September 28, 2004, 1:48 pm
1. Ok, I was thinking, how about we have lightning? I mean, not as a backround, but it would actually hit you! You could explode, like the effect of a m79. It would be cool if it could also burn trees, I think the burning trees has been suggested before...
2. Sand storms? Your playing in a desert and all of a suddon, a sand storm appears. It would be like a sand tornado thingy... It would be able to pick you up and move you, and you'd lose some health!
3. Wouldn't it be funny to get stuck to some pollys because there to cold? Maybe we could have true ice pollys, but in some parts it would take you a lot longer to run, or you can get stuck for a secong or two!
I think that's it for my suggestions... Plz don't be to mean to me... [:-spin]
September 28, 2004, 2:11 pm
also maybe if somethign explodes near the ice polygons, icicjles would fall from above..?
these ideas are nice, but might make the game a bit too complicated,
September 28, 2004, 3:18 pm
not going to be implanted... but i like that stalagmites falling from the celling...
September 28, 2004, 4:10 pm likes
3.just stupid
Soldat is using DirectX if i'm right, shouldn't it be able to use special light effects not just sprites?
would be cool with some effects...
September 28, 2004, 4:17 pm
Would be slow with some effects like that, also. :)
But it would surely be cool, but i doubt that it will be implented...
September 28, 2004, 4:25 pm
Those ideas are totally weird. Maybe some dynamic weather, but stuff like that? nawwww
September 28, 2004, 4:53 pm
ah I just added the pic because I had it uploaded. It's my remake mod...
The Geologist
September 28, 2004, 6:22 pm
quote:Originally posted by DT
not going to be implanted... but i like that stalagmites falling from the celling...
Stalagmites grow from the ground up..stalagtites are growing from the ceiling down. [;)] I kinda like the lightening idea, if it were possible...could make for some interesting levels. [:D]
Deleted User
September 28, 2004, 6:54 pm
1, Point!!!
2, Point!!
3, Point!
Yeah 3/3!
Me likes the ideaz
September 28, 2004, 7:20 pm
Don't mix grafical issues with gameplay that's what I say.
I have effects disabled, coz it slows down the game(and they're damn ugly imho).
September 28, 2004, 9:02 pm
i like the lightning. maybe it could hit the people with higher scores too as a sort of balancing?
September 28, 2004, 9:24 pm
about the lightning idea.
might be an optionable to be turned on in DM, but imagine the flagger in CTF being hit by a bolt, how unfair this would be.
I'd rather like to see animated sceneries (gif, bmp sprites, whatever), that could be used for some nice lightning in the background, smoke,...
September 28, 2004, 9:52 pm
Dynamic lighting would be great, but would cause a lot of slow down.
BTW - here a possible effect I've been thinking about. How bout if everytime a bullet hits a certain type of polygon, different animated things would pop up. For example, if a bullet was shot into sand, then a plume of dust could pop up. It would be really cool looking and give soldat a cinematic feel. Like this:
but looks much better
September 28, 2004, 10:18 pm
My biggest issue with these ideas was kind of touched on by Grand Diablo: In the interest of fairness, I don't want the game to be affected by random events anymore than it has to be. I want the game's winner to be decided more by skill and not by somebody getting randomly killed by lightning or moved by a tornado.
September 29, 2004, 4:11 pm
quote:Originally posted by blackdevil0742 likes
3.just stupid
Soldat is using DirectX if i'm right, shouldn't it be able to use special light effects not just sprites?
would be cool with some effects...
September 29, 2004, 7:58 pm
I like effects like that in games. It would slowdown the game that's true.
and i wouldn't be able to play Soldat :( as the game is slow already
September 30, 2004, 2:06 am
/me hides in the shadows
meh... maybe some lightning that would be cool :P
September 30, 2004, 2:32 am
That would be cool...and when you get struck your guy does a little "dance" (like those funny effects in cartoons where you see the skeleton through the electricty) then you you fall down smoking! Muahahah! I have evil thoughts some times...
Sand Storms would be....creepy.
And I don't understand what you mean in the third one.
September 30, 2004, 6:54 am
Envision these suggestions actually working with minimal complaints in Soldat.
And burning trees does.... What exactly?
"fking lightning kill me bs"
"u only killed me cuz of the sandstorm"
"omg noob barreted me when i was stuk lame"
It's nice that you took the time to suggest something, but it isn't really necessary for everyone, and it's only if you have an idea that is completely different to the ideas of others. -.-'
October 4, 2004, 3:33 pm
lightning coming down sometimes and damageing us... that would be cool... and lightning would strike twice!
October 8, 2004, 2:34 am
1. i like
2. i like
3. i thik is stupid.
the ice thing? nah. I think soldat should have snow that is slow to walk through and you sink into (depending on depth).
the sandstorm idea is good, but being picked up and thrown away? no.
October 8, 2004, 3:54 am
What would be even better than a getting stuck to a poly because it is too cold would be to just die from freezing to death and then it crashes you computer instantly and corrupts soldat too so you have to reinstall. HOW FUN WOULD THAT BE! AWESOME!
Lightning sure
Sandstorm no
Snow from Vassili's post Yeah
Deleted User
October 9, 2004, 12:42 pm
i like the lightning. and hit soldats could respawn with white-streaked hair, like real lightning victims.
October 10, 2004, 2:08 pm
Lightning - Ok
And Some water 'll be cool...
October 10, 2004, 2:25 pm
Vassili, try and cut down on the posts, and notice the edit button next to the quote button on your posts... ~.~
Not sure if water can be done, you can make it look like water (blank behind map with transperancy) but you can't make it actual water... =/ I think I already posted my opinion on the lightning so I won't say anything about that.
October 10, 2004, 2:26 pm
go Instant Messenger!