This thread is just a notice to everyone who links to stuff hosted on my server. many of you know that a month or two ago I changed addresses pointing to my server. the new address that redirects to my IP is, the old being There are a lot of people still using, which only works about half the time, then you complain to me when it does not work. Please, if you see someone using the old address, tell them to change it. The folling people have stuff that needs to change:
SoulSnipa: Just about everything in your signature, as well as one of the links in your profile
Droopy: An image in your signature(fixed)
Elephant_Hunter and SoulSnipa: Various stuff on the SML website(fixed)
I'll add more as I find them.
this does not just go for website links. Any instance of needs to be replaced with A lot of the traffic on my site still comes in on, which means a lot of people have it favorited under the old address. please change it.
Thanks guys
SoulSnipa: Just about everything in your signature, as well as one of the links in your profile
Droopy: An image in your signature(fixed)
Elephant_Hunter and SoulSnipa: Various stuff on the SML website(fixed)
I'll add more as I find them.
this does not just go for website links. Any instance of needs to be replaced with A lot of the traffic on my site still comes in on, which means a lot of people have it favorited under the old address. please change it.
Thanks guys