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Bugs & Suggestions! (IMPORTANT)
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Need Help? Report Bugs!
September 24, 2004, 3:58 pm
I proceed to report a series of bugs i have found during my game:

1)Bug in M72 Law:

2)Map Inf_Warehouse:
The tunnel has some poligons bugs. At the end (if youre blue team), you cant pass, because its too slim. And , also at the end, there is a border that gets you stuck.

3)Password incorrect:
Some servers ask password when they dont need one, and viceversa.

4)Password encryption:
Would be fine no? The password input should display when you type something like ***** , not what youre typing.

5)Knife stuck:
You throw your knife, pick it up again...What happends? The fire-bar (as called in the Interface-Maker), is stuck. If you dont realize this, probably you´ll get kill with the next guy. To get it working you have to press the key "E" (or throw granade), slighly.

6)Isnt there any command?
What about the commands:
-/bots (to change bots difficulty... 0 is stupid, 5 is impossible)

7)Profiles & Infiltration:
Lets say you have to profils, one for you, and one for your bro. Wll, your brother plays a deathmatch, and then exits Soldat. When you enter, you select your profile and Infiltration...When you start the game you nnoticie youre not playing INF, you´re playing deathmatch, with Yellow, Red & Blue Flag around.

Thats all folks...


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September 24, 2004, 4:04 pm
Censored the LAW bug.. reported before / is not supposed to be known.
2. can be annoying, but after some jumping you get out
3. that seems to be a problem when running two servers on the same computer / different ports
4. is a suggestion
5. yes, has been reported many times before and it's not only the knife..
6. suggestions belong to the appropiate forum..
7. oh well..

September 24, 2004, 4:08 pm
sometimes my deagles get stuck to... a light tap to E fixes it...

September 24, 2004, 5:41 pm
quote:Originally posted by mar77a

6)Isnt there any command?
What about the commands:
-/bots (to change bots difficulty... 0 is stupid, 5 is impossible)

Bot skills go from 1 - 100, actually. \o
I like those suggestions though, well done b00sta, I don't know of the LAW bug yet :>