2 days ago i got some incredibly f~~~ed up emails.
the first:
note the upper and bottom lines.. totally random words.
i also got this email: (quote)
bandsmen unhasty dundee unbetrayed chairperson unpermeated quatorze.
electrolytically offlet biocentric misbelieve mariticidal.
shoebinding photokinesis.
assisting constructer cryptanalytic hemapophyseal typhuses horsehead respirometer atavism tannogen.
plumped underclothing alienors priapean curt paracorolla tannings proceduring.
anethol nonregent runouts hissproof reshun governs aluminate.
mosquitocide moly overtopping simultaneousnesses finched.
reserves antischool linearization dandydom decipherment antidogmatic trigs assisting fistiana overunsuitable.
brevit tannogen implacentate simultaneousnesses marketeers isogenous strengthless.
tribasicity hooping tentacles tressels steamtight weighty botuliform administers.
compunctionary aeromarine florification badgered mega dotate hydrae tautophonical nychthemer offlet.
trysts commissionship overspeculate electrolytically repentant ruck disassociating enwrought flask pinchecks.
cotoneaster nonheritor colliquation lenities unsoluble.
aeromarine knabble prattles unfoundedly feels semiautomatics wowserian floured tractlet.
unperpetrated pridefulness syndyasmian irresuscitable princelet eme averrer priapean microcentrosome.
hissproof hyperresonant biocentric amphisbaenian choloidic pulpifier encapsulating optative.
vaugnerite bundestag lenticula accompt subentries.
otoscopic mysticly summitries ultramodernist psychopompos linearization cholos palaeography unexpropriated.
rodded practicalize fantasms precooks nonartistic.
cryptanalytic practicalize unbetraying antidogmatic subsisted sheiklike.
spelled legitim diffract preaccepts outspreads baser propheticality psychopompos aspartyl.
dislike weaponries demurely unsumptuary charlesworth intensified ghostwrites costopleural.
undaub nogal leach encraal lakist clammy marijuanas acetosoluble pardoned applanate.
battlemented apaches linearization toe halakah primp coalescency.
seriously wtf.. have i missed something ?
the first:
note the upper and bottom lines.. totally random words.
i also got this email: (quote)
bandsmen unhasty dundee unbetrayed chairperson unpermeated quatorze.
electrolytically offlet biocentric misbelieve mariticidal.
shoebinding photokinesis.
assisting constructer cryptanalytic hemapophyseal typhuses horsehead respirometer atavism tannogen.
plumped underclothing alienors priapean curt paracorolla tannings proceduring.
anethol nonregent runouts hissproof reshun governs aluminate.
mosquitocide moly overtopping simultaneousnesses finched.
reserves antischool linearization dandydom decipherment antidogmatic trigs assisting fistiana overunsuitable.
brevit tannogen implacentate simultaneousnesses marketeers isogenous strengthless.
tribasicity hooping tentacles tressels steamtight weighty botuliform administers.
compunctionary aeromarine florification badgered mega dotate hydrae tautophonical nychthemer offlet.
trysts commissionship overspeculate electrolytically repentant ruck disassociating enwrought flask pinchecks.
cotoneaster nonheritor colliquation lenities unsoluble.
aeromarine knabble prattles unfoundedly feels semiautomatics wowserian floured tractlet.
unperpetrated pridefulness syndyasmian irresuscitable princelet eme averrer priapean microcentrosome.
hissproof hyperresonant biocentric amphisbaenian choloidic pulpifier encapsulating optative.
vaugnerite bundestag lenticula accompt subentries.
otoscopic mysticly summitries ultramodernist psychopompos linearization cholos palaeography unexpropriated.
rodded practicalize fantasms precooks nonartistic.
cryptanalytic practicalize unbetraying antidogmatic subsisted sheiklike.
spelled legitim diffract preaccepts outspreads baser propheticality psychopompos aspartyl.
dislike weaponries demurely unsumptuary charlesworth intensified ghostwrites costopleural.
undaub nogal leach encraal lakist clammy marijuanas acetosoluble pardoned applanate.
battlemented apaches linearization toe halakah primp coalescency.
seriously wtf.. have i missed something ?