcter its is.
there will ofcourse be more than one dual going on at a time so i ask that you post in this format when posting your part of the comic up.
[your name:amount of turn]vs[enemys name:amount of turns]
[insert picture here]
[comments here]
[end post]
I am pretty sure i have covered everything, just let me know if you want to change any of the rules.
ok, me, LXS and kazuki have until 6:08pm GMT on 16th of september, elephant hunter still need's meandors character, once meandor has it up EH, your time starts then. you dont need a large amount of comic and just remeber you need to post where your battle is seeing as you lot are first.
the duels so far.
kazuki vs elephant hunter
Kaz http://www.laughingllamas.com/members/Kazuki/uploads/KazVSEle.gif
LxS vs roland
LxS http://img50.exs.cx/img50/2862/lxsvsrol4nd.jpg
roland http://olleman.ath.cx/hosted/Comics.jpg
bucky_brad VS boxo
bucky_brad http://img12.exs.cx/img12/5406/12070.jpg
Deleted User
September 12, 2004, 11:09 pm
quote:Originally posted by Tha Doggfather
LxS wins
Good idea brad. I'm gonna sticky this and hope it draws attention.
September 13, 2004, 4:52 am
lol, Here's my poor attempt. :( It's not colored because I didn't bother :D
September 13, 2004, 5:38 am
Elephant Hunter :
Primary Weapon - Ruger
Secondary Weapon - Chainsaw
September 13, 2004, 8:29 am
I'll see wether i'll be able to up a decent Killer Klown drawing >8]
September 13, 2004, 9:54 am
Here is mine
Nah, just joking, I dont have time or ability to animate such a thing
Deleted User
September 13, 2004, 4:05 pm
Kazuki, yours is good except his head is too small and his arms are too big [:P]
September 13, 2004, 4:52 pm
Here's mine. Made it simple, so i can do it over and over. I'm not good a drawing, but you got to admit, he has attitude :]
EDIT: also made this one, but it's too complicated to be used in the Battle. Just threw it up too, since drawing mad clowns was so fun :p
TEH EDIT: Ok, he's using a chainsaw, some huge blaster gun on his back, and a few surprises in his jacket. (if it has to be soldat; Chainsaw, Minigun, Cluster Nades)
September 13, 2004, 9:05 pm
Dude. This sounds like fun. I'd like to make an entry if that's okay. Could you "semi-reserve" a spot for me? I'll give you my entry tomorrow at about 4pm GMT. And is it okay if my character is realistically proportioned?
Any[:-censored]s, this looks like FUN!
P.S: Yo Brad... In this context, it's spelled DUEL.
A duel is a one-on-one fight, dual indicates an amount of two.
E.g: "We had a duel using dual pistols".
September 13, 2004, 9:25 pm
for pointing out my error, you may not take place in this battle roland... na only j/k ^_^
anywayz we only need 2 people, and can you guys just edit your posts and insert what weapons you use just to make sure there are no errors in the comics.
September 13, 2004, 10:18 pm
right, reserve me spot for my pixel warrior. I only do pixel art and real drawing.
here's my dude:
And could I enter these?
September 14, 2004, 10:34 am
When i get home i'll see if i can draw something decent to enter :Q
September 14, 2004, 11:07 am
Thanks brad. Got my artwork coming right up... [:D]
YESSSS! I get to meet LXS. [8D]
This is me!
Primary: AK74
Secondary: US SOCOM
Deleted User
September 14, 2004, 6:30 pm
Seriously, dude, you pwn at drawing O_o
September 14, 2004, 7:04 pm
everyone else = pwnd.
Phew, tho, i'm not against you. :p
September 14, 2004, 7:30 pm
ok, me, LXS and kazuki have until 6:08pm GMT on 16th of september, elephant hunter still need's meandors character, once meandor has it up EH, your time starts then(48hours). you dont need a large amount of comic and just remeber you need to post where your battle is seeing as you lot are first.once your duelers side of the comic is up, you have 48 hours to get your side of it up. then so on and so forth until you have both had 4 turns, after that i will figure out a way of voting.
ok i am changing the time they need to be in to 6:08pm GMT on 17th of september, that way i can get my comic up as an example for you to get a full under standing of what you need to do, and then have enough time to do it.
and just to make it clearer. you draw your character and oppenents character in battle fighting each other. you cant draw your enemy dieing though.
The Geologist
September 15, 2004, 12:45 am
Rol4nd...that drawing kicks ass. You have some skills buddy.
September 15, 2004, 2:25 am
Hurry meandor! You slowpoke. If you were this slow in battle, why I'd... shoot you? Iono [:P]
September 15, 2004, 3:15 am
quote:Originally posted by R0L4ND
Thanks brad. Got my artwork coming right up... [:D]
YESSSS! I get to meet LXS. [8D]
This is me!
OMG !!!
[:-censored]ING FANTASTIC
September 15, 2004, 9:08 am
ok i am changing the time they need to be in to 6:08pm GMT on 17th of september, that way i can get my comic up as an example for you to get a full under standing of what you need to do, and then have enough time to do it.
and just to make it clearer. you draw your character and oppenents character in battle fighting each other. you cant draw your enemy dieing though.
john:1<<<- that nuber is how many turns you have had vs steve:0
battle grounds: grass field surrounded by a think woods and mountains.
comments: blah blah blah.
ok so there is an example... i really hope no body gets it wrong now.
also PLEASE DONT quote pictures in this thread, it just takes up room and means my 56k will have more trouble loading this page.
September 15, 2004, 10:57 am
I releate to that, R0L4ND did you really draw that? be honest.
I dont have the time or the drawing skilz for this but Il totally check this thread a lot to see the awsome art works.
September 15, 2004, 1:05 pm
lol, Stalky, I know, I know, but I'm an amateur. :) I drew clan PC a while back, but didn't include BMF because of lack of paper. :( I doodle things like that every now and then.
Roland, that drawing is absolutely amazing, but it must've taken so much time. Good luck making a comic with that strategy. ;) Yes, yes, skeleton first, then basic figure, followed by details.
September 15, 2004, 4:21 pm
First off, I'd like to thank everyone for their uplifting comments concerning my submission. Now, time to answer some questions:
1. Yes, I did draw that by myself. [:P]
2. No, it didn't take that much time to make: I made the whole character in about 30 minutes and spent another 20 minutes the following day to draw shades and contrasts.
LxS! I hope that this will be a good fight! Mind, though, my character has a russkie fur-cap. [8)]
September 15, 2004, 4:29 pm
you guys started your comics yet?
mine is coming along nicely. I just need to decide wether to use paint or to draw it out by hand.
I should be able to post it up some time tommorow.
September 15, 2004, 4:32 pm
Well... I can't do anything until LxS's comic is up, right?
September 15, 2004, 8:14 pm
Whoops. Forgot to take this along with my character:
Primary weapon: AK74
Secondary: US SOCOM
Timekiller: A bottle of Smirnoff
September 15, 2004, 9:34 pm
Hey, i just said i would partecipate if no one took my place before. I need the gods to inspire me, so well, there's still 1 place unless i finish mine.
September 15, 2004, 10:29 pm
ok meandor has... pulled out? or never really was in...?? anyway we need someone to fill that spot. papasurf seeing as your character isnt up yet, kazuki is just gonna VS elephand hunter. if you dont post you character by tommorow, i am gonna have to kick you out of the duel. that and you dont have anyone to VS atm anyway.
ok so elephant hunter you are now VSing kazuki, he should have the comic up by tommorow, then it will be your turn.
September 16, 2004, 2:57 am
[Kazuki VS Elephant Hunter]
After a long 3 hours of drawing, scanning, fixing computer crashes, and putting together this one, I have finally finished my first turn. :D And guess what, it sucks. =| Well, anyway, here it is, Kazuki vs Elephant Hunter.
Kazuki: 1 VS Elephant Hunter: 0
Battle Grounds: Mid-Forest Field
Kazuki VS Elephant Hunter
Sorry for the dimensions, I had to make it big to show some of the detail. ;)
September 16, 2004, 3:50 am
nice kazuki ill make one with j00 and me rofl. :P
September 16, 2004, 4:48 am
rolands is awesome!!! wait for meandor to make his it will be awesomer!!! yes awesomer!! is that a word?
liquidis x snake
September 16, 2004, 4:52 am
Since I realized if Rol4nd made his comics that way, I would be screwed, so I decided to take add a little twist:
I am withdrawing my previous creation and replacing him with this.
Beware the comic, fools.
liquidis x snake
September 16, 2004, 5:51 am
LxS vs. R0L4ND: Round 1
Enjoy. <--- Ahaha pun?! REWFELS
-- On a sidenote, I'd like you to know I spent little to no time on that. I needed a pee-break from Fable so I decided to do this while I was peeing.
September 16, 2004, 6:08 am
lol i dont actually think he will draw a comic like that
September 16, 2004, 6:12 am
took me 534 hours to draw :)
now who rules?!
September 16, 2004, 6:14 am
Im probably too late to post this. But I dont care.
Primary: Barret
Secondary: Knife
Idle: Flips a blank coin
September 16, 2004, 6:19 am
Mine still rules yours.. and your guy has nothing to do with soldat :|
September 16, 2004, 6:22 am
quote:Originally posted by Camping_Carl2
Mine still rules yours.. and your guy has nothing to do with soldat :|
If you were talking to me, that IS my character from soldat.
And If im allowed, i'd like to participate in the last slot. But whatever.
September 16, 2004, 6:26 am
REVENGE IS SWEET!! muahahah eat that
My trickshot
September 16, 2004, 6:44 am
This is noobfaces i uploaded it for him because his browser is meessed up!
But this is mine MUAHAHAH!!
September 16, 2004, 7:36 am
mancer you might be able to join in if papasurf gets his character up.
other whys dont worry becuase if this goes well it wont be the last comic thread I do =).
Very nice kazuki!!!!
LxS that was funny but err... a little different from what i was expecting ^_^
once i get my comic up we will start the next round!!
edit: oh yeah, Carl please dont spam my thread... ='(
September 16, 2004, 1:41 pm
once you post a thread its everyones so you dont tell me what to do.
September 16, 2004, 1:47 pm
bwahahaha @ CC2 & n00bfaces XD.
great pics better than i can do ;)
liquidis x snake
September 16, 2004, 2:23 pm
bucky, I think you should take the comic links (so far, Kaz and mines) onto the topic post, thus saving people time from sifting through all the page because I know this is gonna get pretty popular and long and maybe even spammable.
September 16, 2004, 2:26 pm
"Spam, delicious?" *points at avatar* <333333
September 16, 2004, 3:07 pm
LxS: 1 - ROLAND: 1
Warning: Image is humongeous.
September 16, 2004, 3:43 pm
if it is eveyones carl, as you say,then you should respect it by not spaming useless crap.
yeh LxS i will post them all up after i finish my comic.
and roland... bloody orsm.
September 16, 2004, 4:42 pm
btw my comic:
bucky_brad:1 VS boxo:0
September 16, 2004, 4:51 pm
I can't see the second one...
And roland, that's just so leet.
September 16, 2004, 5:12 pm
I can see the second one... re-try the link.
edit: oh yeah i forgot to add i changed my character to have long hair. just use my comic as a referance.
September 16, 2004, 5:35 pm
I wanna joooooin :D
Gonna edit this post to show my character...bloody homewerk...
Leik 5 minutes in paint.
chakapoko maker
September 16, 2004, 5:56 pm
R0L4ND, your comic's FUN! the upper right frame is much amusing. i love the whole atmosphere.
bucky's framing is cool. it's fresh to my eyes. this topic is very good one!
September 16, 2004, 6:28 pm
MMMEH, your second comic just won't load, "operation timed out"
Fix it, I want to get drawing :E
September 16, 2004, 6:52 pm
my other page.
September 16, 2004, 8:45 pm
lol, I can see it. Haha that's so awesome. ^_^ Gj to the contestants so far. Waiting on Elephant Huntar! Harharhar!
September 16, 2004, 10:13 pm
Oi! I didn't even noticed he changed my position on the chart, well then...
September 16, 2004, 11:07 pm
Kazuki vs. Elephant Hunter
The Grande Bash!
Kazuki (1.72) vs. Elephant (1.71)
Release 1 : 1v1 Mono on Mono
Release 2 : I was found and trashed
Release 3 : Political Debate
September 16, 2004, 11:26 pm
Don't vote me out yet. Check my first post for my character.
liquidis x snake
September 17, 2004, 1:29 am
I present to you the greatest comic ever created (until my sequel)
LxS - 2 ; R0L4ND - 1
September 17, 2004, 2:59 am
rofl, Elephant, that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. And LxS pwns us all. I shall be making my compic shortly.
September 17, 2004, 3:13 am
nice ^_^ but lxs new comics are teh r0xxor
and if meandor makes cartoon he will win fo shure!
September 17, 2004, 9:02 am
sorry papasurf but you were to slow, and I really dont want to have to organise another duel. if this thread goes well i will organise another very soon.
haha LxS, but remeber you might wanna refrian from kill each other else it might just end up as a lame killing match.
liquidis x snake
September 17, 2004, 9:09 am
September 17, 2004, 3:09 pm
.... I think I'll forfeit from this. O_o.
Teh Panda
September 17, 2004, 4:10 pm
rofl. LxS. Best comic i've ever seen. [:D]
September 17, 2004, 5:07 pm
With an opponent like that - yes.
September 17, 2004, 8:03 pm
Don't forget about me, im still in this...I think
liquidis x snake
September 17, 2004, 11:28 pm
quote:Originally posted by R0L4ND
.... I think I'll forfeit from this. O_o.
Don't do it. You have the best drawings (in terms of detail) in this contest hands-down. Sure, it make take you longer to create a comic (as opposed to how I dish them out with 10-minute intervals) but your first one kicked ass.
And I actually waas worried when you showed your initial picture. I don't worry much when I go up against other people, so that's a success unto itself.
September 18, 2004, 6:26 am
we will all vote for liquid anyways ;\ he has more comedy than roland.. rolands comic was VERY WELL DRAWN I ADMIT IT WAS GREAT!!! but... i found it dumb as hell.. i found it not funny... or anything :\ ROLAND make more of the funny !
Unlucky 13
September 18, 2004, 6:31 am
lxs is teh funneh
Rol4and is teh arty
September 18, 2004, 9:33 am
*reads LxS comic...
...well now that I got up from the floor after 3 minutes of laughing...yeah.Funny.
September 18, 2004, 9:53 am
meh, i'm not getting anywhere. If i'm not done before tomorrow, i'll resing my place to someone better... :/
September 19, 2004, 12:35 am
Is there going to be another duel any time soon?
Im waiting for some notifications from bucky.
September 19, 2004, 5:26 pm
probley not. Most people are to lazy to really spend an hour or 2 to make a comic and then upload it.
I will be happy to do a 1v1 duel with someone if they want, or mabey just post up a challenge and then if someone wants to VS you just do a comic then.
If you want to do a 1v1 mancer I will be happy to VS you. =)
but I wont be doing another one of these large comps again... mabey someone else will later.
September 20, 2004, 2:27 am
You aren't referring to me Bucky Brad per chance, are you? Oh well, Is Kazuki still there? I mean... we started battling and it sort of just stopped.
Yep. I'm confused.
liquidis x snake
September 20, 2004, 3:26 am
I'll battle forever. I can make my IllogicalComics forever.
September 20, 2004, 7:53 pm
Well by the first page, it says someone should fight papasmurf
I was hoping I could be the challenger, but this thread seems to be slowley dieing, so Ill stop here.
September 20, 2004, 8:13 pm
na mate, the reason he never got a duel was because he never posted his characters up fast enough. he only edited them in a couple days after we started.
Deleted User
October 1, 2004, 8:28 pm
Argh... too bad I haven't seen this topic earlier...
Good work guys !
October 5, 2004, 9:25 am
Heh, interesting topic. Keep going, Rol4nd.
Deleted User
October 5, 2004, 4:56 pm
Erf, didn't work, hmm?
Nice try Brad...*unstickies*
October 6, 2004, 8:21 am
awwwww, maybe you should try to start again?
It may work, but i may just be an optimistic prick.
October 7, 2004, 9:53 pm
I think this is a really cool idea, and that it's still worth a try. I'll do up my character tonight.
Edit: I was wrong. Turns out I can't draw my human character for crap. Sorry.
Double-Post Edit: I might try again with a different character design.
Before I do this, however, I should ask if anybody gives a damn anymore. [:-crazy]
October 8, 2004, 2:15 am
If you want some REALLY good artist to join in on this, try to find some that played soldat from www.megatokyo.com, really good artists there.
October 8, 2004, 2:50 am
Wow...I think i shall enter too :) And enter my picture keke i doubt itll win but in the mean time i vote for LXS!!! w00t! He shall win Nice picture him or n00bfaces xD lol nice pictures everyone.
Deleted User
October 8, 2004, 9:46 am
Messiah, in future can you use the
[IMAGE] button to edit your first post, rather than posting twice? Thanks.
October 13, 2004, 4:59 am
Go to the art forums, GREAT artists there. Morr truly rocks with his beer antics. We have interactive threads like these all of the time, one was for a summer party with a drunk cactus and the attack of the evil Jackmos along with a DDR party.
October 16, 2004, 6:30 pm
I missed it.. Ah well!
I can still poon (tard)LxS and (sucky)Rol4nd with this picture.
I made it myself *chulkes*
October 16, 2004, 9:25 pm
You suck. But thanks for putting my head back on.