October 10, 2004, 2:59 am
When a hacker joins your game and starts flying around everyone gets hacker abilities to fight bak! id b like da bomb 4 sho
October 10, 2004, 2:59 am
Hitman....oh whatever, just lock it
October 10, 2004, 3:23 am
You know what... this is the best idea ever.
October 10, 2004, 3:29 am
dude, this has happened in a hacker-hosted server. everyone had the capabilities, it was funny. when people left, and went to other servers, they still had them o_O i call it 'hacker residue"
on your suggestion: stupid. there should be anti-hacker stuff, not pro-hacker stuff. gnubit.
October 10, 2004, 10:58 am
hahahahaha, this idea aint gonna work.
This idea is just promoting hacking and i dont like the idea.
(But funny anyhow ;D)