September 26, 2004, 9:01 pm
ermm.. out of all the suggestions that have been made in this forum how many have exactly been used?
September 26, 2004, 9:35 pm
Quite a lot i think
From the changes(in 1.2 and 1.1.5) i know these were suggested (direct or indirect). There probebly were more.
- Added demo recording (F8 key)
- Added spectator mode
- Added fast bullets pierce soldiers body
- Added every weapon has different bullet and shell graphics
- Added in-game statistics in Logs\GameStat.txt (updated every 30 seconds)
- Added log.txt and consolelog.txt saved in Logs directory with numbers (for dedicated server)
- Added game can be joined from parameter with password ex. Soldat.exe 23073 password
- Modified player gets point for killing Rambo, player loses point if kills non-Rambo
- Modified cursor does not center on respawn
- Modified player name can hold 4 more characters
- Modified vote map and vote kick rules (default 33%+1 players needed to vote on something)
- Modified realistic mode field of view, you can not see what is behind you now
- Modified flamer has longer distance
- Modified stationary gun overheats after time and is less accurate after while of firing
- Added stationary gun (M2 machine gun on some maps)
- Added new lethal knife throw
- Added option to disable USSOCOM, Knife, Chainsaw or LAW
- Added "Sniper Line" option (line between player and cursor)
- Modifed LAW reload is slightly faster
- Modified chainsaw now has reload time and is weaker
September 26, 2004, 9:53 pm
I guess that the weapons got balanced after that ppl complained about it.
I really don't know because I entered the forums when 1.1.5 was out and I've been playing Soldat since 1.0.5b
September 26, 2004, 11:39 pm
I suggested the 'fast bullets pierce soldiers body' idea, and it got in. So it is possible. But, if you look at the list of new adds for 1.2, there's about 15. During the time between 1.1.5 and 1.2, there were hundreds and hundreds of suggestions.
September 27, 2004, 1:39 am
That seems like a pretty good number of ideas implemented from this forum. It's scary to think of how many ideas had to be rejected to get down to those 10 or 20.
September 27, 2004, 3:48 pm
Big M probly doesn't see most of them unless they are PMed to him... but we don't wana flood his mail
September 27, 2004, 6:25 pm
Quite a lot - now next time you, Weed and the band of happy whiners want to do some irony on this forum, don't clutter it up more by posting something that is even more useless than suggestions that will be never seen in soldat. Try forum support, not like anyone didn't do it before..