September 30, 2004, 5:46 am
new game type called ELIMINATION
this is boring with few ppl but i got a new idea for a game type in soldat:
- the rules for this game type is very well known - the winner of the game is he who kills all the ppl and is the only one left
- everytime a person is killed, they will have to sit out untill the person who killed him is killed - these rules apply to every player in the game.
however a further suggestion is that it should b set as an admin/host option to turn this game type on for one simple reason: this game cannot be played unless a reasonable amount of players is present otherwise it's just whoever killed the other guy first on a 2 player death match. Also, it is only possible to switch to this game type in a deathmatch game.
to make this a bit more interesting, when the host suddenly decides to switch to this game mode the screen should turn black and in big green letters (the color in which capture/return messages r shown in infiltration) it should say "ELIMINATION" and should stay like that for a few secs to get everyone acquainted to this new gameplay. The only disadvantage, as it is in all other game types, is them lame campers. But otherwise this is a great and fun and challenging game play!
September 30, 2004, 6:33 am
Hm sound interesting
duno if it should be a admin option, maybe removeing the point match?
September 30, 2004, 12:46 pm
Sounds very interesting...
But don't touch my pointmatch! My precious...
Add it as a whole new game mode.
September 30, 2004, 3:17 pm
Yes, except u come alive if your killer is killed.
Great idea, I like it.
September 30, 2004, 3:18 pm
yea i'm up for it [file]yes.gif,12724,,[/file]
September 30, 2004, 3:30 pm
quote:Originally posted by n00bface
you mean...survival?
No, i mean point match I don't like it
and i've seen more Survival servers then PointMatch
or a new mode
September 30, 2004, 4:23 pm
Yeah, good idea, only one thing though:
Demonic killed OMFG with Ruger
OMFG has left the game.
OMFG joined the game.
So it's just whoopee rejoin!
October 1, 2004, 4:02 am
u brought up a good point which made me think for a while but i got a solution - well i'm not too sure if that'd work but...: the host should remember the people's IP addrss ie, and associate their kills using their ip so if they leave and rejoin they'll have to wait till their killer would die (even if he died and came back before the person who left joined again). Cuz i thought but remembering the name instead of IP but that could easily be changed. Also i thought about that noone could join until the end of the match but then people would sometimes have to wait for a long time and they wouldn't want to wait so they'd leave or something.
October 1, 2004, 4:30 am
I actually looked at this topic right after it was first posted but I decided to think about it a little longer before replying. I think this sounds like an interesting idea. At first I thought exactly what n00bface did, but I actually think this could work as a separate game mode. I don't really like the idea of the server admin switching it over to an extermination in the middle of a different game type though.
October 1, 2004, 4:58 am
well yeah...but the probelm is that u cna't just start an ELIMINATION server and wait for ppl to join cuz, well let say its only 2 ppl in a game and once someone dies the game is over and it'll restart so tats kinda lame. maybe have a place to check after how many people the game should start: ie: 4 ppl r in a game and it set to at 5 ppl start elimination so as soon as a fifth person comes in the game ends the winner is whoever and ELIMINATION starts. Beofre that tis only deathmatch or w.e.
October 1, 2004, 7:10 am
quote:Originally posted by blackdevil0742
quote:Originally posted by n00bface
you mean...survival?
No, i mean point match I don't like it
and i've seen more Survival servers then PointMatch
or a new mode
Why no, n00bface was directing his post at the thread starter. Which seems he likes the Idea of Survival mode with an addition or not, Something we already have....
October 2, 2004, 1:48 am
quote:Originally posted by DeMonIc
Yeah, good idea, only one thing though:
Demonic killed OMFG with Ruger
OMFG has left the game.
OMFG joined the game.
So it's just whoopee rejoin!
Then OMFG has 0 points. Duh.
This is good, but it should just be a litle checkbox above the survival one that works in all modes. And the game doesn't END when one person only lives, it just respawns everyone like in survival, although he should mabey get an extra 3 pts. Team games would reset everyone when only one team has live ppl, and in tm or inf would get 5 pts (none in ctf, since even one is a huge difference).
October 2, 2004, 3:46 am
Guys, just plkay survival, dont bother Michal.......
October 2, 2004, 4:07 am
this sounds kinda like jailbreak but more with one person rather than team...maybe this can be more team oriented if killed is brought back when person is killed by teamate?
i like the idea
October 2, 2004, 4:31 am
im sorry for saying this but i think u guys r rly stupid...well not all of u - This is different than survival mar77a! And also it's not about who gets the most points, brickman - it's about who can eliminate everyone else! It's way different than survival - it's more challenging. But some features of survival, such as no medipacks, would also b nice to have in there but not necessarily...
October 2, 2004, 4:55 am
well i would say close-minded more than stupid...
October 8, 2004, 3:18 am
well...i'd rly want more feedback to this idea...i rly think its a good one so the more we talk the more popular it'll get and the more likely it'll b in the next version!!!!!!!!
October 8, 2004, 3:51 am
I highly doubt that.
And if you could actually type so people can understand you, you will be listened too more often...
*double post*