September 19, 2004, 4:24 am
I'm always wondering what life is like in other countries. Especially coutries that are rarely in movies and stuff. Like, what is the weather like. Is it a safe place? Any common natural disasters? What about animals and plants? And any other interesting stuff. Include pictures if you want.
Well, here's the view out my window: (Pic was taken with my webcam [:P])
I live on the 13th floor. Toronto is not in pic, it's at the right. Lake is far right. In Summer the temperature stays around 30 degrees, in winter it gets around -25. There are lots of squirrels and pidgeons.
My area is..... not so great. There's a lot of drug dealers and gang activity. A few years ago my building was set on fire because of a drug deal gone bad, but no-one died and only the 1st floor and basement were damaged. Recently there was a few burglaries in my building too, but I guess there are worse places to live :P.
Tell me about your area [:D].
September 19, 2004, 5:10 am
I don't have any picture made by me, but here's how it looks pretty much:
Laguna Niguel
Located in Orange County, California. Really close to the Ocean, close to Los Angeles. Lots of Mexicans *cough*wetbacks*cough*. It's the most boring place in the world, and I'm not exaggerating. When I came here from Poland, I was amazed by one thing - there's no one walking on the sidewalks...there's milion cars, but no one on the sidewalks, once in a year you'll see some old guy jogging, but there's seriously no one, ghost city. All the plants were grown artificially, lots of sprinkles, no forests(that really sucks), unfriendly people, never come here.
September 19, 2004, 5:56 am
London Ontario omgoozh i didnt have any photos eiterh :(
from the store i work at i could get a pretty good shot of the city for you :)
September 19, 2004, 6:44 am
*no dig cam*` get a pic from big black and gay...
this town if boring as [:-censored], needs more violence.
The Geologist
September 19, 2004, 6:54 am
Out here we wear hats on our feet and hamburgers eat people. [:D]
September 19, 2004, 7:06 am
you're from Rand McNally? XD
<--Santa Rosa, California
September 19, 2004, 8:03 am
Where I live is completely different to what the standard American thinks I live in.
I'll get a picture when possible, but i'm lazy, yeah...
September 19, 2004, 8:39 am
howabout a description, idiotard??? XP
September 19, 2004, 8:42 am
Don't know how to describe it well... People walk on the footpaths, cars are fairly common, I live between two roads, at one end of a vally, behind my house is the church that was a victim of recent arson, behind that are a few streets with shops, across the road is my primary school, or elementary school for you USA people, we have trams, which are like trains, except they run on the road and don't go as fast, i'll take a picture of one sometime.
September 19, 2004, 10:18 am
I live in Lazehs area, hell i live down the friken road from him.
Not many things happen, the only BIG thing was the local church burning down (as pointed by lazeh) and there was a gangland shooting not far from where I live.
I/ lazeh live around 3 kms from the city, pretty [:-censored]ty place.
And the local school sucks, damn that [:-censored]ing school.
/me shakes his fist at the local school.
September 19, 2004, 10:20 am
looks quite nice..
ill post one later on when im feeling to..
September 19, 2004, 10:26 am
jap_man, you swear to much, and our area isn't bad, moonee pond crooks just come in and tag it, like the road that goes to the freeway (forgot name) after 7-11, and at least that school isn't our problem anymore ;D
September 19, 2004, 10:34 am
It's not ALL bad, but generally its a crappy place to live, the only good thing is that it's close to venues :D
And another good thing about the area is that i've left my mark on one of the streets XD.
*lazeh you know what im talking about ;D
September 19, 2004, 10:42 am
i lit off a sparkler bomb at mah friends party, we put it in a bottle, obviously the plastic melted and was left a mark on the road ;D
September 19, 2004, 10:58 am
Hahah, my dad ran over that twice. it makes a large *thud* sound when he runs over it. either that or it's something else that stays in the same spot.
Amir, I wanna make one.
September 19, 2004, 11:00 am
I'm planing to make one for a coming sleep over.....
wanna help ;p
September 19, 2004, 11:54 am
A city called Ghent/Gent ... www.gent.be ...
( Alle dagen brood ! )
September 19, 2004, 12:14 pm
Isnt there a footbal club called RS Gent?
my viewscape pic follows soon :)
September 19, 2004, 12:20 pm
The major football-club of town is called "K.A.A. Gent" , grand_diablo :)
Tha Doggfather
September 19, 2004, 12:27 pm
i live in schoten, a village (around 30.000 people) next to Antwerp.
found this promotional movie on the website (www.schoten.be):
those last images from people dancing and [:-censored] are from the world festival of folklore, which appearently is held in my town (why? beats me).
and then theres that stupid cycling race, its held every year, it basically means that you cant go ANYWHERE during those days due to the roadblocks... god i hate cycling.
good thing ill be studying in antwerp this year, its a really nice city (when youre not being mugged that is).
September 19, 2004, 12:35 pm
ROFL, tha doggfather...that video is só wróng... ;o)
But it gives a nice image how living in a belgian village is ;o)
September 19, 2004, 1:57 pm
ok i made one to..
its only one cuz me digital camera batterys are empty and dont got new ones..[B)]
its taken from meh window..
its an quite small town called Putten think is has bout 20,000 ppl in it or sumthing like that..
but its actualy quite big for an town like that
September 19, 2004, 3:01 pm
Karmazon, Orange County is boring? But they made a whole TV show about that place [:P] . J/K, the show is boring too.
Cookie, my history teacher was from London, for some reason he was in love with it. I always imagined it a lot smaller.
Schoten looks nice, those houses look like castles [:-bigeyes] . Ghent is also pretty nice, it looks old.
That area looks really nice Subslider, when I first saw the pic I thought it was from California or something.
September 19, 2004, 3:18 pm
Wow, the Netherlands look really nice... Ours is somewhat like that, except most of the houses are 1 story and there aren't as many trees.
September 19, 2004, 4:39 pm
quote:Originally posted by Jap_man
wow, europe DOES look cool :D
ug! I hear that too often. 'Europe' is a continent. There are many different countries and each looks differently. There's no general Europe but a lot of different countries -.- I hate to hear that. There are even huge differences between south, north, west and east germany. And germany is tiny compared to Australia.
Where do I live... I live in Itzehoe (you spell it 'It's eh hoe' lol..., Germany. It's in the north and I live near the sea (actually it's about 70km to the north sea and 100km to the baltic sea). Itzehoe has about 36000 inhabitants and I hate it. Nothing going on here. The only thing you can do is sit around and talk. There's a club on the border of the city but it sucks (only hip hop and trance). So most of the weekends I hang out with my friends at some park. Itzehoe is a very safe place. Nothing interesting happens here. There must be something wrong about a place when the newspaper writes about families with 14 members instead of ... 'top stories'.
The weather sucks. We have autumn, winter, autumn and some sun in between. Let me find a picture of the countryside here.
City center from above.
Local river, the 'Stör' and the abandoned industrial site on the right. You can see the club on the right side of the river at the bridge. At the street, not the railway
Typical rural area around here
Painting of the old monastery in the middle of Itzehoe
Hope you get an impression :)
September 19, 2004, 5:17 pm
London has over 300000 people its not that small ;) it is nice place to live lots of trees O_O
September 19, 2004, 7:22 pm
I would suck someone's [:-censored], for being there
Slavic countries in Europe look pretty much the same
Ho Chi Minh
September 19, 2004, 7:35 pm
quote:Originally posted by Cookie.
London has over 300000 people its not that small ;) it is nice place to live lots of trees O_O
london does have over 300 000 people, actually it has around 6000 000 people (6 million)
here is my home village of Sotta, in southern Corsica, home to many right wing idiots (corsica isnt a very stable *cough* country *cough*
September 19, 2004, 9:42 pm
Nice place Ho, I miss the forests and rocks :(
Ho Chi Minh
September 19, 2004, 9:45 pm
you miss them?
where were you in the 1st place?
September 19, 2004, 10:11 pm
I lived in Poland, south west part, and that's my city(it's called Wleñ)
September 19, 2004, 10:15 pm
quote:Originally posted by karmazonpl
I would suck someone's [:-censored], for being there
Slavic countries in Europe look pretty much the same
Jesus! Germany is not Slavic. ... Mostly eastern Europe is slavic. And I would suck someone's [:-censored] for not being here. Though I live in the city, not in a rural area.
September 20, 2004, 1:05 am
I was refering to london ontario you nubb and it has abit more than 300000 people :)
Tha Doggfather
September 20, 2004, 12:59 pm
this topic is quite interesting...
i actually enjoyed reading it ~_~
i could make this sticky if more people posted.
September 20, 2004, 2:02 pm
I've lived in a lot of interesting places...I'll hafta get muh scanner out and post them all...I used to live a few miles away from Maastricht in Belgium, then in brussels for a few years, then in Nice, France for a while.. then i lived in Colorado, then Minnesota, then new jersey..arr..New jersey is ugly though, Minnesota is nice in the fall/Winter, Colorado is dull, Nice is cool cuz there are a bunch of hobos that paint themselves to make money. And Maastricht is full of hot women and Brussels is also kind of dull, besides the car ads - "why golf when you can have sex?" (followed by a picture of a car).
Ho Chi Minh
September 20, 2004, 3:09 pm
and now back in merry old UK ,
Note: sarcasm :E
September 20, 2004, 10:18 pm
Come on ppl post more! I wanna see where you live and I want this a sticky :)
September 21, 2004, 12:50 am
i cant find any suitable pics on the web of my area, and i dont got a dig cam :'( if i did,
i'd show yall how uninteresting northern california can be. get big black and gay in here and he might have pictures...
September 21, 2004, 6:27 am
This is like where I live... Kaarina is the name of town (pop. 38000)
September 21, 2004, 3:21 pm
I woke up this morning (12:46), took my sisters camera and went out.
Took about 36 images of the local forest and housing area.
This is what i ended up after looking them through. The rest was way just a blur.
Trashcan + bench ...
A wall.
This place is called "the pit". Located at my old school, grades 4-9.
The cooler kids rode their bikes down those stairs and got loads of respect.
When somebody fell it was great. (Looks smaller than it actually is)
And i should say i live in a city named Västerås, in the middle of Sweden. 110000 inhabitants.
We have one skyscraper, think its 90 meters/290 feet high.
Ill try to get some better pictures.
September 21, 2004, 3:54 pm
in the land of turkey.... everyone was peaceful... execpt for your town idiot... he was wierd... he threw chickens at people... and talked to trees.... Then i went to USA and learned about computers... one time a hobo tried robing me... he had no teeth... was like 'dude you have no teeth' hobo:'come here bitch so i can steal yours'.... so i ran...
September 22, 2004, 1:40 am
I've lived in sweeden for around 4 months a while ago, I only have brief memories of what sweeden was like,
we were there during winter, cold [:-censored].
Still sweeden is an alright place :D
September 22, 2004, 2:03 am
quote:Originally posted by Avskum
This place is called "the pit". Located at my old school, grades 4-9.
The cooler kids rode their bikes down those stairs and got loads of respect.
When somebody fell it was great. (Looks smaller than it actually is)
Ill try to get some better pictures.
I ride down those stairs any day any time :o, thats small :)
September 22, 2004, 2:32 am
well ill do melbourne. Its supposedly the most liveable city in the world (i think it tied with Vancouver?)
so its rather sweet. I havent got any pics of my own and google is down *gasp* so i had to use yahoo
and this is what i found.
Its rather standard.... big but not 2 big
This is flinder street station which is pretty much the heart of melbourne. Its all old skool and stuff.
And this is a link to the MCG (Melboune Cricket Ground). The pic is massive (600k) so ill let u guys click
the link. The stadium is getting renovated for the 2006 commonwealth games and will hold like 120,000 peeps.
Currently its at like 80,000.
The weather in melb is abit all over the place. Its generally rather warm tho, and we get [:-censored] all rain, which
is a very bad thing.
September 22, 2004, 4:04 am
Savannah, Georgia. i live in a suburban area thats just a bedroom community to this city.
Savannah is one of the oldest cities in the United States. it really is a beautiful city.
September 22, 2004, 6:11 am
Eh..supposed to be the most liveable city in the world..my ass. I present you, vancouver, Canada.
This is just downtown van. The city itself is absolutely huge.
Mm old photo though, theres lots of new buildings and a brand new hockey stadium beside that football stadium.
This is like 25% of Vancouver.
I live like south east of downtown, couldnt get any pics though. Maybe later...
September 22, 2004, 8:30 am
wooo go deafbox posting up pics of melbourne up. \m/ :D
September 22, 2004, 8:34 am
Why is it that all the cool people from Australia are in Melbourne? xDE<
Mm, Jpg is better for photography, BmanX. Gif makes the colours weird. o.O
September 22, 2004, 8:39 am
Here is the list of most liveable cities
1= Melbourne <--- Australia
1= Vancouver <--- some cold joint (actaully its cool, been there before)
1= Vienna
4 Perth <---- Australia
5 Geneva
6= Adelaide <--- Australia
6= Brisbane <---- Australia
6= Copenhagen
6= Montreal
6= Oslo
6= Sydney <--- Sh!t hole
6= Zurich
13= Helsinki
13= Stockholm
13= Toronto
19= Auckland <---- Ahhhh sh!t hole
19= Honolulu
28= Paris
45= London
51= Dublin
51= New York
57= Washington
64= Athens
75= Beijing
130 Port Moresby
Unlucky 13
September 23, 2004, 6:29 am
Everyone says Melbourne is the most "liveable" city if you must, I am bleesed enough to live there! It is always changing weather here... now? Errr... cold overcast, but it ain't raining! I am happy with the weather. The people? Most, except for that lesbian beeotch next-door. Brr...
September 23, 2004, 7:20 am
Pfft, Sydney isn't a sh!thole... well, maybe the west areas are, but the North Shore/Northern Beaches areas are fine...
September 23, 2004, 10:27 am
W00T GO MELBOURNE!!!! i live there TOO!!
September 23, 2004, 10:33 am
its true though sydney is a bit of a [:-censored] hole, from far away the opera house looks awsome but close up its made from bloody tiles so not a good look!!!
September 23, 2004, 2:19 pm
wow lets make this a talk about melbourne thread :) *with a hint of barrett discussion of course*
September 23, 2004, 7:15 pm
quote:Originally posted by Avskum
When somebody fell it was great.
Lmao. I think quite same myself. Im from Finland actually(I don't even know where Reunion Island is). I would post some pictures but I'm too lazy and my cw is starting now. G2g then
Unlucky 13
September 24, 2004, 9:23 am
quote:Originally posted by frogboy
Pfft, Sydney isn't a sh!thole... well, maybe the west areas are, but the North Shore/Northern Beaches areas are fine...
Yeah... it IS nice there*cough*Seringes*cough*
Well, I like Perth's beaches best. It is always nice to swim there...
[:-idea]I'll move all the sand from Perth to Melbourne! YAY! Better beaches in Melbourne, here you come!
September 24, 2004, 5:48 pm
mm.. Malta's a pretty great place to live in my opinion, parts of it are beautiful... parts are ugly, but I like the people here mostly.. everyone's so laid back, it's a very safe place to live actually, apart from the odd bad crowd of people. Malta's one of the only places that you'll find you can go to night clubs and drink and stuff even if you're only 13! ( Drinking age is 16, but bouncers are leniant) .. meh. Pretty nice climate here too, hot summers, and mild winters.. :E
September 25, 2004, 6:01 pm
quote:Originally posted by KnOt
Malta's one of the only places that you'll find you can drink and stuff even if you're only 13! (
Lol Knot. You have never been in Russia or Scandinavia, haven't you?
September 25, 2004, 6:13 pm
I took some pics whit my mobile while walking to school
I live in a city named Strängnäs
The building at the left is one of the school´s buildings
This is the old part of the city
Some other pics of the city
This is the area I live in
September 25, 2004, 6:19 pm
quote:Originally posted by Rabies
quote:Originally posted by KnOt
Malta's one of the only places that you'll find you can drink and stuff even if you're only 13! (
Lol Knot. You have never been in Russia or Scandinavia, haven't you?
But do you buy the drinks yourself? I can buy them anyway, cos i'm of age to do so now.. but when I was younger I used to buy all the time too.. meh
September 26, 2004, 1:41 pm
I don't buy my drinks. I make them myself, although they taste & look like moulded sperm, but when ur wasted u don't actually give a sh*t about it ;)
September 26, 2004, 1:59 pm
lol.. thats a disturbing thought
September 26, 2004, 11:00 pm
sigh... i wouldn't feel at home with out gangs killing each other, r###s hapenning every minute, and lots of smog. Oh yes and lost of tall skyscrapers. there was one ah wat was it called- oh yes the empire state building. if that dind't give it away to ur one dumbf[xx(][xx(]k. There is more forest then u think in cali. Maybe the red wood forest. Some of the biggest trees in the whole world. I cant imagine that there isn't any people on the side walks, theres people every where on the sidewalks in NYC its crazy. Every one rushes and talks fast, super fast. And if any one doesn't kno NYC has the best hotdogs.
I want to kno from any one who doesn't live in the us. Do u guys kno how many nickles fit in a qaurter?
September 27, 2004, 3:22 pm
do you know how many tupence are in a shilling?
shut up then =)
September 28, 2004, 7:30 pm
This is where i lived my first 13 years of my young life:
Montevideo, Uruguay:
i lived 3 years close to this place
The Harbour viewed from downtown
one of the older neighbourhoods
my childhood's neighbourhood. and its beach
i wont post pictures of israel due to my lazyness.
September 28, 2004, 7:51 pm
lol what a nice set of colours they use there :;D
September 28, 2004, 8:22 pm
the last pic is so beautiful
I was just searching for polarbears so I could give you a pic but I'll have to wait for christmas :/
September 28, 2004, 8:53 pm
quote:Originally posted by peemonkey
you're from Rand McNally? XD
<--Santa Rosa, California
I'm from Sonoma, California (Sorry if this is late but yar) bout 25 minutes from Santa Rosa. And yeah very boring around here.