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Disabling/Enabling Weapon Menu
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
November 2, 2004, 6:18 pm
Looked in all suggestions post first, didn't find this.

Normally, this isn't a problem... but the other day, I was playing on a server that for some god awful reason, had 0 respawn time. It wasn't that bad, except it was impossible to shut off the weapon menu. I had to select a weapon every time I respawned, often getting me killed, and often selecting the wrong weapon. So, I really have two suggestions here:

1. Make it to you can toggle the weapons menu at any given time during gameplay.

2. Be able to select a primary weapon pre-match, in the same way you can select a secondary in the options. That way, unless you wanted to, you wouldn't have to ever see that weapons menu. If you know you like your Deagles, and know you won't switch, then why bother seeing the menu? Of course, you would still have the option to make the menu pop-up at the beginning of every match, if you wished.

Anyway, that's my two cents. Hope I was clear with that.

The Geologist
November 2, 2004, 6:34 pm
I believe you can simply click anywhere off the weapons menu to re-select the weapon you were already using, so you don't have to click on that particular weapon over and over. Not too concerned about the second, but I see your point.

November 2, 2004, 6:43 pm
1 - know what your talking about, at times i just had to /kill and quickly TAB to turn off that damn menu
2 - weapon menu should be accessible any time during gameplay, not just when you die. that way you can select your weapons while still alive and get them upon next respawn instantly

November 2, 2004, 7:17 pm
It would depend on where you respawn next round. For instance, if you spawn by a group of people killing eachother, you wouldn't want a barret.

November 3, 2004, 6:14 am
Geo, I noticed it is possible to click outside the menu to keep your weapon, but it wastes precious moments that could very well get you killed. And I personally find it disorienting to have the menu pop in my face, have to move the mouse outside the menu, and then having to get my bearings of where everyone is. I know I sound like I'm exhagerating the effort that it takes to click outside the menu, but it changes your focus, and even for a split-second, that's a bad thing. Plus, you still have to click outside the menu every time you die.

Ivan, that's a good point, you should be able to bring it up anytime, especially in matches with low spawn time.

And Mag, I see your point there. I'd definitely want this sort of feature to be optional... I personally know that I stick with Ruger as my main weapon, and start 99% of my matches with it, but for Soldiers who are more on-the-fly, the feature would be useless.

November 3, 2004, 7:51 am
yea, just press TAB if it is an annoyance

November 3, 2004, 11:27 am
bring it up anytime? *gets m79 at respawn* *drops secondary* *pressing tab* *taking ak* woohoo, prepare to get owned.