Today Ive kickbanned a guy called "Stalingrad" from #soldat.forums, as he was pasting his playlist and currently listening to "Endlösung - Volk ans Gewehr", a nazi band with a nazi song.
Shortly after, this guy querried me, and a discussion started.
[:-censored] - Tha Doggfather
18:03:23 ? [ Stalingrad ] don't be too narrow-minded, my friend :)
18:03:50 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] im actually not sure if you know what "Endlösung" exactly is
18:04:12 ? [ Stalingrad ] of course, I know
18:04:40 ? [ Stalingrad ] but it's song no ideology
18:04:50 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] the song is devoted to the ideology
18:05:06 ? [ Stalingrad ] as there are pro-communism songs too
18:05:23 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] Volk ans Gewehr sounds more WW2 based oO
18:05:39 ? [ Stalingrad ] sure, but who are you to say in which ideology I have to believe ? :)
18:05:47 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and you see, Landser (former Endlösung) was forbidden for a reason
18:06:19 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i dont care too much for your ideology, but i dont want you to paste the music youre listening to, if its something like Endlösung
18:06:37 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] if you agree to that, I have no problem with unbanning you
18:06:50 ? [ Stalingrad ] i hope you know all translations, all lyrics for any song played than :)
18:07:19 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, I do not, but some at least. More referring to the band than to every exact sond
18:07:39 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] *every single song
18:08:02 ? [ Stalingrad ] well, say me, explain me, why this song couldn't be an anti-nazi-song ?
18:08:32 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ]
18:09:25 ? [ Stalingrad ] ow, you looked it up :)
18:09:44 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] aye
18:10:06 ? [ Stalingrad ] good old google, the dearest friend of the multiracial world :)
18:10:11 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i guess a racist band wouldnt produce an anti-nazi song :)
18:10:27 ? [ Stalingrad ] maybe as a 'concept' , why not ? :)
18:10:36 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] Landser, not really
18:10:48 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] as they were supporting the NPD (nazi party)
18:10:59 ? [ Stalingrad ] I know...
18:11:09 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and publishing slogans like "race mixing is genocide"
18:11:22 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] or album titles like "the Reich returns"
18:11:32 ? [ Stalingrad ] but still, i don't see why i can't listen to it, maybe i DO like the rhythm :)
18:11:55 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] you CAN listen to it, but dont paste it into the channel then
18:12:02 ? [ Stalingrad ] why ? :)
18:12:08 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] I dont want to see titles of racist bands or any other racist stuff there
18:12:21 ? [ Stalingrad ] why ? :)
18:12:31 ? [ Stalingrad ] cause you got another ideology ?
18:12:47 ? [ Stalingrad ] you think your ideology is superior ? :)
18:13:03 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] according to what happened 60 years ago, i see the points why racist ideology was forbidden
18:13:19 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] everything extremistic cant be good imho
18:13:35 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] that counts for extremist racists, extremist jews, extremist muslims, extremist everything
18:13:40 ? [ Stalingrad ] hmm, maybe everything went wrong after WWII... ?
18:14:04 ? [ Stalingrad ] look around you, there are no moral or ethic values...
18:14:14 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] dont think so, as killing jews for nothing but a sick ideology cant be a solution
18:14:15 ? [ Stalingrad ] there is no european culture anymore...
18:14:42 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] for sure the allied forces set up too hard burdens after WW1
18:14:51 ? [ Stalingrad ] pursuing jews was a mistake, i do know that
18:15:07 ? [ Stalingrad ] but national-socialism is more than killing jews
18:15:47 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, my opinion is, everyone should be treated equally, not different cause he is German/African/of another religion/what so ever
18:15:53 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] there are assholes in every culture
18:15:59 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but nice people too
18:16:13 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] so i wont support an ideology which is for big parts based on prejudices
18:16:35 ? [ Stalingrad ] lol, why, muslims wouldnt treat you, a christian, as a muslim...
18:16:59 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] they would surely treat me different at first
18:17:01 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] its the same here
18:17:10 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but when someone is nice, also muslims accept them
18:17:19 ? [ Stalingrad ] so Europe have to become some refugee-area ?
18:17:20 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] (im talking about the social, not the religious way)
18:17:21 ? [ Stalingrad ] rofl
18:17:28 ? [ Stalingrad ] believe me, they don't
18:17:35 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i know quite a lot of muslims
18:17:48 ? [ Stalingrad ] fundamentalist muslims ?
18:17:49 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and almost everyone of them is a nice person
18:17:52 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] err
18:17:56 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] what i said before
18:18:08 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] every form of fundamentalism/extremism is bad imho
18:18:34 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i dont like fundamentalist christians (a phenomenon rising currently in the USA) too
18:19:26 ? [ Stalingrad ] so what the ancestors, your forefathers fight for..for just throw away in a couple of decades ?
18:19:52 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i bet they didnt fight for a national socialistic europe
18:20:02 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and dont forget the situation at this time was VERY different
18:20:20 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] those parts of the world that once have been in war, have mostly come to peace
18:20:25 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] or at least close to
18:20:38 ? [ Stalingrad ] they fight for their dignity, my friend, the dignity for the nation they belong to
18:20:40 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] the last osman invasion is quite some time ago, dont u think?
18:20:57 ? [ Stalingrad ] why this time is different ?
18:21:12 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] as Europe is already a mixed culture, so there is no need for a war for dignity
18:21:51 ? [ Stalingrad ] oh, lol, there is not any dignity anymore in Europe, ow great...
18:21:59 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and I bet you will find people from other cultures within your ancestors
18:22:05 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i didnt say there is none
18:22:07 ? [ Stalingrad ] let's live and make tons of money..
18:22:19 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] I said theres no need to physically fight for it
18:22:51 ? [ Stalingrad ] and I bet you will find people from other cultures within your ancestors => because other conquered us in the past
18:23:02 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and we conquered others in the past
18:23:03 ? [ Stalingrad ] +s
18:23:08 ? [ Stalingrad ] yes, indeed
18:23:12 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] its not just the others being evil
18:23:21 ? [ Stalingrad ] that's what is all about, conquering, war every day
18:23:23 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] if i think of european missionaries in Africa
18:23:32 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, not in Europe anymore
18:23:44 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] there are loads of crisis zones in Africa and the middle east
18:23:48 ? [ Stalingrad ] well, that's a very sad fact, isn't it ?
18:24:09 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] national socialism wouldnt make it ANY better
18:24:27 ? [ Stalingrad ] now every savage arab just can walk in and have a nive living in the beloved Europe..
18:24:33 ? [ Stalingrad ] nice*
18:24:47 ? [ Stalingrad ] it would make it better for Me.
18:24:56 ? [ Stalingrad ] as i'm making part of a nation
18:25:05 ? [ Stalingrad ] a nation i will fight for
18:25:12 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, if hes working like every other, not harming anyone. why not?
18:25:21 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] of course i wont let in millions after millions
18:25:30 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but nor would i totally close the borders
18:25:51 ? [ Stalingrad ] if he's living near our culture, speaking our language, yes..
18:26:20 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, when they come here, most of them try to learn our language and be a part of the society
18:26:33 ? [ Stalingrad ] not in my country
18:26:48 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i guess there are enough "normal ones" too
18:27:04 ? [ Stalingrad ] there are, but they are rather rare
18:27:16 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] like I said, you can find assholes in every culture, and not every Arab/African/whatever is willing to be part of the society
18:27:27 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] those we have to cope with - in a peaceful way
18:28:02 ? [ Stalingrad ] well, the fact we have to cope with them in a peaceful way is totally wrong ..
18:28:11 ? [ Stalingrad ] why on earth we have to cope with them ?
18:28:37 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] because they also have to cope with us in their country
18:29:01 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] by now, the movement from Arabia to Europe is stronger than the other way round
18:29:03 ? [ Stalingrad ] cause we have a capitalism system. and they want to take advantage of our capitalism
18:29:22 ? [ Stalingrad ] capitalistic*
18:29:33 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but as Europe is having more and more economical problems with its capitalistic system, this situation can change quite fast
18:29:38 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] then were the ones moving southern
18:29:50 ? [ Stalingrad ] they don't have to cope with us in their country, we aren't welcome there for christ's sake
18:30:17 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] depends on which country youre reffering too
18:30:18 ? [ Stalingrad ] of course, the capitalistic system is based on air and on airheads
18:31:14 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] dont forget, that we and the USA are creating the ideal base for extremism, by burdening the Middle and Far East with industrial embargos, raising the poverty in those countries
18:31:25 ? [ Stalingrad ] back to the basics, small nations, everyone caring for themselves, that's the solution
18:32:00 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and how did national socialism become popular? cause of the burdens of the Allies, causing a bad economical situation in Germany
18:32:14 ? [ Stalingrad ] of course, i dislike the capitalistic, liberal system of Europe and US..
18:32:15 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] there is not one solution, there are hundreds
18:32:25 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but for sure, national socialism is not one of them
18:32:33 ? [ Stalingrad ] well, but why they had problems ?
18:32:52 ? [ Stalingrad ] why they were in a bad aconomical situation ?
18:32:55 ? [ Stalingrad ] e*
18:33:17 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] because they didnt do what we and the US wanted from them
18:33:58 ? [ Stalingrad ] no, their country was leaded by incompetent leaders...
18:34:25 ? [ Stalingrad ] it was a total mess, and Hitler just 'arrived' at the right time
18:34:59 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] dont forget, that many of those incompetent leaders were supported by capitalistic countries just looking for their own advantage. like saddam hussein
18:35:27 ? [ Stalingrad ] it's not the economical situation who made Hitler become big, it's the incompetent policy of other leaders..
18:35:50 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] partially right
18:36:00 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but the main reason WAS the economical situation
18:36:20 ? [ Stalingrad ] but why WAS the economic situation bad ? :)
18:36:23 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] poor people tend to fall into extremism far easier than people living in a well going coutnry
18:36:36 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i told you, cause of the hard burdens the allies set up after WW1
18:36:59 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] for example they let Germany pay reparation amounts they could never have afforded
18:37:18 ? [ Stalingrad ] i know
18:37:36 ? [ Stalingrad ] that's how the 'liberals' are...
18:38:17 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and btw. many ppl say, that immigrants are responsible for the high rate of unemployment
18:38:47 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but a fact is, that most of them accept jobs and payments, a normal inhabitant of the country would never accept
18:39:25 ? [ Stalingrad ] well, i know, that's the result of the über-capitalistic-system...
18:39:26 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] the reason why many turkish/croatian/.. women are cleaning personel is, that there are almost no "original" applicants
18:39:50 ? [ Stalingrad ] i also disagree with people of my nation, with a huge amount of people of my nation
18:40:18 ? [ Stalingrad ] of course, cause a european now have no values anymore...
18:40:38 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] national socialism wouldnt bring the values back
18:40:43 ? [ Stalingrad ] it's a pork, eating, earning money, sleeping, eating...
18:40:44 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] it would make it even worse
18:40:54 ? [ Stalingrad ] why ?
18:41:31 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] see what happened before WW2. Like the "Reichskristallnacht"
18:41:52 ? [ Stalingrad ] yes..
18:42:04 ? [ Stalingrad ] i already said i never supported anti-jew actions
18:42:36 ? [ Stalingrad ] good, i have to go now...
18:42:36 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] yes, but national socialism wasnt against the jews only
18:42:54 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] it also discriminated against ppl with black skin, different religions etc :)
18:43:13 ? [ Stalingrad ] i know, it's in fact 'against' every other culture than the nation's culture :)
18:43:24 ? [ Stalingrad ] of course..luckily thet do ;)
18:43:39 ? [ Stalingrad ] they*
18:43:53 ? × Stalingrad is now known as » Vast-essen
18:43:55 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] see. and a rage against black people/ppl of other religions would cause just the same
18:44:03 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] nothing with bringing back values
18:44:31 ? [ Vast-essen ] it is no 'rage' , it's about finding ourselves back
18:44:52 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, this should be done in another way than repeating history
18:45:00 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] extremism cant be a solution
18:45:10 ? [ Vast-essen ] history is always right :)
18:45:33 ? [ Vast-essen ] well, i think extremism is the only solution to make a better Europe
18:45:36 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] yes, and 80 million of dead soldiers and civilians should be enough to remind that something like WW2 should never ever happen again
18:46:04 ? [ Vast-essen ] a decent man don't care if he has to die in the name of his nation.
18:46:05 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] if you encounter extremism with extremism you will have a situation like down in Gaza
18:46:43 ? [ Vast-essen ] well, down in the gaza it's a modern war...i won't do it that way, believe me :)
18:46:44 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] if you think you are a hero when you die for your nation/country, you are acting as idiotic as extremist muslim suicide bombers
18:47:02 ? [ Vast-essen ] now, you don't
18:47:21 ? [ Vast-essen ] you gight for your ancestors, your family and your future
18:47:25 ? [ Vast-essen ] fight*
18:47:40 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] war wont make your future better
18:47:50 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and wont make your ancestors happy oO
18:48:09 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and a dead father is not really something good for a family
18:48:53 ? [ Vast-essen ] well, there is family to replace the 'functions' of the father...
18:49:22 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] great, still the loss of the father is nothing they profit from
18:49:41 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and surviving wont be easier in times of war
18:49:57 ? [ Vast-essen ] he fought for his country, his family...he had a reason to live, and a reason to die
18:50:21 ? [ Vast-essen ] i don't want an 'easy' life..
18:50:24 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] dying in a war by your own will, is actually stupid and not heroic
18:50:38 ? [ Vast-essen ] and i think a human isn't made for easy living..
18:50:46 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] maybe true
18:51:29 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but the current situation in Europe can be solved in different peaceful ways
18:51:45 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and as long as this is possible, i wont support any kind of physical actions
18:51:57 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and in no way national socialism
18:52:04 ? [ Vast-essen ] hehe, i don't think so...we'll see in some decades, or maybe next year..who knows... :)
18:52:37 ? [ Vast-essen ] i'm off now...bye
18:52:43 ? [ grand_diablo ] I see you seem to have learned something different from 8 million dead ppl
18:52:47 ? [ grand_diablo ] *80
18:53:21 ? [ Vast-essen ] what's 80 million people compared with 6 billion of living deads :)
18:54:52 ? [ grand_diablo ] bad comparison -.-
Any thoughts?
Shortly after, this guy querried me, and a discussion started.
[:-censored] - Tha Doggfather
18:03:23 ? [ Stalingrad ] don't be too narrow-minded, my friend :)
18:03:50 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] im actually not sure if you know what "Endlösung" exactly is
18:04:12 ? [ Stalingrad ] of course, I know
18:04:40 ? [ Stalingrad ] but it's song no ideology
18:04:50 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] the song is devoted to the ideology
18:05:06 ? [ Stalingrad ] as there are pro-communism songs too
18:05:23 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] Volk ans Gewehr sounds more WW2 based oO
18:05:39 ? [ Stalingrad ] sure, but who are you to say in which ideology I have to believe ? :)
18:05:47 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and you see, Landser (former Endlösung) was forbidden for a reason
18:06:19 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i dont care too much for your ideology, but i dont want you to paste the music youre listening to, if its something like Endlösung
18:06:37 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] if you agree to that, I have no problem with unbanning you
18:06:50 ? [ Stalingrad ] i hope you know all translations, all lyrics for any song played than :)
18:07:19 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, I do not, but some at least. More referring to the band than to every exact sond
18:07:39 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] *every single song
18:08:02 ? [ Stalingrad ] well, say me, explain me, why this song couldn't be an anti-nazi-song ?
18:08:32 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ]
18:09:25 ? [ Stalingrad ] ow, you looked it up :)
18:09:44 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] aye
18:10:06 ? [ Stalingrad ] good old google, the dearest friend of the multiracial world :)
18:10:11 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i guess a racist band wouldnt produce an anti-nazi song :)
18:10:27 ? [ Stalingrad ] maybe as a 'concept' , why not ? :)
18:10:36 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] Landser, not really
18:10:48 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] as they were supporting the NPD (nazi party)
18:10:59 ? [ Stalingrad ] I know...
18:11:09 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and publishing slogans like "race mixing is genocide"
18:11:22 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] or album titles like "the Reich returns"
18:11:32 ? [ Stalingrad ] but still, i don't see why i can't listen to it, maybe i DO like the rhythm :)
18:11:55 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] you CAN listen to it, but dont paste it into the channel then
18:12:02 ? [ Stalingrad ] why ? :)
18:12:08 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] I dont want to see titles of racist bands or any other racist stuff there
18:12:21 ? [ Stalingrad ] why ? :)
18:12:31 ? [ Stalingrad ] cause you got another ideology ?
18:12:47 ? [ Stalingrad ] you think your ideology is superior ? :)
18:13:03 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] according to what happened 60 years ago, i see the points why racist ideology was forbidden
18:13:19 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] everything extremistic cant be good imho
18:13:35 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] that counts for extremist racists, extremist jews, extremist muslims, extremist everything
18:13:40 ? [ Stalingrad ] hmm, maybe everything went wrong after WWII... ?
18:14:04 ? [ Stalingrad ] look around you, there are no moral or ethic values...
18:14:14 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] dont think so, as killing jews for nothing but a sick ideology cant be a solution
18:14:15 ? [ Stalingrad ] there is no european culture anymore...
18:14:42 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] for sure the allied forces set up too hard burdens after WW1
18:14:51 ? [ Stalingrad ] pursuing jews was a mistake, i do know that
18:15:07 ? [ Stalingrad ] but national-socialism is more than killing jews
18:15:47 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, my opinion is, everyone should be treated equally, not different cause he is German/African/of another religion/what so ever
18:15:53 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] there are assholes in every culture
18:15:59 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but nice people too
18:16:13 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] so i wont support an ideology which is for big parts based on prejudices
18:16:35 ? [ Stalingrad ] lol, why, muslims wouldnt treat you, a christian, as a muslim...
18:16:59 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] they would surely treat me different at first
18:17:01 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] its the same here
18:17:10 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but when someone is nice, also muslims accept them
18:17:19 ? [ Stalingrad ] so Europe have to become some refugee-area ?
18:17:20 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] (im talking about the social, not the religious way)
18:17:21 ? [ Stalingrad ] rofl
18:17:28 ? [ Stalingrad ] believe me, they don't
18:17:35 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i know quite a lot of muslims
18:17:48 ? [ Stalingrad ] fundamentalist muslims ?
18:17:49 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and almost everyone of them is a nice person
18:17:52 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] err
18:17:56 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] what i said before
18:18:08 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] every form of fundamentalism/extremism is bad imho
18:18:34 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i dont like fundamentalist christians (a phenomenon rising currently in the USA) too
18:19:26 ? [ Stalingrad ] so what the ancestors, your forefathers fight for..for just throw away in a couple of decades ?
18:19:52 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i bet they didnt fight for a national socialistic europe
18:20:02 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and dont forget the situation at this time was VERY different
18:20:20 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] those parts of the world that once have been in war, have mostly come to peace
18:20:25 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] or at least close to
18:20:38 ? [ Stalingrad ] they fight for their dignity, my friend, the dignity for the nation they belong to
18:20:40 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] the last osman invasion is quite some time ago, dont u think?
18:20:57 ? [ Stalingrad ] why this time is different ?
18:21:12 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] as Europe is already a mixed culture, so there is no need for a war for dignity
18:21:51 ? [ Stalingrad ] oh, lol, there is not any dignity anymore in Europe, ow great...
18:21:59 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and I bet you will find people from other cultures within your ancestors
18:22:05 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i didnt say there is none
18:22:07 ? [ Stalingrad ] let's live and make tons of money..
18:22:19 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] I said theres no need to physically fight for it
18:22:51 ? [ Stalingrad ] and I bet you will find people from other cultures within your ancestors => because other conquered us in the past
18:23:02 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and we conquered others in the past
18:23:03 ? [ Stalingrad ] +s
18:23:08 ? [ Stalingrad ] yes, indeed
18:23:12 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] its not just the others being evil
18:23:21 ? [ Stalingrad ] that's what is all about, conquering, war every day
18:23:23 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] if i think of european missionaries in Africa
18:23:32 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, not in Europe anymore
18:23:44 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] there are loads of crisis zones in Africa and the middle east
18:23:48 ? [ Stalingrad ] well, that's a very sad fact, isn't it ?
18:24:09 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] national socialism wouldnt make it ANY better
18:24:27 ? [ Stalingrad ] now every savage arab just can walk in and have a nive living in the beloved Europe..
18:24:33 ? [ Stalingrad ] nice*
18:24:47 ? [ Stalingrad ] it would make it better for Me.
18:24:56 ? [ Stalingrad ] as i'm making part of a nation
18:25:05 ? [ Stalingrad ] a nation i will fight for
18:25:12 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, if hes working like every other, not harming anyone. why not?
18:25:21 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] of course i wont let in millions after millions
18:25:30 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but nor would i totally close the borders
18:25:51 ? [ Stalingrad ] if he's living near our culture, speaking our language, yes..
18:26:20 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, when they come here, most of them try to learn our language and be a part of the society
18:26:33 ? [ Stalingrad ] not in my country
18:26:48 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i guess there are enough "normal ones" too
18:27:04 ? [ Stalingrad ] there are, but they are rather rare
18:27:16 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] like I said, you can find assholes in every culture, and not every Arab/African/whatever is willing to be part of the society
18:27:27 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] those we have to cope with - in a peaceful way
18:28:02 ? [ Stalingrad ] well, the fact we have to cope with them in a peaceful way is totally wrong ..
18:28:11 ? [ Stalingrad ] why on earth we have to cope with them ?
18:28:37 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] because they also have to cope with us in their country
18:29:01 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] by now, the movement from Arabia to Europe is stronger than the other way round
18:29:03 ? [ Stalingrad ] cause we have a capitalism system. and they want to take advantage of our capitalism
18:29:22 ? [ Stalingrad ] capitalistic*
18:29:33 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but as Europe is having more and more economical problems with its capitalistic system, this situation can change quite fast
18:29:38 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] then were the ones moving southern
18:29:50 ? [ Stalingrad ] they don't have to cope with us in their country, we aren't welcome there for christ's sake
18:30:17 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] depends on which country youre reffering too
18:30:18 ? [ Stalingrad ] of course, the capitalistic system is based on air and on airheads
18:31:14 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] dont forget, that we and the USA are creating the ideal base for extremism, by burdening the Middle and Far East with industrial embargos, raising the poverty in those countries
18:31:25 ? [ Stalingrad ] back to the basics, small nations, everyone caring for themselves, that's the solution
18:32:00 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and how did national socialism become popular? cause of the burdens of the Allies, causing a bad economical situation in Germany
18:32:14 ? [ Stalingrad ] of course, i dislike the capitalistic, liberal system of Europe and US..
18:32:15 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] there is not one solution, there are hundreds
18:32:25 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but for sure, national socialism is not one of them
18:32:33 ? [ Stalingrad ] well, but why they had problems ?
18:32:52 ? [ Stalingrad ] why they were in a bad aconomical situation ?
18:32:55 ? [ Stalingrad ] e*
18:33:17 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] because they didnt do what we and the US wanted from them
18:33:58 ? [ Stalingrad ] no, their country was leaded by incompetent leaders...
18:34:25 ? [ Stalingrad ] it was a total mess, and Hitler just 'arrived' at the right time
18:34:59 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] dont forget, that many of those incompetent leaders were supported by capitalistic countries just looking for their own advantage. like saddam hussein
18:35:27 ? [ Stalingrad ] it's not the economical situation who made Hitler become big, it's the incompetent policy of other leaders..
18:35:50 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] partially right
18:36:00 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but the main reason WAS the economical situation
18:36:20 ? [ Stalingrad ] but why WAS the economic situation bad ? :)
18:36:23 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] poor people tend to fall into extremism far easier than people living in a well going coutnry
18:36:36 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] i told you, cause of the hard burdens the allies set up after WW1
18:36:59 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] for example they let Germany pay reparation amounts they could never have afforded
18:37:18 ? [ Stalingrad ] i know
18:37:36 ? [ Stalingrad ] that's how the 'liberals' are...
18:38:17 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and btw. many ppl say, that immigrants are responsible for the high rate of unemployment
18:38:47 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but a fact is, that most of them accept jobs and payments, a normal inhabitant of the country would never accept
18:39:25 ? [ Stalingrad ] well, i know, that's the result of the über-capitalistic-system...
18:39:26 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] the reason why many turkish/croatian/.. women are cleaning personel is, that there are almost no "original" applicants
18:39:50 ? [ Stalingrad ] i also disagree with people of my nation, with a huge amount of people of my nation
18:40:18 ? [ Stalingrad ] of course, cause a european now have no values anymore...
18:40:38 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] national socialism wouldnt bring the values back
18:40:43 ? [ Stalingrad ] it's a pork, eating, earning money, sleeping, eating...
18:40:44 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] it would make it even worse
18:40:54 ? [ Stalingrad ] why ?
18:41:31 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] see what happened before WW2. Like the "Reichskristallnacht"
18:41:52 ? [ Stalingrad ] yes..
18:42:04 ? [ Stalingrad ] i already said i never supported anti-jew actions
18:42:36 ? [ Stalingrad ] good, i have to go now...
18:42:36 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] yes, but national socialism wasnt against the jews only
18:42:54 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] it also discriminated against ppl with black skin, different religions etc :)
18:43:13 ? [ Stalingrad ] i know, it's in fact 'against' every other culture than the nation's culture :)
18:43:24 ? [ Stalingrad ] of course..luckily thet do ;)
18:43:39 ? [ Stalingrad ] they*
18:43:53 ? × Stalingrad is now known as » Vast-essen
18:43:55 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] see. and a rage against black people/ppl of other religions would cause just the same
18:44:03 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] nothing with bringing back values
18:44:31 ? [ Vast-essen ] it is no 'rage' , it's about finding ourselves back
18:44:52 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] well, this should be done in another way than repeating history
18:45:00 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] extremism cant be a solution
18:45:10 ? [ Vast-essen ] history is always right :)
18:45:33 ? [ Vast-essen ] well, i think extremism is the only solution to make a better Europe
18:45:36 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] yes, and 80 million of dead soldiers and civilians should be enough to remind that something like WW2 should never ever happen again
18:46:04 ? [ Vast-essen ] a decent man don't care if he has to die in the name of his nation.
18:46:05 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] if you encounter extremism with extremism you will have a situation like down in Gaza
18:46:43 ? [ Vast-essen ] well, down in the gaza it's a modern war...i won't do it that way, believe me :)
18:46:44 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] if you think you are a hero when you die for your nation/country, you are acting as idiotic as extremist muslim suicide bombers
18:47:02 ? [ Vast-essen ] now, you don't
18:47:21 ? [ Vast-essen ] you gight for your ancestors, your family and your future
18:47:25 ? [ Vast-essen ] fight*
18:47:40 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] war wont make your future better
18:47:50 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and wont make your ancestors happy oO
18:48:09 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and a dead father is not really something good for a family
18:48:53 ? [ Vast-essen ] well, there is family to replace the 'functions' of the father...
18:49:22 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] great, still the loss of the father is nothing they profit from
18:49:41 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and surviving wont be easier in times of war
18:49:57 ? [ Vast-essen ] he fought for his country, his family...he had a reason to live, and a reason to die
18:50:21 ? [ Vast-essen ] i don't want an 'easy' life..
18:50:24 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] dying in a war by your own will, is actually stupid and not heroic
18:50:38 ? [ Vast-essen ] and i think a human isn't made for easy living..
18:50:46 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] maybe true
18:51:29 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] but the current situation in Europe can be solved in different peaceful ways
18:51:45 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and as long as this is possible, i wont support any kind of physical actions
18:51:57 ? [ g_diablo`OnAir ] and in no way national socialism
18:52:04 ? [ Vast-essen ] hehe, i don't think so...we'll see in some decades, or maybe next year..who knows... :)
18:52:37 ? [ Vast-essen ] i'm off now...bye
18:52:43 ? [ grand_diablo ] I see you seem to have learned something different from 8 million dead ppl
18:52:47 ? [ grand_diablo ] *80
18:53:21 ? [ Vast-essen ] what's 80 million people compared with 6 billion of living deads :)
18:54:52 ? [ grand_diablo ] bad comparison -.-
Any thoughts?