November 21, 2004, 9:29 am
i am chinese,i not good at english
So,i need a chinese soldat.
i hopy a chinese soldat to come out.
Deleted User
November 21, 2004, 11:07 am
Look for it at The longue/Misc/Translations
November 22, 2004, 12:36 pm
I think the problem he has is that soldat (soldat fonts actually, verdana and bank gothic light) doesn't support foreign characters.
November 22, 2004, 2:24 pm
Hello there, hongkongboy, don't mind some posts above, they really can't help themselves, try to ignore them.
A chinese guy, also from Hong Kong, tried to make a chinese translation but found out the default font used by soldat doesn't support certain chinese characters, as mentioned in this topic ; http://archive.forums.soldat.pl/topic.php?topic_id=15952
November 22, 2004, 3:08 pm
Pulp: they're talking about his pic in the profile. I don't care, especially because if people can go around with a hammer n sicle flag, then why not a nazi flag?
To other people: go to bash pit if you want to flame nazis, and stick to topic.
November 22, 2004, 3:26 pm
looks like your going to have to learn english... like had to when i came here...
November 22, 2004, 3:54 pm
I am sorry but I don't see it the same way as you, Meandor.
Contents on this forum should not be offensive. A communist flag cannot be included in the same category as the Nazi flag.
I don't think someone will find the communist flag offensive, whereas I don't appreciate people who support the killing of Jews, hence, I do not appreciate the flag this Chinese kid chose to use in his profile.
Even more so, if the communist flag stands for the murder of millions of people, then it should not be allowed as well.
November 22, 2004, 4:14 pm
To all, read this http://www.swastika-info.com
First gather information, than form your opinion.
How can you be offended by a symbol if every individual makes his/her own interpretation of the symbol, based on his/her individual knowledge, imagination, etc.
You can't judge someone for a possible suggestion, a potential thought.
November 22, 2004, 6:33 pm
Every Jew interprets this symbol the same way, Pulp.
And yes, I can fullheartedly judge a person who uses this symbol as someone who supports the murder of Jews. My years of history and studies, extend your grasp of the holocaust by miles.
What this person wished to express is irrelevant because him using this symbol without knowing its meaning only reflects on his stupidity and ignorance.
Now please, think of something that makes sense when you reply to an issue such as this.
This is not some Wallmart or McDonalds sign! Suggesting that one can form his own opinion towards it is also ignorance.
Another thing, the link you provided shows symbols that do not have the same colors, are not tilted in the same direction, and are not in a white circle and therefore cannot even be remotely compared to the Nazi symbol.
Before you suggest that anyone should make up an opinion and verify his facts, I think you should take your own advice.
November 22, 2004, 7:23 pm
the black hakenkreuz on a white point, with red background...
this is not a swastika which means 'luck' or 'peace'.
this one stands for anger and brutality, it truely is the sign of the Nationalsocialts, who leded my country into the 2ww.
if you support this this is your problem. but dont expect any support from people. at least not from germans like I am.
November 22, 2004, 9:06 pm
quote:Every Jew interprets this symbol the same way, Pulp.
Of course. Exactly !
The jews have a 'Collective Memory', a 'collective view' on history today. That's what the main problem is with the jews today, or better with the jewish organisations who respresent the jews of today. They still see themselves as martyrs and even try to exploit the 'status of being martyr" in the last decades.
I know this will probably shock you, so i'll give you a simple example.
Here, in Belgium, we got one main group of religious people, catholics, what is the official religion of my country. There are 2 different school-'pillars' : Catholic schools and Governement school. Now, what happened when the jews came to our country due the ww ; they suddenly 'received' an own school-pillar ( the muslims, by example, still don't have ONE ). They created a ghetto into Belgium without integrate themselves in our habbits, our culture, our language on the back of the so-called 'anti-semitism' ( again, there is no even a word for 'hate versus moslims', just the common 'racism' ).
Now, why I'm saying that. Not cause i'm a racist, not at all, but just cause i hate discrimation, so also positive discrimination and i especially hate 'collective feeling(s)' (How is it possible some people have the guts to speak in the name of other people with their own feelings, thoughts ?)
It's important to understand that I see every individual as a planet. A planet with its religion, philosophy, etc
To communicate with other planets there is NOT ANY preference of me for a planet, NOT ANY dogma, but a universe ( well considered construction, a state of mind ) with an atmosphere of freedom of thoughts.
quote:What this person wished to express is irrelevant because him using this symbol without knowing its meaning only reflects on his stupidity and ignorance.
How on earth do you know what this young man/lady wish to express by JUST seeing a picture beneath his thread ?
Is there any paranormal activity i'm not aware of or do you just know him/her ?
quote:Now please, think of something that makes sense when you reply to an issue such as this.
This is not some Wallmart or McDonalds sign! Suggesting that one can form his own opinion towards it is also ignorance.
Declining the versatility of the humans brain, that's what ignorance is to me.
quote:Another thing, the link you provided shows symbols that do not have the same colors, are not tilted in the same direction, and are not in a white circle and therefore cannot even be remotely compared to the Nazi symbol.
The swastika is an old chinese symbol. We both agree the symbol is abused by the Nazi's and the fact no-one dares to use the symbol for the last six decades in a non-neo-nazi-way didn't help the symbol to get rid of its stigma. I know the unique colour combination and graphical form refers to ( or just is ) the symbol the nazis have used, but again, if you make directly an association between a 'symbol' and the 'collective feeling of the symbol' you're making inaccurate thoughts to me.
The Geologist
November 22, 2004, 11:10 pm
While I do stress the fact that the swastika and this symbol are two different things the symbol in his/her/its profile is indeed the one used by the Nazis, etc, and so on and so forth. But as much as I don't like the symbol, to say that "all things offensive" should not be allowed is simply foolish (in responce to an earlier post).
And on another note...Pulp, I applaud your efforts to point out the distinction between the two symbols, but there really is no use in defending this symbol as being anything but a symbol associated with a horrible part of history. You don't have to tap into any of the "collective feelings" you speak of to see it...it's a simple fact. This IS the Nazi flag. For a period of time it was part of the face of the Nazi party. It's a matter of fact, not of interpretation.
Edit: Ha! I must have beaten you by like..two seconds SP... ;)
Social Poison
November 22, 2004, 11:12 pm
Tell yah what pulp... get a swastika tatooed on your arm and see how that flies. You can explain your thoughts and rational to people while they're rearranging your limbs.
It used to mean one thing. It's been adapted to mean another thanks to history. That's all there is to it. Nothing to do with "diversifying the human brain" or remaining open.
Allow me to illustrate another example.
*Sticks middle finger in Pulp's face*
Now. To you, this means I'm saying "f*ck you". But to me in my home country of Caucasia it's a way of saying hello. If I come to the US, and start flipping everyone off as a means to say hello, I'm going to suffer some consequences, and it would be my fault for being ignorant of the culture. Just the same for him if he didn't know. But. By the way. I'm fairly sure he does.
Want a lil' evidence to support that? Kay. Read the text above the link.
But forget the first four entries. Look at the last. "USA"
Assuming the first four characters was an attempt to make an ascii/unicode swastika, that'd place it next to USA. Do I need to draw the line any further?
Yah you did Geo :P I just took longer to post mine. *shakes fist* Damn you slow typing hands! Damn you I say!
November 23, 2004, 12:38 am
Geologist, first of all, i'm not defending the symbol, as you could read above.
'It's a matter of fact, not of interpretation.' , that's wrong, dear, don't you know that a fact on the news or in the paper already is an interpretation of what the journalist may have seen. Of course a good journalist will be as objective as possible, but still a fact will stay ' a view of a person on what happened '. It's important to keep this in mind.
What you see as a fact is basically an interpretation or an interpretation of an interpretation ( or an interpretation of an interpretation of an ... and so on ).
For, Social Poison...
I didn't saw the line "#20320;#20418;#21780;#20418;USA" , probably cause i thought it was just an error. If it's what you say it's an obvious basic expression of what he thinks about the US (of today ?). It could be interpreted as an offensive expression, but still that depends on how YOU feel about the US, how you interprete his expression...
To recapitulate, there is no such thing as a fact. You're responsible for your thoughts, fot the interpretation of the things around you, the things you read etc... What people see as a fact is just a collective interpretation.
The Geologist
November 23, 2004, 2:19 am
quote:Originally posted by PulpGeologist, first of all, i'm not defending the symbol, as you could read above.
'It's a matter of fact, not of interpretation.' , that's wrong, dear, don't you know that a fact on the news or in the paper already is an interpretation of what the journalist may have seen. Of course a good journalist will be as objective as possible, but still a fact will stay ' a view of a person on what happened '. It's important to keep this in mind.
On the contrary, I know this to be fact. There is more than enough footage of Nazi rallies in which this symbol/flag is all over the place. This isn't taken off the news or from a journalist, it was recorded in Germany during the growth and climax of the Nazi party. But, as is clear, this isn't the traditional swastika. And for what it's worth, that sentance about dedending the symbol was misplaced...didn't read as it should have. :)
November 23, 2004, 2:26 am
Pulp, you can go on about interpretations and crap, but I'd suggest grabbing a nice cup of reality. If someone has a swastika in their sig, we can safely assume that it is a reference to Naziism. Nobody EVER uses a swastika out of this context.
November 23, 2004, 2:49 am
I'm more offended by communist symbols. Moh ze dong is responsible for more deaths than Hitler. WW2 claimed 50 million lives total. Many of them are side effects, like starvation from ruined countries. Moh ze dong, on the other hand, killed 77 million people directly. I think he'd be good at Soldat.
November 23, 2004, 2:51 am
Originally posted by Pulp
Geologist, first of all, i'm not defending the symbol, as you could read above.
'It's a matter of fact, not of interpretation.' , that's wrong, dear, don't you know that a fact on the news or in the paper already is an interpretation of what the journalist may have seen. Of course a good journalist will be as objective as possible, but still a fact will stay ' a view of a person on what happened '. It's important to keep this in mind.
On the contrary, I know this to be fact. There is more than enough footage of Nazi rallies in which this symbol/flag is all over the place. This isn't taken off the news or from a journalist, it was recorded in Germany during the growth and climax of the Nazi party. But, as is clear, this isn't the traditional swastika. And for what it's worth, that sentance about dedending the symbol was misplaced...didn't read as it should have. :)
That was a general remark, the geologist. By the way, a reminder, history is based on facts, history is based on interpretations.
What's now on the news, will be in the historybooks later.
quote:Pulp, you can go on about interpretations and crap, but I'd suggest grabbing a nice cup of reality. If someone has a swastika in their sig, we can safely assume that it is a reference to Naziism. Nobody EVER uses a swastika out of this context
That's how you see it, that's your view... I don't see what's wrong with just a reference to nazism ( same for communism btw ). Face it, we don't know anything about this (wo)man so who are we to judge.
"Nobody EVER uses a swastika out of this context" : that's true, as i've already said, it's pity, but true.
I'll quote myself :
quote:The swastika is an old chinese symbol. We both agree the symbol is abused by the Nazi's and the fact no-one dares to use the symbol for the last six decades in a non-neo-nazi-way didn't help the symbol to get rid of its stigma
Still, there is no direct link between using the symbol and being a neo-nazi without making an individual interpretation.
I'm not telling there is NOT a link. I'm telling you can't judge someone based on only one interpretation, your interpretation. I don't mind if you find him/her a nazi, that's how you interprete, i only have a problem with the judgement you make.
And now i'm going to sleep ;)
November 23, 2004, 7:46 am
I am terribly sorry 2Wai|Pulp, but your comments end up supporting racial discrimination by masking it up to be something else.
I guess Belgians with their "International" Court of Justice and other grand illusions, are probably the only ones who will look at Hitler's Swastika and say: "Ah! The symbol of the Sun!".
November 23, 2004, 7:51 am
yea man what is that belgian international court thing for ? nobody listens to it anyway.
November 23, 2004, 1:05 pm
what are you say??????????
???? ????
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
November 23, 2004, 4:23 pm
You people are silly. Your mind is so closed to your prejudices, that you are offended by a symbol of a political party, while you're blind to everything else that could be defined immoral that goes around in the world and in this very forum.
Let's take russian, USA and nazi flags for a comparison. Russian flag is widely used as a symbol for communism, and generally accepted, USA one is considered a normal flag and often used as a symbol of american patriotism, while the nazi flag is almost the symbol of evil. If you ask someone why nazis are evil, they'll say a) because they killed many person b) because they caused a war. Now, didn't 'american patriotism' and communism do the same? To be precise, they did kill more people and cause more wars than nazis did. Think about it.
Yet, when you use a russian and USA flag, you mean (hopefully) to take the good sides out of it. Nazi flag instead is just the symbols 'many dead jews' - while i'm sure national socialism had it's good sides - they've been just overwhelmed by the cruelty of it's esponents, and by them losing the war and hence being the evil ones.
This is why to me they're all on the same level, they all have good and bad sides, one more than the other, that's sure, but you'll never be able to tell which or what.
READ PLEASE - if you want to continue this arguement, quote me or whoever else in a new LOUNGE thread. Or i'll have to lock this, even if the discussion is interesting.
November 23, 2004, 8:47 pm
Politics aside, his image should be banned and this thread should have been closed or moved instantly since it has nothing to do with modifications.
The most amusing part in this entire thread, is that the guy with the flag is Chinese. China is a communist country and Nazism aimed to destroy all communists...
November 24, 2004, 12:24 am
Is the Geogrphy/History Lesson done? im gettting bored.
November 24, 2004, 1:44 am
quote:Nobody EVER uses a swastika out of this context.
Ummm, many do.
November 25, 2004, 7:38 pm
If the nazi-sign makes people sad, why use it? Simple....
December 8, 2004, 9:21 pm
As much as I agree with pulp and his bloody relativism ;) im not sure that having a symbol commonly perceived as a sign of evil on display is a good thing. On the other hand, stashing the symbol in the darker corners of the collective subconscience serves no one but the ones whos ideal is the very same that we fear.
The origins of a symbol is not by default the "truth" associated with it. The swastika will have the stigma of the nazi on it for many years, and, the star of David will probably be associated with just jews and Israel regardless of whatever pagan origins it has. Assimilation of traditions and symbols in other cultures is ever present and to deny any plausible interpretation is to move a little further from reality.
December 9, 2004, 8:13 pm
err, what has nazis got to do with i need chinese soldat (and yes i did read SP's comment) i reckon it should be like this
english soldat
chinese soldat
vietnamese soldat
japanese soldat
french soldat
german soldat
ect ect, you get the idea or dont you? what im saying is that there should be a soldat for certain races and langauges for people, instead of having a person in your server who doesn't know what change team means, (no offence to any people that dont know what it means) but doesn't it get annoying, i mean i know
[IMAGE] with all sorts of people heh heh.
December 9, 2004, 11:08 pm
Some interesting reading.
liquidis x snake
December 9, 2004, 11:31 pm
Oh noes! There are others who support my causeeeeee!
AnzX Vi3t
December 11, 2004, 1:21 am
Hey...did he even get hsi translation?
help the poor guy out he needs a translation..