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I invented..
Soldat Forums - Misc - The Bash Pit
October 9, 2004, 5:29 pm
...The internet and air.

And I also invented the little bugs that eat your flowers when you go on vacation.

What have you guys invented?

liquidis x snake
October 9, 2004, 5:32 pm



October 9, 2004, 5:39 pm
I invented inventions.

October 9, 2004, 6:31 pm
i inveted sex,drugs and rock'n'roll !!

October 9, 2004, 9:59 pm
i invented myself :P

October 9, 2004, 10:01 pm

October 9, 2004, 10:47 pm

October 9, 2004, 11:11 pm
quote:Originally posted by damnnation
i inveted sex,drugs and rock'n'roll !!

you mean like the song? sex and drugs and rock n roll, is all your body needs. i invented the hatred frogboy uses against me.

October 10, 2004, 12:25 am
i invented a gun. seriously...

Captain RibMan
October 10, 2004, 12:55 am
Lies! Jimmy Carter invented the internet.

i invented the post-it note

The Geologist
October 10, 2004, 1:10 am
I invented:

1) Geology
2) Earth
3) The geology of Earth


October 10, 2004, 1:35 am
I invented barret !

Captain RibMan
October 10, 2004, 1:47 am
Chakra! Get him!

The Geologist
October 10, 2004, 1:48 am
quote:Originally posted by karmazonpl
I invented barret !


October 10, 2004, 1:50 am
no I invented barret XD

The Geologist
October 10, 2004, 1:51 am
Ohhhhh...lmao. Still...you die by association!

October 10, 2004, 1:52 am
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist
Ohhhhh...lmao. Still...you die by association!


October 10, 2004, 1:53 am
Also double LAW bug was my idea

October 10, 2004, 2:02 am
I invented the quantum theory.

October 10, 2004, 2:23 am
i thought you quit paramud. [:-censored] off.

October 10, 2004, 2:48 am
I invented n00bface(and Llama) haha !

October 10, 2004, 4:25 am
I invented karmazon.

I also invented agreeing with n00bface's post above.

October 10, 2004, 6:25 am
I invented my pants...(no, seriously)...:p

October 10, 2004, 7:13 am
I invented my avatar.

October 10, 2004, 7:17 am
I invented device that kills the evil photobucket, because I can't see any picture hosted in that [:-censored]ty site

October 10, 2004, 7:26 am
Are you using firefox? Perhaps you have photobucket blocked by it~ Tools | Options | Web Features | Load Images Exceptions~ Unless you want to have images blocked from there, but that's pretty lame. :(

Captain RibMan
October 10, 2004, 8:49 am

October 10, 2004, 9:06 am
I invented M.

October 10, 2004, 10:17 am
You Monster!

M was pretty cool..
he just took things too seriously.

October 10, 2004, 11:21 am
I invented:

alias numxt { if ($1 !isnum) { return $1- } | if ($right($1,1) <= 3) { return $1 $+ ' $+ $replace($right($1,1),0,eth,1,st,2,nd,3,rd) } | return $1- $+ th }
alias Dildo {
if ($count($3-,$chr($1)) == 0) { return $3- }
if ($count($3-,$chr($1)) == 1) { return $gettok($3-,1,$1) and $gettok($3-,2,$1) }
var %r $3-
var %r $mid(%r,0,$calc($pos(%r,$chr($1),$count(%R,$chr($1)))-1)) $+ $+($chr(32),ß,$chr(32)) $+ $right(%R,$calc($pos(%r,$chr($1),$count(%R,$chr($1)))* -1))
var %r $replace(%r,$chr($1),$chr($2) $+ $iif($prop == Space,$chr(32)) )
return $replace(%r,ß,and)

on !*:join:#Bunny_Island: { if ($gettok($address($nick,3),2,64) == *.users.quakenet.org && $ini(Dildos.ini,$gettok($gettok($address($nick,1),2,64),1,46))) { var %n $gettok($gettok($address($nick,1),2,64),1,46) } | else { var %n $nick }
inc -u60 %dildoc. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if (%dildoc. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 3) {
set -u2 %dlds. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $int($calc($readini(Dildos.ini,%n,no) * 0.75 ))
Describe # takes away 75% of $nick $+ 's Dildos for cheating. (Thats %dlds. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Dildos)
unset %dildoc. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
writeini dildos.ini %n no $calc($readini(Dildos.ini,%n,no) - %dlds. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] )
if ($ini(dildohalt.ini,ignore,$nick) || $ini(dildohalt.ini,ignore,%n)) { halt }
if ($istok(%dildos,%n,160)) { halt }
set %Dildo %dildo $+ $iif(%dildo, ) $+ %n
if ($ini(dildohalt.ini,stfu,$nick) || $ini(dildohalt.ini,stfu,%n)) { goto end | halt }
.timerdildo 1 2 describe # gives $dildo(160,44,%dildo) a dildo $iif($count(%dildo, ),each) ! $chr(124) adddld %dildo | unset %Dildo | halt
adddld %dildo | unset %Dildo

alias -l adddld {
var %i $calc($count($1-, ) + 1)
if (%i == 0) { writeini Dildos.ini $1 no $calc($readini(dildos.ini,%t,No) + 1) | if (!$ini(Didos.ini,$1,date)) { writeini Dildos.ini $1 Date The $numxt($asctime($ctime,d)) of $asctime($ctime,mmmm yyyy HH:nn) } | halt }
while (%i) {
set -u2 %t $gettok($1,%i,160)
if (!$ini(Didos.ini,%t,date)) { writeini Dildos.ini %t Date The $numxt($asctime($ctime,d)) of $asctime($ctime,mmmm yyyy HH:nn) }
writeini Dildos.ini %t no $calc($readini(dildos.ini,%t,No) + 1)
dec %i
on *:text:!Dildos:#Bunny_Island: { if ($gettok(%dildospam,1,32) >= 5 || $gettok(%dildospam,2,32) == $nick) { halt } | if ($gettok($address($nick,3),2,64) == *.users.quakenet.org && $ini(Dildos.ini,$gettok($gettok($address($nick,1),2,64),1,46))) { var %n $gettok($gettok($address($nick,1),2,64),1,46) } | else { var %n $nick }
if ($readini(Dildos.ini,%n,no)) { msg # %n Has recived a total of  $+ $readini(Dildos.ini,%n,no) $+  dildos. Since $readini(Dildos.ini,%n,date) }
else { msg # $nick Has not recived any Dildos yet :/ }
set -u10 %dildospam $calc($gettok(%dildospam,1,32) + 1) $nick
on *:text:!Dildos &:#Bunny_Island: { if ($gettok(%dildospam,1,32) >= 5 || $gettok(%dildospam,2,32) == $nick) { halt }
if ($gettok($address($2,3),2,64) == *.users.quakenet.org && $ini(Dildos.ini,$gettok($gettok($address($2,1),2,64),1,46))) { var %n $gettok($gettok($address($2,1),2,64),1,46) } | else { var %n $2 }
if ( $ini(Dildos.ini,%n,no) ) { msg # %n Has recived a total of  $+ $readini(Dildos.ini,%n,no) $+  dildos. Since $readini(Dildos.ini,%n,date) }
else { msg # %n Has not recived any Dildos yet :/ }
set -u10 %dildospam $calc($gettok(%dildospam,1,32) + 1) $nick
on *:text:!topdildos:#Bunny_Island: { if ($gettok(%dildospam,1,32) >= 5 || $gettok(%dildospam,2,32) == $nick) { halt } | var %i $ini(Dildos.ini,0) | var %top 0
while (%i) {
set %a $ini(Dildos.ini,%i)
set %t $readini(dildos.ini,%a,no)
if ( %t > %top ) { var %win %a | var %top %t | unset %t }
if ( %t == %top ) { var %win %win $+   $+ %a }
unset %a %t
dec %i
set -u10 %dildospam $calc($gettok(%dildospam,1,32) + 1) $nick
msg # The top dildo collecto $+ $iif($count(%win, ),rs are,r is) $dildo(160,44,%win) with  $+ %top $+  dildo $+ $iif(%top > 1,s) $iif($count(%win, ),each) !
on DarkNoddy:text:!Dildoignore &:#Bunny_Island: {
if ($left($2,1) != + && $left($2,1) != -) { .notice $nick *ERROR: Specify + or - | halt }
var %n $right($2,-1)
goto $left($2,1)
if ($ini(Dildohalt.ini,ignore,%n)) { .notice $nick %n is allready ignored. | halt }
writeini Dildohalt.ini ignore %n 1
Msg # %n has been added to the ignorelist.
if (!$ini(Dildohalt.ini,ignore,%n)) { .notice $nick %n is not ignored. | halt }
remini Dildohalt.ini ignore %n
Msg # %n has been removed from the ignorelist.

on *:text:!DildoSTFU:#Bunny_Island: {
if (%dildostfu [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ] >= 2 || %Dildostfu.spam >= 5) { halt }
inc -u10 %Dildostfu.spam
if ($gettok($address($nick,3),2,64) == *.users.quakenet.org) { var %n $gettok($gettok($address($nick,1),2,64),1,46) }
if (%n) { if ($ini(dildohalt.ini,STFU,%n)) { goto remove } | else { goto add } }
else { .notice $nick This feature is only available for authe useres in mode +x, sorry for the inconvinience. }
remini dildohalt.ini STFU %n
.notice $nick You $+([,%n,]) have been removed from the STFU list. | inc -u60 %dildostfu [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ]
writeini dildohalt.ini stfu %n 1
.notice $nick You $+([,%n,]) have been added to the STFU list. | inc -u60 %dildostfu [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ]

and This :

alias ssp { var %tmp $+(",$$sfile(c:\,Find Soldat.exe,Ok),") | if (%tmp == %soldatcpth) { .echo -q $input(Thats the current Soldatpath..,oi,Dude...) | halt } | if ($exists(%tmp) && $nopath(%tmp) == Soldat.exe) { if ($exists(%soldatcpth)) { if ($input(Soldat path allready exists: $crlf $+ %Soldatcpth $crlf $+ Change it to: $crlf $+ %tmp ?,iy,Are you Sure?) ) { set %Soldatcpth %tmp } | else { halt } } | else { set %Soldatcpth %tmp } } | else { .echo -q $input(No such file or not Soldat.exe,oi,Error.) | halt } | if ($exists(%Soldatcpth)) { .echo -q $input(Path set to: $crlf $+ %Soldatcpth,oi,Done) } | else { .echo -q $input(Somthing went wrong, try again with /ssp.,ow,Error) | unset %Soldatcpath } }
alias scp { if (%soldatcap) { unset %Soldatcap } | else { set %Soldatcap yes } | echo -a -=- Asking for password: $iif(%Soldatcap,ON,OFF) -=- }
alias scu { if (%Soldatcu) { unset %Soldatcu } | else { set %Soldatcu yes } | echo -a -=- Using non-defult path (if set /ssp): $iif(%Soldatcu,ON,OFF) -=- }
alias scl { if (%Soldatcl) { unset %Soldatcl } | else { set %Soldatcl yes } | echo -a -=- Using lastcommend: $iif(%Soldatcl,ON,OFF) -=- }
alias ssc { if (!$timer(mousechck)) { .timermousechck -m 1 250 .echo -sq .. } | else { .timermousechck2 -m 1 250 .echo -sq .. } } | if ($timer(mousechck2)) { if ($right($1,1) == /) { tokenize 32 $left($1,-1) } | .timermousechck* off | if (%Soldatcu && %soldatcpth) { run %soldatcpth -join $right($gettok($1,2,58),-2) $gettok($1,3,58) $iif(%Soldatcap,$?="Password?") } | else { run $1 } | if (%Soldatcl) { /scl2 $1 } }
on ^*:HOTLINK:* soldat*:*: { if (($left($1,9) == soldat:// && $gettok($1,3,58) isnum) && $Mouse.key == 1) { /ssc $1 } }
on ^*:HOTLINK:soldat*:*: { if (($left($1,9) == soldat:// && $gettok($1,3,58) isnum) && $Mouse.key == 1) { /ssc $1 } }
;here is the execute when run alias, Replace "ame I'm playing Soldat at $1 - Come Join me ! ^^" With whatever U like.
;$right($gettok($1,2,58),-1) gives the ip (Soldat://ip:port) and $gettok($1,3,58) the port.
alias -l scl2 {
ame I'm playing Soldat at $1 - Come Join me ! ^^

LMAO I'm so damn boored !

October 10, 2004, 11:24 am
OMG It's a dildo bunny island

October 10, 2004, 10:36 pm
Come to #Bunny_Island and get a free dildo :P

October 10, 2004, 10:39 pm
i invented ass. Before u ppl has asses no one was capable of inventing. So i am teh starter of inventing. oO

October 11, 2004, 1:37 am
the NetCar --> http://nc2.u13.net

oh, and I also invented rumors on the internets http://rumorsontheinternets.com

October 11, 2004, 2:06 pm
looks like you invented childish at the internet..

"OMG!!11!! look i InVeNtEd TeH InTeRnEt!@!!!!111!!"


October 11, 2004, 5:01 pm
the piano key neck tie

Maverick X?
October 11, 2004, 5:23 pm
I invented the donkey punch. I tired it on your mom, Mancer. <3

October 11, 2004, 5:45 pm
whoops i forgot I INVENTED BEER YAY!

The Geologist
October 11, 2004, 6:27 pm
quote:Originally posted by Maverick X?
I invented the donkey punch. I tired it on your mom, Mancer. <3

You tried it on his mom? [;)]

October 11, 2004, 7:56 pm
Ignore Maverick..hes just some jackass that I know in real life.



Maverick X?
October 11, 2004, 8:21 pm
His mom sucker punched me afterwards....

Deleted User
October 11, 2004, 8:47 pm
Hitman invented homosex.

Deleted User
October 11, 2004, 8:53 pm
..With Stalky.

The Geologist
October 11, 2004, 9:14 pm
..and Ville got it on video.

Maverick X?
October 11, 2004, 11:38 pm
Twas goooood. Mmmmm...