November 15, 2004, 10:03 pm
well, if anything, i just want it so that the barret scope has a limited time on it. not like, have it for X seconds, than you can never use it again, i mean once your X seconds is up you have to wait a bit and then go back into scope-view.
and i did search but found nothing...
The Geologist
November 15, 2004, 10:13 pm
The barrett is fine. Go away.
Edit: Stay gone this time.
November 15, 2004, 10:47 pm
oh, I like this idea. The barret is almost perfectly balanced, but this change would make it really perfect, and enhance play on the publics, which are often invaded by scopecamping newbs somewhere in the middle of the maps.
November 15, 2004, 10:52 pm
I don't think the barrett is that big a problem anymore (though i still don't like it). I don't think it should be nerfed... And how would you give a reason for a temporary scope anyway?
Why should I hate you? I don't even know what for...
November 15, 2004, 10:59 pm
I agree with this idea. But liek stfu you uber fag and stop asking for attention...oh hate me hate me.
The Geologist
November 16, 2004, 1:24 am
quote:Originally posted by JazI agree with this idea. But liek stfu you uber fag and stop asking for attention...oh hate me hate me.
Could you do the same, please? You're even worse than para if you keep using those big three letter words like "fag".
November 16, 2004, 2:56 am
The Barrett is fine how it is. Now that the new improvement with less aim when being hurt, there should be no more suggestions about balancing it really...
November 16, 2004, 3:04 am
If its not broken don't fix it
November 16, 2004, 9:47 am
im with the geologist, keep the barret the way it is.
November 16, 2004, 11:51 am
quote:im with the geologist, keep the barret the way it is.
November 16, 2004, 12:06 pm
After many versions the barret is balanced, lets be happy and love and let live... no thats not right...
November 16, 2004, 1:05 pm
I dunno, it already is pretty hard to hit with the scope on right?
November 17, 2004, 12:02 am
I hate to admit it, but the Barret is actually quite balanced now. No need to change it more.
November 17, 2004, 7:41 pm
LoL barret is quite good now its realistic ;) but m79 needs to go it makes no sence just frikkin burn em all m79 is gay :\
November 17, 2004, 8:47 pm
Why do we hate this guy again?
Oh and barrett sux but it's a bit(A BIT) better now. So leave it be.
November 17, 2004, 9:41 pm
Barret's fine as is as long as you have some patience and dont mind getting wasted by some guy with an auto.
November 17, 2004, 10:04 pm
quote:Originally posted by zoldatLEAVE THE BARRETT ALONE!!!
November 17, 2004, 10:08 pm
quote:Originally posted by The Geologistquote:Originally posted by JazI agree with this idea. But liek stfu you uber fag and stop asking for attention...oh hate me hate me.
Could you do the same, please? You're even worse than para if you keep using those big three letter words like "fag".
Was putting it in his language but if your gonna be so hostile, go suck some cock. Geoligist: ( Next reply )Oooh im Geoligist look at my name and my typing is perfect, love me love me im ever so smart.
Edit: Geoligist: I also always use bigger then 3 letter words !
November 18, 2004, 1:24 am
Agree with Jaz. Geologist might talk the talk, but can he walk the walk?
The Geologist
November 18, 2004, 3:29 am
quote:Originally posted by 3rd_accountAgree with Jaz. Geologist might talk the talk, but can he walk the walk?
If by "walking the walk" you mean writing a legible sentance, then yes...I can walk the walk.
As for's so hard to tell you're dumbing things down and "putting it in his language" when your comebacks consist witty comments like telling someone to go suck cock. Did ya think that one up on your own, or did some of your buddies help ya? Oh, wait..were you putting that in my language as well? So nice of you. And yes...if you want to point it out, I am smart. :)
quote:Originally posted by Jaz
Edit: Geoligist: I also always use bigger then 3 letter words !
Yuck...a grammatical nightmare. But with a few minor corrections you get a much better sentence.
"Geologist: I always use words larger than three letters."
It just rolls off the tongue.
November 18, 2004, 4:28 am
quote:Originally posted by DTIf its not broken don't fix it
Say's it all.
November 18, 2004, 11:35 am
No. I ment if you really were clever, or just acting like an ass.
November 18, 2004, 12:36 pm
I meant: If your on the internet nobody will care if your smart or not soo you don't need to make your sentences perfect.
November 18, 2004, 1:23 pm
how about this geologist, stfu, and go f*cking kill yourself ?
who do you think you are when you tell him to go away and never come back ?
tell you waht, he doesnt owe you anything, sh!t, nada. it doesnt matter how many times he said he quits, that's HIS problem so f'ck off.
i cant agree more with jaz, this is not a spelling contest or some presidential conflict, you dont come here in order to use perfect grammar, that's what <language> lessons in schools are for.
"Yuck...a grammatical nightmare"
yuck, a nerd.
please dont diss my grammar.. i'll get so sad.. :(
oh yea, and the barret is good as it is now.
The Geologist
November 18, 2004, 6:34 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKillhow about this geologist, stfu, and go f*cking kill yourself ?
who do you think you are when you tell him to go away and never come back ?
tell you waht, he doesnt owe you anything, sh!t, nada. it doesnt matter how many times he said he quits, that's HIS problem so f'ck off.
i cant agree more with jaz, this is not a spelling contest or some presidential conflict, you dont come here in order to use perfect grammar, that's what <language> lessons in schools are for.
"Yuck...a grammatical nightmare"
yuck, a nerd.
please dont diss my grammar.. i'll get so sad.. :(
oh yea, and the barret is good as it is now. could follow your own advice more often. "stfu...go kill yourself"...another stroke of genius, I see. I assume you're talking about para in the first part of your post...well, maybe if para could follow through with his actions he wouldn't catch so much grief for coming back. I never said anyone here owed me a damn thing, so take your b.s. reasoning elsewhere.
Oh, and f.y.i.? Your boy jaz was the one who brought up spelling and intelligence when he tried to make fun of me. Maybe if some people on here paid a little more attention in those "language lessons" they wouldn't sound so stupid when they're telling people to "stfu" or calling them "uber fags". This isn't a spelling contest..but if he's going to try and ridicule someone for their spelling or grammar he should at least be able to write a correct sentance. It's a pity that you, just like jaz, aren't worth the effort.
November 18, 2004, 6:55 pm
Where is the relation of this thread and this forum. Even the title is typical from bash pit. And who is paramud?
November 18, 2004, 8:29 pm
geo - you brought up the spelling (idiotic) arguement. when you said "You're even worse than para if you keep using those big three letter words like "fag"." you fuelled it up. what's your concern about how long are his words?
" Go away.
Edit: Stay gone this time"
you are nowhere near a position of being able to tell anyone to leave or stay. even if you do it in a 'humoristic' way or whatever, he got that shit from basiclly almost everyone active in here. if he still comes back (by his choice) you should take the hint and stop bothering him.
my boy jaz ? rotflmao (wait.. should i say, rolling on the floor laughing my ass off, mr.spellchecker?), he's not my "BOY" and i cant care less about your stupid arguements, but when it comes to a level when you obssesivly diss someone about using GRAMMAR in an ONLINE(!) FORUM(!) you're taking it too far.
end of dragging the thread offtopic by me.
The Geologist
November 18, 2004, 11:41 pm
Explain to me again how I brought up an issue about spelling, tard. Can't see how? That's because I didn't. Not until Jaz there did a delightful little impression of me and had to mention my "perfect typing". If you weren't so quick to mouth off you'd see that I don't care how long his words's the fact that he resorts to using words like fag at all. Immature and foolish. Oh no, he called me gay now...typical teenage banter.
I'll continue to get on paras case until I think he's lived down his dramatic little escapade...if I ran off from the forums in tears I'd expect everyone else on here to stick it to me if I came back. If he wanted to come back he should have been smart enough to make a new account if he didn't want to catch any flack. But he didn' tough sh*t. Take a pull off the pipe or something and calm your ass down, 'cause I'm done with you and Jaz for the time being.
Edit: lol, at least we agree on the thread. Leave the barrett as is. :)
November 19, 2004, 1:47 pm
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist'cause I'm done with you and Jaz for the time being.
you typed that like you won a medal or something
November 19, 2004, 2:06 pm
Geologist, take your medicine.Nothing to prove here :p
I say this should be locked, seeing what happened...*shrug*
November 19, 2004, 3:07 pm
/me crackles at Geo the retard. Not that he won the argument, he's a retard anyway.
November 19, 2004, 6:57 pm
I know. The biggest retard is the one who finished last. Known in these forums as geo.
November 19, 2004, 8:02 pm
This thread is off-topic so excuse me if I continue off topic...
I don't recall you, SuperKill, being so touchy and sensitive...
As Towel would put it: "..."
I still believe that replies should be civilized and without unnecessary hostilities, don't you think? That would also include the "Go away!" comments. Here we offer our thoughts on making Soldat a better game, by discouraging someone you might lose valuable input on the next idea he comes up with. In other words, he'll be too scared to post seeing that all he gets is loooooooong threads of "No!" instead of "No, but keep trying!".
November 19, 2004, 8:24 pm
Geo was right, too bad conflict follows him wherever he goes. Can't you arsetards go one topic without flaming? Here's an example of what to do in the future:
quote:originally posted by some stupid
[IMAGE]ing retard who said he'd quit soldat because someone wasn't treating him well in irc, but never really left. he had just posted his goodbye topic for sympathy from his fellow peers
Hey guys, maybe there should be vehicles in soldat, like helicopters and motorcycles that tip over when you hit stuff! Cool!
to which you respond:
quote:In the future, it might be wise to use the search function as this has been suggested numerous times in the past. I'm sure this is a good idea for some [other game], but Soldat is a 2 dimentional game and vehicles simply would not work, especially not motorcycles. I hope you now understand that your idea [is not
[IMAGE] + sympathy].
instead of:
quote:hey fag you suck use the search function
to which a series of flames would start, resulting in the locking of the topic. It seems like this happens to every suggestion, every good post besides the posts in the bash pit. You get the flaming in the bash pit, just not the locking. Guys, shut uuuuup!
Oh yes, and also, I'm kind of a hypocrite; paramud, you are really annoying, your suggestions are stupid and nobody wants you around anymore. Why are you still here man...if you really want to stay in the community then do like what was suggested before and create a new identity for yourself so you can save us all the time in arguing.
November 20, 2004, 12:21 am
and i still don't agree
November 20, 2004, 12:46 am
You actually voted him for Governor...
November 20, 2004, 3:27 am
Anyways.... Back on topic, I think the Barrett is really ok as it is. I prefer it to be used as a sniping weapon rather than an assault weapon, so limiting the zoom would promote more assaulting.