October 2, 2004, 5:57 am
quote:From A Perfect Circle's Website
November 2nd, coinciding with the presidential election, APC will be
releasing a collection of songs about WAR, PEACE, LOVE AND GREED,
entitled "eMOTIVe." Featuring new material and songs like "imagine" by
John Lennon, "What's goin on" by Marvin Gaye, "Let's have a war" by
FEAR. This week we will release one of these new songs entitled,
"Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums," with an
animated video poking fun at our fearless leader. Hopefully, you'll
find it as entertaining as we do.
Don't let yourself be tricked into thinking it does not. It is
important for us all to engage this political system and to be
conscious of who is being chosen to speak for us. If you choose not to
be involved with decisions that affect your life on a daily basis, in
our opinion, you forfeit your right to complain about it later. THINK
FOR YOURSELF. QUESTION AUTHORITY. Hopefully you will choose to vote on
November 2nd.
check out this video its a video that seems to portray the american public as "sheep" because they are being influenced by dubya's propaganda machine...Fox News. its also got an industrial remix of the song "pet" i think the message is powerful and i hope all us americans who can vote make the right decision on November 2nd, vote kerry - because nuclear war is bad.
October 2, 2004, 6:21 am
well if america goes into anarchy (real anarchy, not this pussy little kid [:-censored]) than ill sit back in italy and watch it all fall apart, clutching my 12 guage.
October 2, 2004, 6:56 am
heh, i saw that video on RAGE (australian music video show) last night.
The clip is alright, its easy to understand and i guess that's what the creators wanted.
October 2, 2004, 8:05 am
what i think will happen is remeniscent of a certain event that happened in Russia in 1917
The Geologist
October 2, 2004, 8:09 am
Meh...I stopped watching about half way through. The video probably portrays Americans as sheep because most Americans (not all) are sheep in a sense. On the other hand, if you're stupid enough to let yourself be influenced by Fox News, then you can't be helped...
October 2, 2004, 8:25 am
AA so you think that the american people will rebel and make america a communist nation?
I like the sound of that :D.
heh america becoming a communist nation. How ironic :D.
And good ;D
The Geologist
October 2, 2004, 8:30 am
He didn't say anything about America becoming communist. [B)] Not a good idea, not ever going to happen...
October 2, 2004, 8:43 am
america cant be communist, we're far to capitalistic. it'll be chaos. the rich will bitch and the poor will want more. holy [:-censored], that rhymes...
if the people rebel, then we're pretty much [:-censored]ed. on nov. 2, if bush wins, arm yourselves, people.
The Geologist
October 2, 2004, 8:50 am
If Americans were to rebel, we'd have a friendly riot shield carrying baton wielding police force to welcome us. In this country they arrest/pepper spray/etc. even the peaceful protestors...imagine what they'd do to people who actually revolt?
October 2, 2004, 8:50 am
^ uhp - The geologist pointed it out right there ;o
Bleh. I doubt America will go into anarchy, or Bush has messed up and made America unsafe, eh? OH OH RUINING THE BRAIN.
It's not like he will be elected again, anyway...
October 2, 2004, 9:00 am
Count how many inbred, rednecks there are in america. Alot.
They're all voting for bush. All rednecks/ inbred support the republicans.
If america were to go into anarchy.... wow imagine the stock markets. :O.
But it is possible... i mean all those people with guns in their homes. Maybe THATs why GB wants to make it illeagal to buy high powered automatic rifles.
Chances that america would turn into a full on anarchy is very unlikely, I mean i can imagine riots and [:-censored] but an anarchy? not going to happen.
October 2, 2004, 9:14 am
lol! i was damn near pepper-sprayed in san fransisco during all that major protesting, just for walking down the goddamn street getting to haight/ashbury. you know they swab way more than they spray now? evil pricks. if there's riots, then out comes tear gas, 12 guage beanbags, and whatever the [:-censored] they want to shoot at whoever they want. anarchy's not gonna happen, but if it did, there would be mad violence goin on. it's kinda funny, all the people i know who got guns are democrats XP
October 2, 2004, 9:33 am
honestly im usually a republican, but oh my god, bush needs to die. i say we all get sniper rifles, and try to pop that [:-censored]er's head. my parents are the biggest sheep to, lol. when we watched the debate, every time a fool was made of bush they yelled at the TV "LIAR!" or "wtf is he talkin about?"
October 2, 2004, 9:56 am
i didnt get to see the debate, but i heard from my roomate that when bush and cheney were advancing on some podium, waving, they looked as if they were throwing out the nazi salute. but he's a skinhead, so i dont know. if you kill bush, then everyone'll be forced to predend like it's a trajety, and it'll all be rat[:-censored]ed with cheney (the hand up the puppet's ass)
The Geologist
October 2, 2004, 8:55 pm
quote:Originally posted by Jap_man
Count how many inbred, rednecks there are in america. Alot.
They're all voting for bush. All rednecks/ inbred support the republicans.
If america were to go into anarchy.... wow imagine the stock markets. :O.
But it is possible... i mean all those people with guns in their homes. Maybe THATs why GB wants to make it illeagal to buy high powered automatic rifles.
Chances that america would turn into a full on anarchy is very unlikely, I mean i can imagine riots and [:-censored] but an anarchy? not going to happen.
You don't live here...and your sterotyping is full of crap, quite frankly. Learn something before you try and make such farfetched claims. [;)]
October 2, 2004, 9:05 pm
dude, it's not total crap. alot of rednecks are republicans. but then agains, there's alot of redneck democrats too. so yea. let's just leave it at that AVP trademark, "WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE"
The Geologist
October 2, 2004, 9:20 pm
It's not that which I had trouble with...there are rednecks here, and Republicans do vote for Bush...obviously. But not all recnecks are republican, nor do all republicans vote for you stated. I'd wager that proportionally, there are just as many rednecks/inbred types here as there are in other countries around the world. However, you can't just chalk it up to "all those redneck/inbred types voting for Bush", because a fairly large portion of the republican party don't screw their own family members and are the farthest things from rednecks I can imagine. Hell, most Americans these days are too dossile to even riot...
October 2, 2004, 10:32 pm
if you want riots, prohibition on alocohol and tobacco would make us get ready to kill each other.
if i wanted to win, and i was in either canadite's position, i'd do something so small yet so profound, i'd win for sure. i'd legalize marijuana.
The Geologist
October 3, 2004, 12:15 am
Hmmm....your views interest me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
October 3, 2004, 12:20 am
well just imagine it.
john kerry: "i'll legalize marijuana"
nation: "PWNT~!"
george bush: "Iraq!!!!"
nation: "..."
george bush: "...liberation?"
nation: ":/"
george bush: "that was my idea! i'll legalize cocaine, too!!"
nation: "/votes kerry"
October 3, 2004, 12:26 am
Quo Vadis CD comes out in november too! Well, i'd rather buy Vadis because the PWN APC and cd's are cheaper.
October 3, 2004, 1:35 am
what the [:-censored] are you talking about?
October 3, 2004, 8:36 am
Famine seems to think that great guitar solos beat godlike Vocalists. but no matter what the topic, he has to get into an argument over which band is better.
October 3, 2004, 8:49 am
woopeedoo all the gay bands are against bush...
dont you think it has anything to do with him being against gay marriages and with kerry promising to legalize all of this illegal crap?
kerry is a douche, go ahead, let him become president and destroy a nation ^^
bush aint much better, but at least he has balls, sucks tho, what america needs is a good president, someone who does what he promises... lets try Stalin for a change aye? he will do good... or maybe Homer Simpson, who can represent the american people better then him? what about James Brown? he has soul... you shouldnt care too much about who gets elected, either way, all the politicians are money loving puppets.
October 3, 2004, 7:37 pm
weed, besides calling APC gay, thats the most intelligent thing youve ever said.