September 24, 2004, 9:30 pm
So I was walking to my bus-stop this morning and it was really foggy, I couldn't see 10 metres. And I thought.... Why isn't there fog in Soldat? So it would be an environment effect like rain or snow that would be set in the map editor. The view distance radius would be set in the map editor, and also the color of the fog. It would get gradually denser as it gets farther from the soldats head until nothing can be seen.
here is a rendition:
September 24, 2004, 9:33 pm
i like this idea it would be cool for realistic mode
The Geologist
September 24, 2004, 9:37 pm
I agree...if doable, I'd like to see it implimented. [:D]
September 24, 2004, 9:43 pm
it'd be cool as a mapmaker option, like rain and snow
September 24, 2004, 9:52 pm
i think it should b an option in the game and not in the map editor cuz like the rain/snow/sand don't actually affect how well u play too much
and it would REALLY suck for barreters but if u want them off then tat'll b a great way
September 24, 2004, 10:35 pm
why's everything have to be an ingame option??? this is most like a mapmaker feature. so what if it effects gameplay a little? SO DOES A MAP. :P
September 24, 2004, 11:28 pm
Yeah, I agree with peemonkey. Wow... how wrong does that sentence sound... Anyway, I think that fog would add a whole new sense of realism and paranoia to the game. With enemies jumping out of the fog so close, it would make for some intense combat. One thing I might suggest is that depending on which direction you are looking, you would be able to see farther in that direction and see less in the opposite direction. I think it might make it seem more realistic, because if you look hard into fog, you can see further into it, but if you're not focusing on it, it's harder to see. Anyway, great idea, I definitely think it should be added to the game.
September 24, 2004, 11:30 pm
good idea michal, wered u get that interface?? if u made it could i have it ;p
September 24, 2004, 11:44 pm
search for it eyic, it's in the 1337 interfaces area
September 25, 2004, 12:00 am
Good idea. Adds more tactical value. Maybe add weather generator for current maps. So, you can have a random generate weather option or you can have 1+ types of weather for one map.
Snow would slide, fog would decrease vision, sand would slow you down...etc.
September 25, 2004, 12:28 am
Yes, that interface is the "Soldat Style Interface" (1337 mods section) made by me :)
September 25, 2004, 12:52 am
I think this is a great idea. The only problem I could see is for those people with old ATI graphics cards (that don't support alpha transparency.)
September 25, 2004, 1:30 am
This is a pretty good idea. If done Peemonkey's way, it would be the first weather effect to actually affect gameplay. Though it shouldn't be an in-game option. Too many of those already. :P A weather effect would be good.
September 25, 2004, 1:48 am
thicken up those sparks, and snow could effect gameplay ;P
Unlucky 13
September 25, 2004, 3:02 am
could be cool to have a light black fog in realistic mode where you cant see too! this should be an option taht comes with the map, not the game, or people will just turn it off for some better results in gameplay. so in the weather effects, you could choose "Fog". Maybe if the other weather effects effected gameplay...
[:-star]EDIT[:-star] Elephant_Hunter is right though, old ATI cards would see almost nothing...[:-ashamed]
September 25, 2004, 5:56 am
well do old ATI cards see all that lovely lime green and black boxes on smoke? if you got one, update. it's ok to change the min. req's.
September 25, 2004, 9:40 am
I suppose it's okay to change the minimum requirements.
September 25, 2004, 11:49 am
Wow, really good idea.But 'tis in the wrong section me thinks...duck before Meandor strikes :)
September 25, 2004, 12:29 pm
Fog would probably have to be some kind of .bmp file. That means that it could be easily modified to be completely transparent or whatever. Should be one of those un-editable things in soldat, like anims, maps, and scenery, that when changed can't be played online.
September 25, 2004, 4:27 pm
Fog doesn't need to be a bitmap. Look at it! All he has to do is to apply a radial gradient with full alpha in the center.
September 25, 2004, 7:55 pm
Soldat DOES support varying alpha levels. However, as far as I know, gradients aren't used in soldat anywhere, or at least not with a radius effect. And the alpha 255 color could be changed into the invisible green by any text editor out there. Just find the file and change it, so there still should be some online protection.
September 25, 2004, 10:05 pm
quote: Soldat DOES support varying alpha levels. However, as far as I know, gradients aren't used in soldat anywhere, or at least not with a radius effect. And the alpha 255 color could be changed into the invisible green by any text editor out there. Just find the file and change it, so there still should be some online protection.
Of course Soldat could support varying alpha levels in bitmaps, but the Direct X SDK radial gradiant function makes it a hell of alot easier. Why go through the trouble of making it a bitmap? Do you even know what you are talking about?
Oh my god, however he wants to do it, he will. Simple as that [}:)]
September 26, 2004, 11:19 am
quote:Originally posted by damnnation
i like this idea it would be cool for realistic mode
No.... why should everything that resembles something realistic be shoved into realistic mode? ( I know that sounds kinds of stupid, but what I mean is : What if I want fog while being able to see things behind me? Or being able to fire a gun straight) It should be a map maker option.. the mode shouldn't make a difference.. tis a map function.
Anyway, I <3 this idea
September 26, 2004, 12:10 pm
Honestly, I'm 13 years old and I have zip exp with computers and programming and all that. I just say what I know. Considering how all the other weather effects so far (sand, rain, and snow) have been bmp's, I'd only assume it was logical that any other weather effects would also be .bmp. You apparently have a lot of knowlege in this field so there's really no point arguing with you. It's all hypothetical anyways; it's not like fog is ever going to happen until Michal releases the source code or someone hax into Soldat. He's not going to do it, like the hundreds of other good ideas here that go to waste.
September 26, 2004, 3:18 pm
Great idea! I love it. It would have to be a map option, though.
Question: would there be any way to keep it from getting into a "building" on the map (like warehouse)?
September 26, 2004, 6:27 pm
quote:He's not going to do it, like the hundreds of other good ideas here that go to waste.
October 1, 2004, 7:47 pm
you have infered vision don't you...
wonder if you can get that as a secondary...
October 2, 2004, 3:56 am
i dunno...seems kinda pointless as realistic mode. you already cant see behind you, and adding fog so you also cant see in front of you...seems like it would just get in the way
i suppose it would look cool though, especially on certian maps
Deleted User
October 2, 2004, 8:03 am
Wery gooooooooooooooooooooooood idea!
Two thumbs up![:-thumbu][:-thumbu]
October 2, 2004, 10:34 am
And add infrared sights that allow you to see the people reddish in the fog :)
October 2, 2004, 11:24 am
Imagine a:
REALISTIC, SURVIVAL, FF ON on a No flying, rain map with fog.
i'd like to pwn that 1! yay
Rugers would own this! And imagine the jungle maps! The new viet!
October 2, 2004, 1:54 pm
VERY good idea [:)] but can michal make this in soldat...?
October 2, 2004, 4:24 pm
I think so.. It's wouldnt be so hard to impliment I guess.
I wonder what would happen to barrettards...
October 2, 2004, 4:31 pm
screw the barretards
this would make them change weapon for once
October 2, 2004, 6:42 pm
quote:Originally posted by brickman
Great idea! I love it. It would have to be a map option, though.
Question: would there be any way to keep it from getting into a "building" on the map (like warehouse)?
You make a good point... or you.. ask a good question.. whatever =/
Deleted User
October 2, 2004, 6:59 pm
But as it would be map that doesn't really matter.
October 4, 2004, 3:41 pm
But the important question is... will the fog create LAG!!!
October 4, 2004, 3:48 pm
i don't think so, would only be client side i think. but hard coded, so that no cheater hacker modder whatever can change it :)
October 5, 2004, 10:40 am
Do rain or snow create lag? No..
October 5, 2004, 2:56 pm
no this would not affect lag. and it looks great!!!
anyone write michal a mail? adding another weather effect should not be that impossible
(this is just likeadding a bitmap to the interface
October 5, 2004, 3:04 pm
no it isn't inquisitor...
What about the barret... You would have to put a bitmap around the player.
October 7, 2004, 8:38 pm
sorry. das hab ich nicht bedacht. hmm is ganz schön knifflig.
did not think about the barret
October 8, 2004, 2:37 am
I think it might get annoying because you wouldnt be able to see anything until you probably moved to see things beyond where you were standing before, but i would give it a try seems to be a good idea but it might get kinda annoying.