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MP5 to Uzzi Mod
Soldat Forums
Soldat Interface Mods & Mod Making
General Discussions
November 15, 2004, 5:03 am
Does anyone have a mod that changes MP5 to Uzzi or do u know any mod which has MP5 to Uzzi, including sounds and stuff.
November 15, 2004, 5:13 am
There was a topic called uzi, I'm not sure if it was mp5's though. I'll look for it! :O
EDIT: YAY! I found it! Click
November 15, 2004, 5:34 am
i've already tried searchign for topics for it, the link in that topic doesnt work ;/
EDIT : nvm I found a really good uzi skin from TEK-N0 mod.
Lock this please.
November 15, 2004, 6:00 pm
i use the UZI from Zero22's mod Special Forces 1.1