September 28, 2004, 8:51 pm
a secondary "weapon" that makes you explode with the force of a bunch of grenades...maybe dynamite or something. if you are running around and then get shot at and have almost 0 health and you cant find any health boxes or grenades, find someone and blow up. it would be like the chainsaw or knife but a large radius and everyone in it gets hurt/killed, but it doesnt do as much damage as LAW. yes or no
September 28, 2004, 8:58 pm
I dislike quite alot. Nobody would pick that as a secondary if they were playing seriously.
September 28, 2004, 9:00 pm
ok anotehr idea
a button for limited sprint, for example for CTF. if you get the flag, you could try to sprint away and get some room.
or instead of sprint, a button for jet "burst" to fly fast
i searched (maybe need to search further back?) and havent seen these as suggestions
also, as another trap for the map making, there can be "lazers" or crushers for mechanical/indoor levels
September 28, 2004, 9:21 pm
quote:Originally posted by DAN
ok anotehr idea
a button for limited sprint, for example for CTF. if you get the flag, you could try to sprint away and get some room.
or instead of sprint, a button for jet "burst" to fly fast
i searched (maybe need to search further back?) and havent seen these as suggestions
we call it m79 boosting, if everyone could do it, the m79 wouldnt be unique anymore :P
September 28, 2004, 11:33 pm
Im pretty sure the idea of kamikaze weapon was suggested many times before
September 29, 2004, 1:08 am
quote:Originally posted by grand_diablo
quote:Originally posted by DAN
ok anotehr idea
a button for limited sprint, for example for CTF. if you get the flag, you could try to sprint away and get some room.
or instead of sprint, a button for jet "burst" to fly fast
i searched (maybe need to search further back?) and havent seen these as suggestions
we call it m79 boosting, if everyone could do it, the m79 wouldnt be unique anymore :P
m79 boosting? everyone always has barret when i play
September 29, 2004, 2:14 am
1st idea: has been suggested many times
2nd idea: different version for your "speed powerup" idea... shut it.
September 29, 2004, 3:43 am
how about a mision mode or a campain feature
September 29, 2004, 5:31 am
I like your "sprint" idea, you could have a bar of sprint just like the jet bar,that you could use and recharge, though I think it should be much shorter. But I'm not sure about the "burst" idea, I think it would be too powerful, because, say, you wouldn't know how much to lead someone if you were using an m69, because they could just kick in their burst, and you'd be stuck.
September 29, 2004, 1:13 pm
whopedoo noobies blowing themselves up all over the place
(and yeah, old idea)