November 13, 2004, 6:00 am
this guy makes alot of valid points. in a nutshell:men and boys all over the world are being abused mentally and especially physically by females. and all authority figures are too stupid and sexist to do anything about it.
November 13, 2004, 7:21 am
what the
[IMAGE] ? I know perfect solution: pimp slap the bitch
November 13, 2004, 7:58 am
you dont understand, the only men who are brave enough to stand up for what is right, and not allow themselves to be abused are always the ones being prosecuted and convicted. i personally don't look down on rapists and wifebeaters, it's nature's way of evening out the imbalance. even tho it doesnt fix it completely.
November 13, 2004, 8:05 am
Are you kidding me? Are you saying you condone forcing a woman to have sex with you against their will? And beating your wife because you come home drunk and angry and she didn't make your favorite dinner?Or am I just misinterpreting some kind of sarcasm?
November 13, 2004, 8:43 am
do you condone women always being let off easy for crimes that men would be given a sentence twice as awful for? do you condone Nazi Feminists controlling the media and making sure almost every hollywood movie comically depicts a man being struck in the testicles by a woman for no particular reason in order to convince today's female youth that its ok, its funny, and its socially acceptable to abuse boys' testicles in public schools, without it being acceptible for the boys to defend themselves at all? women are always made out to be the victims of crimes on the news all the time. when in reality, women commit more domestic crimes such as rape, child abuse, and neglection than men do? i dont necissarily condone rape or wife beating and i do not encourage or endorse it. i think us men need to stand up and reclaim our rights instead of being conformist pushovers. its obvious that everyday, the male gender is being belittled more and more.
November 13, 2004, 10:47 am
yea, i know what ya mean.
just the other day i read about some female teacher, who molested a 13years old kid on school. guess what? shes one of the few active-pedophile's that didnt went to jail. thats right boys, shes doing community service!
(on a side note: where has she been when i were 13???)
November 13, 2004, 6:21 pm
Allright then, no, I don't think all that stuff is ok, but I don't think men should commit crimes to make up for it, that's just flawed logic. But now I see where you're coming from.
November 13, 2004, 6:38 pm
Funny thing in the news a while ago around here... there is 60% more single black women than white here in the UK. Why? Because according to surveys, they are more fussy and difficult. Black men incidently are thus turning more to white women simply because they're more friendly.
Excusing what sex or race you are, if you're unfriendly and cause problems, you'll just end up alone. I think thats justice enough.
November 13, 2004, 7:50 pm
[quoute]and its socially acceptable to abuse boys' testicles in public schools, without it being acceptible for the boys to defend themselves at all[/quote]
Seems like AA got kicked in the nuts a few days ago. :P
Also, you believe in balance? Yet are athiest or shall I say no religion as religion dont always have gods. A rare feat, sound a bit more of a wiccan view, but a bit twisted.
November 14, 2004, 1:51 am
do you think its socially acceptable for this to happen? its extremely painful and girls just laugh at us and talk about how funny it is while we're writhing in pain. i think its
[IMAGE]ing evil, and school authorities should do something about it. ive never been kicked in the nuts acually, at least in a long time. but it happens to my friends all the time, and it pisses me off, girls seem to think they're invincible.
The Geologist
November 14, 2004, 2:54 am
quote:Originally posted by AerialAssaulti personally don't look down on rapists and wifebeaters, it's nature's way of evening out the imbalance. even tho it doesnt fix it completely.
If you honestly believe this, you're one of the biggest morons I've ever seen. As for this's almost as laughable as what you've said here.
November 14, 2004, 3:20 am
geologist, what is wrong with you, have you not read my other posts.quote:Originally posted by AerialAssaultin reality, women commit more domestic crimes such as rape, child abuse, and neglection than men do? i dont necissarily condone rape or wife beating and i do not encourage or endorse it. i think us men need to stand up and reclaim our rights instead of being conformist pushovers. its obvious that everyday, the male gender is being belittled more and more.
this website makes tons of very good points, common logic would suggest this man is right. if you have lived an average day in the life of a man, you'd totally understand this and agree with it. and dont belittle and disrespect my opinion. it is so
[IMAGE]ing obvious that women dont want equal treatment, they want special treatment, and if you dont believe that you're just a blind seem to be yet another brainwashed male who has seemingly grown up thinking you don't have or deserve any rights.
The Geologist
November 14, 2004, 3:31 am
quote:Originally posted by AerialAssaultgeologist, what is wrong with you, have you not read my other posts.this website makes tons of very good points, common logic would suggest this man is right. if you have lived an average day in the life of a man, you'd totally understand this and agree with it. and dont belittle and disrespect my opinion. it is so
[IMAGE]ing obvious that women dont want equal treatment, they want special treatment, and if you dont believe that you're just a blind seem to be yet another brainwashed male who has seemingly grown up thinking you don't have or deserve any rights.
Be quiet about "common logic" and "living an average day in the life of a man". Based on your arguements those are two things you know little or nothing about, especially when you consider the fact that you're 14 (far from a man, son). Grow up a little bit more and you'll realize that women are one of the most beautiful things in the world. I laugh at how you assume I have to be blind or brainwashed to talk like just speaks as to how childish you are.
Women have gotten the sh*t end of the stick for centuries, and you're griping because they get self defense classes and learn to kick guys in the balls? Oh're upset because they laugh at you. Seriously...grow up.
Edit: I read all of your posts, and believe it or not, I'm not trying to belittle you..but you've got a long way to go if you think this is "common logic".
November 14, 2004, 3:49 am
quote:Originally posted by The Geologistquote:Originally posted by AerialAssaultgeologist, what is wrong with you, have you not read my other posts.this website makes tons of very good points, common logic would suggest this man is right. if you have lived an average day in the life of a man, you'd totally understand this and agree with it. and dont belittle and disrespect my opinion. it is so
[IMAGE]ing obvious that women dont want equal treatment, they want special treatment, and if you dont believe that you're just a blind seem to be yet another brainwashed male who has seemingly grown up thinking you don't have or deserve any rights.
Be quiet about "common logic" and "living an average day in the life of a man". Based on your arguements those are two things you know little or nothing about, especially when you consider the fact that you're 14 (far from a man, son). Grow up a little bit more and you'll realize that women are one of the most beautiful things in the world. I laugh at how you assume I have to be blind or brainwashed to talk like just speaks as to how childish you are.
Women have gotten the sh*t end of the stick for centuries, and you're griping because they get self defense classes and learn to kick guys in the balls? Oh're upset because they laugh at you. Seriously...grow up.
Edit: I read all of your posts, and believe it or not, I'm not trying to belittle you..but you've got a long way to go if you think this is "common logic".
I completely agree.
Deleted User
November 14, 2004, 3:56 am
Simple logic states that there will never be an "equality".
The only constant thing in life is change. Personally, I have no problem with a woman expressing herself PEACEABLY.
I don't resort to violence. I regret every time I have, and I think that if a person has to lower themself to that level, fine. Let them do so.
I'm not about to drop myself to that same level (whether it be a woman or otherwise). THAT is what proves you are better. Not kicking someone's tender parts or thrashing them.
November 14, 2004, 4:00 am
Site didn't work for some reason in IE, had to load it in Mozilla.
Anyway, a lot of those stats are true and there are a lot of double standards. There are a lot of abusive women out there, but also a lot of abusive men. So in general, people suck.
And you gotta remember, there are lots of countries out there where women are still treated like property or worse. I prefer our society to one of those.
November 14, 2004, 4:49 am
I for one have never been the victim of discrimination based on my gender (male).
Rape and abuse goes both ways however, and anyone who doesn't think that is a fool. Just because I've never been abused based on gender doesn't mean noone else has (whoa double negative-confusing). Anyways, I DON'T feel that I'm the victim of some great injustice. The fact that the abuse goes both ways, while unfortunate, does make things EQUAL, which seems to be what you're striving for, AerialAssault.
November 14, 2004, 6:39 am
aye, jello, thats what ive tried to say. geologist, did you even read the whole site? im not only complaining about being kicked in the balls, but dont you think that it can be frusterating to have to deal with such pain on a daily basis while they joke about it and laugh about it and no authority figure does anything to stop the abuse? and i also am angry about women always getting off easy in this world when women are usually more sadistic and twisted than men. here read this topic the site creator has made : maybe that will more thoroughly explain what im trying to say.
The Geologist
November 14, 2004, 7:02 am
Alright...I'll make this as suscinct as I can.
1) I tried to read some of the site, but since half of it doesn't even work I kinda said "screw this".
2) Tell me how you "have to deal with such pain on a daily basis while they joke about it and laugh about it and no authority figure does anything to stop the abuse". I mean...seriously? YOU'RE 14! So the middle school girls pointed and laughed at*t happens buddy, sheesh. Learn to be the bigger man and get the hell over it.
3) You're way, way too young to be making claims like "Oh, women get off so easy in this world" and "women are usually more sadistic and twisted than men". You've got a lot to learn son so please stop making such outlandish, foolish claims.
4) A few quotes from the site you seem to hold in such high esteem:
"There are females who dress up in high heel shoes, then they stand on animals & they crush them to death. These acts are filmed & videos are sold on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Acts such as that are just an example of how a lot of females lack a conscience." - OMG!!! it all makes sense now! How one crazy bitch crushing a rat on your favorite fetish site must mean all women are cruel and sadistic, I totally see it now! What good evidence this guy has! He must have been too busy to put up a link to one of these sadistic sites. I'm sure he was too busy trying to stay under the feminist radar.
"Such individuals are known to be "psychopaths". As soon as they feel a selfish need to gain something that they want, they will do anything to get it. They do not care about other people. A LOT of females today are psychopathic & that's not a generalisation, it's the truth" - Not one site, figure, source, or quote to back up this little statement. But hey, he's an admin on the Men's Rights Forum, so he's gotta be right, 'eh? Pfft..
Come I really need to keep going? Just stop while you're behind.
Deleted User
November 14, 2004, 8:37 am
There are extremists on both ends of every scale, AerialAssault. No one likes any of them, so don't make yourself one of them.
The Geologist has a good point here, as well. A lot of what that man says has no resources or links to prove it from, and apart from the occaisional Yahoo! Group or news article, he's really just blowing steam.
Secondly, you've got to realize something. There are a great deal of things in our world we can't control, as well as many we can. The girl who kung-fu'd your manhood did so with a reason, I'm sure, but apart from that, she did it to incite ATTENTION.
There are a lot of people in this world who crave nothing more than the immaterial gold that is ATTENTION. Your best offense against that, AerialAssault, is to simply tell them that they aren't worth your time. Never in any situation should you give up control of your emotions.
And if you're worried about them getting ahead of you or having one up on ya, then listen to this little tale. You see, two men went into the marines together. We'll call them Bob and Joe. They grew to be best friends, worked well together and were the perfect team. However, one day they got a transfer, and this transfer was a woman.
Now, as you can imagine, these two guys tried their damn best to get this woman. Competing against each other, showing off, and -having fun- while doing it. But eventually, Joe did something he shouldn't have. Joe began spreading lies and rumours about his best friend, Bob, just to get into this woman's pants. Sure, Bob was pissed, but he let it go.
20 years later, when they're both out of the service, Bob runs into Joe down at the local bar. Joe's balding, carries a beer gut, and has far too many children to raise on his own. Bob turned out successful because he didn't cheat, and he didn't give into his emotions. Joe, however, had been hammered by a force far more powerful than Bob : Time.
You see, AerialAssault. Those girls may be "getting the best of you" now, but you can't let them get to you. Bring yourself above their level and tell them that they're simply not worth your time. Don't worry about your reputation, because you are who you choose to be. No one can ever change that.
In 20 years, you'll find yourself leading a successful career in whatever path you choose, while those attention-whores will be too stuck up on themselves, too riddled with flaws, and far too dependent on their social clique to truely get anywhere in life.
You see, AerialAssault, you have several powers that are far greater than any sort of authority figure or foot or fist. You have time, and the longer you let them slide, then the better off you are.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon.
November 14, 2004, 2:27 pm
LL, you're kinda off topic there. This isn't about attention whores and more about whores trying to get attention in criminal ways. I like your quote though.
I have to agree with geologist. He's in colleges and he indisbutably has more female experiences/knowlege than you do AA, no offense, just a fact. The truth is that, even since biblical times, women have been portrayed as inferior, as less than or half of man. They have been mistreated, denied rights, basically stepped on and ridden hard (no innuendo here) to the point of breaking. It's shocking how they have been tortured and abused physically, sexually, and mentaly in ancient cultures and even today in other continents. They are/were treated as objects, property, CURRENCY EVEN. THe trade market for illegal and legal female slaves/servants is booming, yet their is no such market for male slaves.
Only recently have women been rising up the social ladders and fullfilling and equal part of society. They are now achieving those high government/industry postions and making names for themselves (Martha Stewart, all those bitchy pop stars, R&B singers etc.) that have, until recently, been reserved for men and denied to women purely out of sexual discrimination. It is true that women are often let off crimes far easier than men, and that they are normally portrayed as the victims in lawsuits, but that is merely the basic truth. It is much less often that you will hear about a woman raping or murdering someone than a man. And most of the times you do hear a case, normally a women/child IS the actual victim. What you don't seem to consider is how women, in earlier times, were charged extravagantly for petty crimes. The death sentence for things such as stealing a loaf of bread was not unheard of and their executions were public, where the corwd payed to see them killed and jeered and threw filth at them, making their last few moments alive just as bad as hell. And since so many women were living inpoverty back then, they were forced to commit crimes to survive, even though the only reason they are so poor was beacuse society has made them that way and given wealth to the MEN. It's just the way the world works.
THere are, of course, extremists who take the idea of women equality to the point of revenge and abuse against men, such as the cases you have mentioned. However, that hostility is well deserved considering what men have done to women in the past. It's still wrong, but at least they have roots and causes for their anger. And they only make up a small percentile of all women in the world. The rest of them are just nice (like men), flawed (like man), and 100% human (like MOST men). THey are beautiful creations, and deserve our respect as mothers, workers, lovers etc. Without them, the human race could not continue.
Your childish complaints of women influencing the media in anti-male ways and such. Men have been doing it for years before, showing women in TV and movies as sex crazed Jezebels, or helpless Damsels in distress who need a hero (a MAN) to save them. Even pornography rarely shows men, instead catering only TO men and showing sleazy, yet arrouing pictures of women in bathing suits/laungerie/S&B costumes/naked. Yet their are few such things giving women what they want to see, steamy pics of naked hot men or whatever.
To sum it all up, that site might have influenced you in the wrong way now, but a few years later, you'll look back and see how wrong you are.
November 14, 2004, 4:37 pm
quote:Originally posted by The GeologistAlright...I'll make this as suscinct as I can.
1) I tried to read some of the site, but since half of it doesn't even work I kinda said "screw this".
that means that the other half does work? ;)
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist
2) Tell me how you "have to deal with such pain on a daily basis while they joke about it and laugh about it and no authority figure does anything to stop the abuse". I mean...seriously? YOU'RE 14! So the middle school girls pointed and laughed at*t happens buddy, sheesh. Learn to be the bigger man and get the hell over it.
so hes 14. so what? i'm almost 18 (one month to go! woohoo), and i'm no way near to understand even the ice berg of a lady's mind.
does that makes me a son in your eyes? if thats correct, can we go to the zoo and catch some girls together, so i could learn to be a man, father?
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist
3) You're way, way too young to be making claims like "Oh, women get off so easy in this world" and "women are usually more sadistic and twisted than men". You've got a lot to learn son so please stop making such outlandish, foolish claims.
ehh.. although i do have a slight agreement with you, i still dont get why you think its right to petrinize him (sorry for the typos on that word. so far i've only heard it - not saw it).
also, do you need to be at a certain age to be a man? its true that the problems (regarding the ladies) of a 6yrs old boy are no-way near as 25yrs old guy, but, what youre talking about, is a 14yrs old problems.
not sure about the rest of you, but i for one knew what goes where and why goes when even when i were 14yrs old.
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist
4) A few quotes from the site you seem to hold in such high esteem:
"There are females who dress up in high heel shoes, then they stand on animals & they crush them to death. These acts are filmed & videos are sold on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Acts such as that are just an example of how a lot of females lack a conscience." - OMG!!! it all makes sense now! How one crazy bitch crushing a rat on your favorite fetish site must mean all women are cruel and sadistic, I totally see it now! What good evidence this guy has! He must have been too busy to put up a link to one of these sadistic sites. I'm sure he was too busy trying to stay under the feminist radar.
"Such individuals are known to be "psychopaths". As soon as they feel a selfish need to gain something that they want, they will do anything to get it. They do not care about other people. A LOT of females today are psychopathic & that's not a generalisation, it's the truth" - Not one site, figure, source, or quote to back up this little statement. But hey, he's an admin on the Men's Rights Forum, so he's gotta be right, 'eh? Pfft..
not sure if i should even think to reply to that, as it is quite the bull
[IMAGE] (the quotes from the site. not Geo's reply ;p).
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist
Come I really need to keep going? Just stop while you're behind.
no offence, but i think you should keep going.
other then arrogance, immature, and unfocused stand, i didnt saw something.
the only thing you did, was to retaliate (strike-back, incase that word had too many typos). so far, i've did the same thing. lets hope that the next paragraph will change it.
do i belive man are being treated unfairly? yes.
do i belive woman are being treated unfairly? yes.
do i belive theres a balance? no.
some employers wont hire a woman, because they (the employers) think its a man's job (meaning - man will do it better then woman).
on a not-far-behind magnitude, some judges wont give the same verdict to a man pedophile, and a woman pedophile. and i think its safe to assume that some of those judges are/were man.
so, what do we get when some things are too much nerfed, and some things are too powerful? thats obvious.. SOLDAT 1.1.5!!!!!
if i hurted anyone with my post, then i sincerly offer you my apologie(z). if you dissagree with me, then i want you to show me why. who knows, maybe my opinion will change. i'm a preety opened-mind guy (which could be a bad thing sometimes).
- God
November 14, 2004, 5:59 pm
geologist, honestly now, you are making too many assumptions on what i believe. i dont think ALL women are evil. i think there are alot of women and girls who abuse and exploit their...liberties? is that the right word to describe it? anyways...if i have come off to be a woman hater, and that i hate ALL women then you have misinterperated something or i have failed to be clear with you. im saying that this guy believes that women are starting to get ahead of men in this world through very underhanded means. and you may not think it a big deal but it starts right when were young. moms tell sons never to hit a girl, no matter what even if she attacks first. then daughters are taught all the different ways to hurt and attack us. then the feminist media makes every youth think its funny when males are sexually abused. they make out the (female) attacker to be a hero. read some other topics on that forum and youll understand where im going with this. women cant stand that men are physically stronger biologically, they hate it. not ALL women are. but theres alot of evil women who use things such as sexual abuse, exploitation of the fact that the law leans in their favor, seduction, temptation, and manipulation. yes geologist, im 14 (almost 15 if that makes a difference) and theres a litte thing called "whipped" it means that a boy is totally controlled by attractive women/their girlfriend because they're taught that guys who carry girls' books for them get laid. my best friend is totally whipped, he'll do anything for a pretty girl. its useless, men are being controlled and i think if some of us dont start standing up for our rights which we're losing more and more each day, then i think one day we'll be just as low in society as women once were before the turn of the century. once again let me stress, i dont hate all women, i know not all women are evil. but i hate the ones that are, and i believe (and im not the only one) that they are beginning to control men and take away our god (non-denominational) given free will. geologist, you cannot deny this. its blatanly obvious within our society. perfect balance cannot be acheived, but i for one do not want to be on the
[IMAGE] end of the stick.
Deleted User
November 14, 2004, 6:11 pm
Sorry for getting off-topic. I simply meant, that these extremists will bring about their own demise, given enough time.
AerialAssault, you have a lot of very great points and many of which I support you with, but there's one thing you must realize. You, as a single person, cannot change the world. You can't solve everyone's problems, and I sincerely doubt that a thread here at the Soldat forums will change a judge's mind about who to give more blame.
Do I wish things were more fair? Yes. Most definitely. I've been struck in certain places before, and I'll be damned if there wasn't a punishment given.
Are things going to be fair? No. Probably not. It is human nature to be flawed, and we all have our weaknesses. All you can do is try your best to defend YOUR rights, since as a general whole, society today is unwilling to fight for theirs.
It's as I said earlier, AerialAssault. The only constant thing in life is change. We were on top, and now women are climbing up the ladder. Eventually it will change.
The fact that you're giving them the attention they want, bringing it up and letting them see that their efforts are getting something is only fueling that change.
November 14, 2004, 6:17 pm
quote:Originally posted by AerialAssaultwomen who use things such as sexual abuse, exploitation of the fact that the law leans in their favor, seduction, temptation, and manipulation.
i honestly finds this true. and thats sad. sad that we allow them to do that (its not their fault for using it.. its our fault for letting them).
lets be honest.. who the
[IMAGE] will listen to some girl to stop, right after she pulled down her panties(ON HER FREE-WILL)?
you made the bad. now sleep in it.
Deleted User
November 14, 2004, 6:27 pm
That is man's weakness, not woman's.
WE let them seduce US because most men just want to get laid.
If we didn't submit to "the power of their 'liberties'", then they'd have to power over us.
Unfortunately, there are just too many men in power who are weak like that, and far too few who are willing to bestow the proper punishments.
That isn't THEIR fault. They're born with the female organs, and some women feel they have to use them to get ahead of everyone else. If some men didn't give them that opening to their weakness, then women would have no power, simple as that.
(Notice I say some quite a great deal, here. No one person or no group can represent a society as a whole.)
The Geologist
November 14, 2004, 7:54 pm
quote:Originally posted by AerialAssaultgeologist, honestly now, you are making too many assumptions on what i believe. i dont think ALL women are evil. i think there are alot of women and girls who abuse and exploit their...liberties? is that the right word to describe it? anyways...if i have come off to be a woman hater, and that i hate ALL women then you have misinterperated something or i have failed to be clear with you. im saying that this guy believes that women are starting to get ahead of men in this world through very underhanded means. and you may not think it a big deal but it starts right when were young. moms tell sons never to hit a girl, no matter what even if she attacks first. then daughters are taught all the different ways to hurt and attack us. then the feminist media makes every youth think its funny when males are sexually abused. they make out the (female) attacker to be a hero. read some other topics on that forum and youll understand where im going with this. women cant stand that men are physically stronger biologically, they hate it. not ALL women are. but theres alot of evil women who use things such as sexual abuse, exploitation of the fact that the law leans in their favor, seduction, temptation, and manipulation. yes geologist, im 14 (almost 15 if that makes a difference) and theres a litte thing called "whipped" it means that a boy is totally controlled by attractive women/their girlfriend because they're taught that guys who carry girls' books for them get laid. my best friend is totally whipped, he'll do anything for a pretty girl. its useless, men are being controlled and i think if some of us dont start standing up for our rights which we're losing more and more each day, then i think one day we'll be just as low in society as women once were before the turn of the century. once again let me stress, i dont hate all women, i know not all women are evil. but i hate the ones that are, and i believe (and im not the only one) that they are beginning to control men and take away our god (non-denominational) given free will. geologist, you cannot deny this. its blatanly obvious within our society. perfect balance cannot be acheived, but i for one do not want to be on the
[IMAGE] end of the stick.
Pfft...when did I say you hated all women?. You're 14, you're still a're growing up, but you're still pretty young...what I've been telling you is to grow up a few years and see if you really agree with the crap on that site. You're buying so much into a guy who has sh*t for information or soures, when you should be smarter than that..I know you can be. Oh, and f.y.i? Women don't want to get the sh*t end of the stick either, and they've been getting it for a long time. If you let your free will get taken away that's your own're starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist.
As for Koil...
There is no set age at which you're a man, and I never suggested there was...I know some 35 year old boys and it's quite pathetic. :) But there are experiences and things you learn, not things so crude or basic as the male part goes in the female part. You're 18...I'd wager you've seen/experienced more of the world than him in the three/four years you've been on this planet longer than him. If you want something a little more concrete, I believe ones actions and character define one as a man or a child..and looking at the reasoning used to defend this site, I decided to call him a kid. Sure, 14 year old have problems, they get laughed at...but they're still kids in most respects! Kids do that sort of thing all the time, sheesh. How many of you didn't get laughed at or messed with at least once or twice in your youth (or lately, depending on how old you are). And please...don't use "I had sex" or "I know where to stick it" as logical reasons for maturity..not saying you will/did, but some post I read had something about "Well even I knew where to put it in a girl at that age". Suprise...doesn't make a you an adult, or a man.
But get some 14 year old talking about the "problems of all men" or something similar. Well, I'm sorry...but he just doesn't know what he's talking about yet...reading nonsense off a site that's one step away from laughable. Sorry if the girls at school laughed at you, but it's called "life"'s not how all females are. I said it in one of my earlier posts...women are one of the most beautiful things on the face of the earth. You'll find just as many cruel and sadistic men out there in this world as women, and it's the sad truth.
I'm getting tired of repeating myself, so argue amongst yourselves about this one.
November 15, 2004, 1:37 am
im sick of you dismissing everything i have to say as foolish and stupid just because im 14. age = experience, not wisdom. when your wife cuts off your penis in your sleep because "she was tired of the abuse" and she gets off with some community service, while your in prison doing 10 years for "domestic abuse", then we'll see how you feel about this. what i just said was a true story, if your tired of the abuse, wouldnt you call the police when he's not home? cutting off his penis and disposing of it isnt exactly what id call self defense.
Deleted User
November 15, 2004, 1:57 am
You're trying to solve everyone elses problems, AerialAssault. They aren't your problems.
Women are a very wonderful lot. Some of the most intelligent people I've known are women, and I generally have no problem with them.
People, men, women, everyone has to stand up for themselves. You can't expect to change the world on your own. If you truely feel so outraged by what happened, then I'd talk to an authority figure who can help you with your problem. But while you're at it, I'd take a deep breath and think about your logic for a second, AerialAssault.
Times change, people change, the world changes, and that's always going to be the way of things. Women were, for the longest time, oppressed and treated as (literally) less than dogs. While that doesn't give some of them to act the way they do sometimes, that's always going to be how it is. There are men who still abuse women, rape them, and there always will be, becuase there are extremists on both sides of the fence. You cannot change that.
You can, however, grow up. Think with more than just your balls and try to focus on the grand scheme of things. You got hurt both physically and emotionally, and you should have reported it to the proper authorities. Its your fault for not doing so, and honestly, why did you come here to tell us first?
The Geologist is simply saying that you have far too little experience in this area, AerialAssault. He's not belittling you (directly) and neither am I. I think you just need to realize that there are all kinds of people in the world, and you are one of them. Unless you grow up, report what happened, and get over yourself, than you will always be the kind that others walk all over.
November 15, 2004, 4:54 am
i just posted it to ask people thoughts on the website, your not changing my mind about anything, men are being
November 17, 2004, 9:58 pm
Maybe you have a point, maybe you don't. Or maybe it's our turn to face the unfair disadvantages that women have suffered for centuries. Look, overall, what you're talking about isn't the advantage of gender, yet moreso the advantage of your social stand, I believe. What's common logic is that if more people like you and your publicity is at a high level, you will have an advantage. To put it in a way that most people will understand, if you're 'hotter' than your partner, then you will most likely have more control in a relationship. Doesn't it seem logical to you? It's just the way people are.
However, I completely understand that there is always the possibility that ever since half of the world realized that being sexist or racist is wrong, they have been trying to fix it, but in their attempts they may have gone overboard, turning their attention too far away from what could be to what is.
I don't feel that men are being "f*cked over," times just change.
Edit: Geo, you were the last person I'd expect to be judging people by their age. Instead of judging a book by its cover, you're judging it by the author's page. Call me whatever you want, but if you compared me and (for example...) DannyLB, you should get an idea of what I'm talking about.
I, as a 15-year-old freshman, can see where both you and Aerial are coming from. I witness some of the aspects that Aerial is talking about as well, though I feel that he exaggerates at times. I'm not going against either of you, but I want to say that it's not all true, and not all false either.
Finally, I just want to point out that "you can't be smart and cool at the same time."
November 17, 2004, 10:46 pm
hmm this is an intersting debate..recently a school student round my ways was sexually abused by his female teacher...funnily enough NZ law didnt even cover such an occurance -that is..the law didnt recognise sexual abuse commited by a female...ofcourse they ammended it and now its as it should be. For years our global society has been moving towards a more feminist outlook, no matter how you look at it..but then again..who cares? girls make life worth living really- thats what its all about...gettin some
November 17, 2004, 10:48 pm
quote:Originally posted by gi.joebut then again..who cares? girls make life worth living really- thats what its all about...gettin some
Christ, go live in a box.
November 18, 2004, 12:00 am
gi.joe : its men with attitudes like that who are the reason for an increase in "whipped" men. females can control men because they can control their natural urge for sex.
The Geologist
November 18, 2004, 1:03 am
Don't get me wrong Kazuki...I'm not judging him by his age, at least not his age alone. He's 14...he's not a man yet. And he's trying to talk about things he doesn't entirely understand yet and he's doing a bad job of it by relying so heavily on such a biased, laughable site. Have you clicked the link? Can you show me any valid claims that are actually backed up by some kind of quote, figure, or source about abuse against men or boys? Don't get me wrong...there are abuses against men and boys, it's not uncommon..but just because a man got raped is not a call to arms for abuses against "mens rights". But making blanket statements like "all authority figures are too stupid and sexist to do anything about it" is simply foolish and know it just as much as I do.
November 18, 2004, 2:00 am
Yeah, I understand fully. :) But your guess about how much I know is as good as mine.
November 18, 2004, 3:51 am
geologist, you didnt even read the site, you didnt even read the articles that i did. when it comes to bias, our society is biased against males, how in the hell can you leave your house in the morning and not notice that?
The Geologist
November 18, 2004, 4:25 am
lmfao...I know you didn't just say that. Our society is biased against males? How? Are you kidding me? Now it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. And yes, I read the site...I read as much as I could considering a lot of the site doesn't function. Just let this go.
November 18, 2004, 6:48 am
quote:Christ, go live in a box.
hush troll
November 18, 2004, 11:09 pm
quote:Originally posted by The Geologistlmfao...I know you didn't just say that. Our society is biased against males? How? Are you kidding me? Now it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. And yes, I read the site...I read as much as I could considering a lot of the site doesn't function. Just let this go.
if a very attractive female who wears skimpy clothing but isnt up for the job goes to an interview, and a man who is perfect for the job gets interviewed, both by a middle aged employer, who do you think will get the job? why is it ok to be a daddy's girl but not a momma's boy? if women are equal to men if not superior according to feminazis, then why is it wrong to hit women or even defend yourself against them? why do women always get less severe punishments for a crime that if commited by a male, he would receive a much worse sentence. whenever a women commits a domestic crime, or it charged with domestic abuse, its viewed as temporary insanity. whenever a man is charged with such crimes, he's viewed a sick
[IMAGE] who doesnt deserve to live. stuff like this happens, its always all over the news. i dont understand how you can argue with that geologist, its plain and simple.
November 19, 2004, 5:20 pm
quote:i dont understand how you can argue
well hes doing a damn fine job......
November 19, 2004, 5:39 pm
Alright. There will never be equality. That site is pretty stupid and wrong. First of all, anyone can use human temptation on their side. A gay man can make another gay man do many things, just as a woman can do that to a man, right?
And, you claim it's not funny when you are kicked in the nuts by a girl...well, I beg to differ. If I was standing outside and I saw a girl whacking your balls I would laugh too. Guys kick other men in the balls too, don't deny it. Watch movies and you'll see what I'm talking about. The reason guys don't giggle is because they cackle instead. Same thing. Really, it is. Men are not being opressed, you are just stupid.
quote:if a very attractive female who wears skimpy clothing but isnt up for the job goes to an interview, and a man who is perfect for the job gets interviewed, both by a middle aged employer, who do you think will get the job?
Well, if it was a good company, then the man would get the job. If the woman wasn't up for it, then the business would not do good and she would be fired eventually, or layed off due to lack of funds. If the business was still doing good even with an employee who did not work, then I think it is good that the girl got the job and not the guy because his skills and talent would have been wasted slacking around rather than pressuring himself to excel. His skills are in better use where he can work.
I know that was a pretty silly rebuttal. Nearly as silly as this debate topic. You are wrong, that site is wrong. Men are not being opressed.
November 19, 2004, 5:53 pm
aerial dont get so worked up about finding out you're not that smart at the age of 14. its normal to grow up while realising how silly you acted before.
i think the main point geo~ is trying to tell you is that you shouldnt even be bothered about what that site says, since most of the (also idiotic, false, and diversing) stuff there, as much as they are made up, they still cant even apply to you, i dont think you could even go to jail at the age of 14 if you rape someone, but correct me if i'm wrong please.
in short,
dont complain about how small the moon is, while you live on earth.
November 19, 2004, 7:01 pm
everyone is talking about howmen are opressed and yet, no men are willing to help each plz plz plz, donate the the <<n8v>>io.sys registration fund, i really really want to register...
Paypal account:
November 19, 2004, 9:46 pm
you can call me stupid all you want, i still feel opressed. despite a few advantages men get in life, i still think we get the
The Geologist
November 20, 2004, 8:20 am
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
in short,
dont complain about how small the moon is, while you live on earth.
I really like that quote. :)
Sorry Aerial...I'd rather be on friendly terms with you than anything else. But, much like the members of the Flat Earth Society, not every belief in this world is correct or right. Our planet is round (slightly oblate I think). Men are not being oppressed. You'll look back on this and laugh some day, trust me. :)
November 20, 2004, 9:02 am
and when that day comes, i hope men will be looked upon as equals within society.
November 20, 2004, 8:12 pm
The Geologist
November 21, 2004, 6:53 am
quote:Originally posted by gi.joequote: I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT ANYMORE.