The Geologist
October 10, 2004, 1:26 am
Yay! I can finally upload files again, so here are some pictures of my latest creation. Another infiltration map. Here's an overview, and some screenies. Background will definately not be white. Meant for ~8 or more players. Suggestions? Thanks to soap for the texture!
I did some more work on the bridges, and wrapped up the large object in the middle...I'm maxing out the scenery though, so I can't add much more.
October 11, 2004, 6:53 am
Your maps are getting better. Keep up the good work.
October 13, 2004, 8:02 pm
It would look dead sexy if you had some fog in the bottom section. Other than that keep up the good work.
October 14, 2004, 9:11 am
wow looks sweet as =D.
Just wondering, when will it be released?
October 14, 2004, 12:05 pm
NICE! Just a little more detail and would be fun to play on! My only issue is that it is too symmetrical. ie. It could get a little boring as no matter which team you are playing on it is always the same. again, nice job though...
Unlucky 13
October 14, 2004, 12:23 pm
[:-star] <-- as purdy as that star!
This map has a style of its own... ok maybe not, it is just the current BG. Anyway, this map is alot better than any of my maps, as well as a couple of other maps in teh forum!
October 14, 2004, 12:26 pm
Very odd tunnel design... I haven't seen anything like this for a looong while.
Maybe a bit of better shading would do it even better.
Good job!
The Geologist
October 14, 2004, 3:48 pm
Thanks for all the suggestions folks.
Jap_Man: Could be released anytime, I'm just tinkering with the waypointing.
TouMaz: It's already shaded, but I don't think it's obvious enough from the overview. It looks good in game, but I might go back and tinker with the colors a bit more.
Basically, all I'm left with is putting in those small details and messing with the scenery. Unfortunately, I've maxed out on scenery, so anything new will come at the expense of something old...I'll make it work though. Thanks for all the feedback people!